The Sorting
Summary: The war was over, Voldemort was gone. Kagome was back at Hogwarts, but this year was different. Headmistress McGonagall is having all students resorted. A lot of people stayed in the same house, some moved, Kagome Higurashi was one of the ones that moved. She, a Gryffindor was now a Slytherin, and no one knows how to treat her. Friendships are broken and new ones formed with the Resorting.
Crossover: InuYasha/Harry Potter
Pairing: Kagome/Severus
Kagome felt eyes following her once more, not such an unusual occurrence as the days continued on with little change. Though, she no longer could decipher whose eyes were on her, she knew that they were. A quick glance around the room, and no one stood out as everyone had become similarly adept to lowering their heads at the first sign of her raising her head.
Glancing to her right, she acknowledge Pansy who was looking at her curiously. "It's nothing,"
"...if you're sure." She glanced past Kagome and waved a hand.
Glancing back, Kagome smiled at Luna who was making her way towards the table they were sitting at. "Hey, Luna..."
"How are you faring on this day, Kagome?"
Shrugging, Kagome tapped the parchment on the table in front of her, "Just doing Flitwick's assignment before Potions, nothing else is knew."
"I see, that is good."
"Yes...I suppose it is..." Kagome smiled, 'Boring, but good. No one has tried to mess with me or Luna since last week's confrontation in the library. I can deal with people staring at me, but I'd much rather avoid physical confrontation.'
"Il mio beniamino, what has brought such a smile to your lips?"
"You are referring to the smile that had been there before you showed up, yes?" She didn't harbor any feelings of annoyance towards the Italian Slytherin, not really, at least. She honestly enjoyed their witty banter, and she clung to it during these times of nervous uncertainty.
"Ah, so mean. However, I'll let it slide today. I assume your smiles are reserved for those you hold dear to your heart. Those who you are...protective of?"
Kagome frowned, 'he's right. Without any family to name, Luna is like a sister to me. I won't let anyone hurt her. Since she's all I have left, I would easily give my life to keep her safe...I would have done the same for my family, if I could have.'
Blaise took in the look in her eyes. It was a look of understanding, heartache, conviction and...tenacious determination. "Kagome?"
She looked up and smiled coolly at the grey eyes looking down at her, "I'm fine, thank you for your continuous kindness, and even your concern. You needn't worry for my person, however. I am a capable witch, and I highly doubt that there is anyone in Gryffindor that can truly...cause me trouble. Should they try...I'll retaliate in a way that will make Slytherin's before me look like Hufflepuffs...and that is a promise." Kagome saw from the shadows of the hall a familiar face and caught a hand wave. Curiously, she stood and excused herself from the small group of friends before making her way to the individual who walked. Following in their steed, she made a swift right before coming face to face with her metaphorical bread crumb. "Potter..."
Kagome rolled her eyes, "call me Kagome, I dislike when people call me by my last name."
He nodded in understanding, staring at Kagome quietly, she stared back in confusion as he tried to come up with the right words to say. He'd come to talk to her, to check on her. Though, sneaking around behind Ron and Ginny's back kind of sucked, he didn't want to cause her more trouble by getting them involved. Finally, "how are you holding up?"
"...well, I have a whole house of lions breathing down my neck, apparently I'm sleeping around with Death know, since I'm their whore." She muttered indignantly.
He shook his head, "they don't know what their talking are nothing of the sort."
"Oh? Ginny seems to think otherwise."
'Ginny,' Harry thought about his ex, she'd changed so much since the school year started, and while he would normally agree with most anything she said. Well, he had heard her openly insulting Kagome, and didn't agree with any of it. He'd broken up with her, hoping she'd understand why...she just didn't see what she was doing was wrong. "Listen, if you need to talk to anyone, or if you find you need help...I guess what I'm saying is, not everyone in Gryffindor wants to see you hurt."
"Thank you, Harry. Um...there is one thing. If you could just keep an eye out for Luna. I don't want to see her get hurt in the crossfire."
"Yeah, absolutely!" He glanced past her for a moment and frowned.
Turning around, she saw Ginny, the girl glared hatefully at her. She watched in silence as the girl turned around, her red hair flaring dangerously around her shoulders as she walked off. "Harry, you truly know how to make the school year more exciting."
He sighed and bowed his head apologetically as Kagome just laughed. "She's going to completely misconstrue this meetup."
"It's none of my concern,"
"Of course not," he looked at her, "will you meet up with Lavender? Hermione told me about the letter, the challenge."
Shaking her head, she turned and looked over the books next to her, "I have no intention of entertaining Lavender or Ginny. This is our last year, Harry, and I'm having to spend it with one eye constantly looking over my shoulder."
"You shouldn't have to."
"But I do..."
She turned her back to Harry, Pansy and Blaise stood at the front of the aisle, both looking curiously at the Boy Hero. Turning her eyes to Harry, she gave him a small smile, "I'll see you around, Harry. Thank you again,"
He watched her silently as she left him in the aisle, turning to look at the books beside him, he stared curiously at one familiar title.
Hogwarts, A History
When Harry returned to the Gryffindor Common Room, he found Ron pacing back and forth, angrily, seething almost. "What's wrong with you?"
"You are, mate!" He glared, walking up to him and gripping his shirt in a fist. "Where do you get off seeing that traitor behind Ginny's back!?"
"Ronald, let him go!" Hermione yelled, she was standing beside Neville and Dean, both looked ready to jump in at any moment.
"Why should I?! He's conspiring with the enemy!"
"She's a Hogwarts student! This isn't the Triwizard tournament, she isn't Victor Krum, what are you talking about conspiring!? Let him go!" She gripped Ron's arm with hers, the two were dating, and so, in her head...she never imagined that he might hurt her. It simply never crossed her mind as a possibility.
A punch flew and Ron was knocked down by Harry. The Boy-Who-Lived moved to Hermione and looked her over, her cheek a flaming red from where Ron had backhanded her. Harry knew his friend lost his temper easily, sometimes he would fly off the broom and throw a fit, but that didn't excuse what he'd just done. The tears in his bookish friends eyes, the slight outline of the hand that had hit her was quite visible. She was trembling, looking worse than when Bellatrix had her in her grasp. The idea that Ron had just struck her, in her mind, that was worse than Bellatrix torturing her. Neville helped her up and took her to the boys dorms, Dean and Parvati followed after them while the rest of the Gryffindor house stared in silence at Ron, Harry and Seamus who had a tight grip on Ron's shoulders.
"Where is your head, Ron?! You hit Hermione! HERMIONE!"
"She should have stayed out of it," Ron muttered, trying to make an excuse for why he'd struck her, "it's not like I did it on purpose!"
"It doesn't matter if it was on purpose. Gryffindor house has completely fallen apart! I...can't look at any of you." Harry turned his back on the Gryffindor's and left the Common Room. He couldn't go back, he didn't dare to, not when they were so readily about to throw years of friendship down the drain over this sorting nonsense.
He went down a flight of stairs, took a turn, another flight, down a hall, and paced in front of the tapestry before him a few times. Watching as the Room of Requirements began to form in front of him, he sighed as he walked inside. A simple replica of the bedroom he'd stayed in while living with the Dursley's, nothing special, just a place to sleep and get away from the drama at school. Never imagining that he'd ever think of this room as a better alternative to Hogwarts, the irony didn't escape him. Laying back in the old bed, he closed his eyes and tried to force the images of Ron hitting Hermione out of his head. It took awhile before sleep...finally came to him.
In all of the chaos, it completely escaped him that Ginny hadn't been in the Common Room, and neither...had Lavender Brown.
Akuma: Here is chapter eleven of The Sorting! Things are seriously starting to get heated up! Wonder where Ginny and Lavender are...this can only lead to more trouble. Review my lovelies, and let us know what's on your mind!
Yuki: Another chapter! Things are looking up for you readers. It has been awhile since we were this active. Lol Hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Don't forget to read and review!