Brick POV:

We were just sitting around in MoJo's lair watching TV when he came in and said, "I have a brillient idea on how to destroy the PPGs." "What is it? A giant robot?", Butch asked sacasticly, "like that hasn't worked." We all laughed at him. "NO! I, MoJo JoJo, will turn you, the RowdyRuff Boys, into dogs to infiltrate the PowerPuff Girls' House and figure out their weaknesses in which I, MoJo JoJo, will use to defeat them, the PowerPuff Girls! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!", said MoJo. "Time out. You think that we'll just let you turn us into dogs and let the PPGs adopt us.", said Butch. "We're in.", I said. "What!"Butch and Boomer said in unision. I whispered to them, "If were dogs we'll get to see them in there underware and mabey even in the shower" We were 15 years old now and we got over cooties and thinking girls were gross phase. "Ohhhh", both my brothers said. Then MoJo said, "Great". Then we followed him into a room. He blasted us with a laser and everything went black.