NOTE: This story picks up after "Rosalie's Denali Dilemma". If you have not read that story, please do so. It will explain what this story is about. WARNING: This story will contain non-abusive, disciplinary spanking of a teenager. If you don't like that type of story, please look elsewhere…

Chapter 1—Home in Forks


We finally left Denali and are almost home. I will be glad to get home and away from "Tanya the Tramp." What a horrible trip, well, for me at least. I am not looking forward to facing my father when we get home. I already know what is in store for me and I am sure he is going to really let me have it. Tanya is his friend and has been for a long time. She is the leader of the Denali coven and I slapped and attacked her. She had no right enticing Edward and Emmett, right in front of us. I hate her, I don't want to ever go back to Denali.

We hunted last night so we would be full for the ride home. I have been in a terrible mood for the past 2 days knowing what's in store for me. Edward is anxious to get home to his little human. I heard dad blistered her butt a few times over the past 2 weeks she has been staying with him. Well, there may be hope for her after all. At least I'm not the only one who got in trouble during this time.

Oh, great, we are home. Now my stomach is doing flip-flops. I hate being in trouble. We are pulling into the drive up to our house. I am so glad I am home, but now I have to answer to my father. This is not going to be pretty!

We pulled into the garage and got our suitcases out. Entering the kitchen, dad and Bella were waiting for us. We all hugged and were happy to see them. Even the little human. Edward and Bella ran to each other like they have been away from each other for 3 years! I couldn't help it, I had to say something.

"Oh please, why don't you two get a room!" I said sarcastically to them.

"Shut up Rosalie." Edward said.

"Rosalie! I believe you are in enough trouble as it is, do not make it worse." Dad warned me.

"Great dad, remind everyone and let them know I'm going to get it. Thanks a lot, I can't even keep a punishment to myself, everyone has to be informed of it!" I smarted off to him.

"Watch your tone young lady, or we can go to my study and take care of this matter and the other right now if you would like?" Dad threatened.

"I don't care, get it over with, I'd rather…" I said to him but Emmett interrupted...

"Hey, babe, cool it down, let's take our stuff up to our room and you can relax a minute." Emmett said and pushed me toward the stairs. Dad was glaring at me. I really did it now. I'm sure I am going to pay for this.

I flashed up to our room. Emmett was downstairs and I heard dad call him into the den. Emmett is in trouble for teasing Bella again on the phone. Who knows what dad will do to him. I am staying in my room. As I was unpacking our things, I heard screaming, a male and a female. Running to the hallway I saw Emmett run down the stairs. In a minute, dad came flying upstairs. Then I found out Jessica was spending the weekend with us. I heard dad go calm her down. She ran into Emmett in the hall and it was dark and he scared her. Dad settled her down. I was standing in the doorway. Dad looked at me and said, "We will deal with your little stunt after Jessica leaves to go back home." I nodded. Great, can't wait for that day of reckoning.

Dad's punishment for Emmett was to take all of us shopping for the day in Port Angeles. By all of us, I mean me, Alice, Jessica, Esme if she wants and Bella. Bella elected to stay home with Edward. Esme stayed with Carlisle. The rest of us went and spent the day shopping. Emmett hated it, but he had to stay with us and take us wherever we wanted to go. So he talked Jasper into going with us and those 2 would sit out in the mall while we went into the various stores. They went to the video store in the mall and were looking for new games. Even though it was a punishment for Emmett, we did have a good time, even my Emmy. I didn't think about anything. We just had to remember Jessica needed to eat. So we stopped to eat lunch. We made some excuse up as to why we didn't eat. The guys were fooling around with the sports stores too.

Back at the Cullen house:

Esme went to Carlisle's study. "Carlisle, I want to talk to you about Rosalie. She did attack Tanya, but Tanya is to blame for all of it. She had no business taunting Rosalie or Edward. It was wrong of her to do that. Rosalie just reacted."

"Yes, I agree with you darling, but Rosalie has to learn to control her emotions and actions. She can't just go off and attack someone. She has been with us long enough to know how to behave." Carlisle told her.

"I did punish her Carlisle. I spanked her bottom and Tanya came in and saw what I was about to do. I feel she has been punished enough," Esme said.

"Well I am going to have a talk with her. She is going to have to answer to me also. I will not let this behavior get out of hand. We have to maintain some sort of relationship with the Denali coven. They are our closest allies. But don't worry, my lovely wife, I am going to have my say to Tanya also," Carlisle informed her.

"Really? I think that would be a good idea. It would make Rosalie feel better, and me for that matter. I was not happy with Tanya either. Eleazar was perturbed with her also. Too bad he isn't the coven leader there," Esme remarked.

"I agree, but Tanya is the leader. However, they consider themselves part of our extended family, therefore, I am the leader of the covens around our area. Since she wants to be part of our family, she has to answer to me and I am going to make sure she does," Carlisle said emphatically.

"Are you going to punish her?" Esme asked.

"I have voiced my concern over her taunting and playing up to Edward before, she knows I do not like it. She also knows how we feel about Bella. I haven't decided yet, I want to wait until after I speak with her again," Carlisle noted.

Not long after that, there was a knock at the study door. "Come," Carlisle called. Edward came in.

"Dad, I want to talk to you about Rosalie. She wasn't the one who instigated this, Tanya taunted both of us, she was way out of line. I know Rose shouldn't have done that, but I was mad at Tanya too. She wouldn't stop," Edward said.

"There, you see, even Edward saw it," Esme pointed out.

"Yes, but Edward didn't attack his hostess like Rosalie did. Even though he didn't like it, he controlled his temper, and if anyone has a temper, it is Edward. By the way, I am very proud of you for controlling your temper, son. I'm sorry, but I feel I need to address this matter with Rosalie. She needs to learn to control her emotions. What if that had been Bella," Carlisle posed.

Both Esme and Edward were at a loss for words at that. At least Carlisle knew that Tanya was the main culprit. They had to agree Carlisle had a point. What if Bella made a comment Rosalie didn't like. That could turn out bad, plus Rosalie had a problem with Bella anyway. Little Rose was going to get "pruned" and there was nothing anyone could do about it. Once Carlisle made up his mind, there was no going back. At least she gets a little fun before having to face the music.

Edward left to go over the Charlie's with Bella. He would be home sometime today. That left Esme and Carlisle alone to enjoy some quiet before the storm…

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