Heya~! This is a PewBuscus fanfic (I REGRET NOTHING) and yeah :D Warning: Contains yaoi. Boy x boy. Slash. Lemon. All of that in later chapters. Don't like, don't read. Don't know what those are? RUN AWAY AND NEVER LOOK BACK. TOO INNOCENT. Okie~

Disclaimer: I don't own PewDiePie or Tobuscus, that would be weird.


I tightened my grip on the arm of the chair, chuckling a bit at myself. After flying as much as I did, I could never really get used to the rough landing. It shook me, and I just hated every second of it. I was coming from Florida, and flying straight to VidCon, back in California. Sure, it was nice to visit where I grew up, but L.A. was my home. I had Gryphon, my parents, and just everyone was there. Not to mention the friends I've grown so close with. We're practically joined to the hip. I sighed softly, gazing out the window as the wheels of the plane hit the ground. Wheels… Happy Wheels…god dangit, I have to play some Happy Wheels…good thing I brought my laptop and microphone. We were let out, and I went to go retrieve my bags. Jack, Sean, Gabuscus, and Seth were waiting for me. Jack's face lit up with a smile, walking over to give me a tight hug. "Hey, Toby, great to see you again!"

I laughed. "Hey, Jack. Good to be back."

"How was Florida?" Gabe asked.

"Y'know, hot. Dry. But it was awesome meeting some of the Audience." I wasn't lying, either. The heat and the humidity was why I had to move my parents over here to L.A. It was getting too much for my mom. Her lungs were too sensitive for that. I love my Florida Audience, though. They were really fun, and made me laugh a lot. Overall, they were really nice. I even met one girl whose aunt I was best friends with in high school! I still talk to her, so that was really awesome. I did a vlog with the girl, calling her Niecebuscus. She was really cool, super nice. I always love meeting Audience, because you never know what kind of people you're going to meet.

"Well, you'll have to get used to California again, because we have to go to VidCon," Sean told me.

A smile flickered on my face. More Audience! "Hell yeah," I said with my slightly urban voice. Seth laughed, and we walked to the car. We drove to VidCon, conversation never ceasing because, well, we're freakin' bad-ass people. We never run out of things to say. That's just how we roll. We walked out, meeting one of the people who run VidCon. He shook our hands, and I asked where we can find our hotel. "Hotel?" he asked before chuckling. "I guess you didn't hear. Big YouTubers, such as yourself, are going to be staying in a house."

"A house?" I gaped. That's different. I'm considered a "big YouTuber" now? Pretty awesome.

"Not a big house. Of course, you'll have to share with another YouTuber. We have already picked who we think would share the house best with you. Who would have a lot to talk about, have a lot in common with," he said.

"Well…who is it?" I asked, curious as to who's my "perfect match."

"You'll be living with Felix Kjellberg, a famous game commentator," he answered.

Felix Kjellberg? I thought. Famous? Yeah right, how could he be famous if I've never even heard of him? "Oh. Okay, well, uh, where's our house?"

He gave me the directions and a key, and told me I could walk there. Being the lazy guy I am, I got a cab to drive me there, We reached a small, little neighborhood. I got out, grabbing my bags. I found the house, and I looked up, admiring it. It was black, red, and white. Darkness, redness, and whiteness. Perfect for me, right? With a grin, I put the key in the door, turning it. I opened the door, and was instantly met with the smell of pancakes. Well, this "Felix" guy sure knows how to greet someone, huh? I put down my bags, Heely'ing ((A.N. lolwhut is that how you say it)) over to the kitchen. I wanted to see who this guy really is. "Hm?" He turned, and my eyes widened.
