Hey readers, here is a new story called the game. It was supposed to be the next chapter of a story I was supposed to co-write, but that's cancelled, and now you have this. Hope you like it. Read and Review.

The Game

Chapter 1

Have you ever had the weirdest feeling of annoyance? Well that's how it always feels like sitting next to Jace Wayland. Gosh I just wanted to give him a half five in the face...with a chair. He irked my soul.

He was trying to woo me like he did with all the other girls he has dated.

" Hey Clary what time is it?" Jace asked.

I looked up at him from my current position (hands folded my resting my head on them), and said," Half past monkey ass. There's a clock in the front of the room."

He chuckled and looked up at the clock. Ring! The bell rung through the room, and I gathered my stuff together.

I quickly exited the class room and put my stuff in my locker. "Hey red!," Someone called. I didn't turn around right away and they yelled," Clary!"

I turned around when I realized it was Isabelle. She had beautiful black hair and gorgeous blue eyes. She was also a little bit tall. Not to mention she was Alec's sister, and my cheerleading help.

She was running in high heels! I gotta give her props, she ran fast in them. " Well I wanted to know if you wanted to come hang out with me at Java Jones later," She asked.

I wanted to see if she remembered me from our childhood, so I stuck out my hand for her to shake. "Well first I'd like to know your name," I said.

She seemed puzzled for a second. " My name is Isabelle Lightwood. Izzy for short. Don't you remember me?" She asked.

"Nice to re-meet you Isabelle Lightwood. I would love to go with you. Meet you in the parking lot after school?" I asked.

She nodded and we parted ways. I walked into the cafeteria and went in the food line. My stomach was growling, and after waiting impatiently for five minutes, my mood turned sour.

Suddenly someone grabbed my arm, moved me towards the front of the line. " My lady would like one slice of pizza, and a sprite. I would like two pizza's and a mountain dew. While your at it, I would like your number," The person I recognized to be Jace said to the concessions lady.

I jerked my hand back and looked up to Jace. I should have known. He paid for everything, and led me towards a table. Where was Jonathan when I needed him.

I came to my senses and stopped him from pulling me. "What the heck!" I nearly yelled. All eyes turned towards us.

Jace had the nerve to looked surprised. "What," he asked. I gave him a look.

" I wasn't playing when I said I wasn't going to be one of your female fem bots who gets stuck in Jace land," I said.

He got this weird look on his face and smirked. " Jace land? Sounds fun," he said. I glared at him, and took out my wallet. I pulled out five dollars, and handed it to him.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Giving you back what you paid for my lunch," I said. He smirked and winked at me.

"Well if you wanna pay me back, there are lots other ways," He said stuffing the money into my wallet.

I grabbed his shirt, pulling him to me. " Does any of these other things include me and you in the back of your car?" I asked.

He nodded, and I took the sunglasses off of his shirt. I leaned towards him as if going toward in for a kiss. Except I whispered in his ear,"Fuck off."

He stared at me in shock. I put his sunglasses on, and spun on the heels of my shoes. I flipped him off over my shoulder, while walking away.

As I was leaving, I could hear someone ask him," What did she say." I heard him say," She said fuck off." Everyone burst out laughing. Well so much for not attracting attention.

Maybe things here would be fun.

I always did love sassy Clary. Read and Review.