A/N: I'd like to wholeheartedly apologize for taking so long to wrap this up. I'll explain it at the end, and thank you all for being very patient. I really do appreciate the reviews and follows, it's been great fun.
The incessant beeping seemed to be intensified by the quiet of the early morning. The B.A.U. and the Doctor's companions stood behind the angel in the alleyway, patiently waiting for the ordeal to unfold. The Doctor was busy studiously overseeing the loading process. It had only been a few hours since they had found the woman, and since Morgan and Prentiss had eventually volunteered to walk her home. It wasn't like she could file an assault report on a statue.
It was, all in all, a peculiar scene. Only David Rossi could get a shipping company to pick up a randomly placed statue at four o'clock in the morning. Hotch looked over to the older man. "You know, you didn't have to pay for this thing to be sent all the way to Japan."
Dave just sent him a sideways glance, not even bothering to turn his head. "If your… friend over there says that it's the safest place to put the angel, that's where it's going."
"Where's it going to in Japan," Morgan asked. He and Emily had obviously missed that part of the discussion.
"Fukushima," Spencer replied. "There was a tsunami there in 2011. It destroyed a nuclear power plant, and the area was flooded with radiation. According to the Doctor, that form of energy can sustain the angels as well. Though, it's not quite as satiating."
"Are we sure that the place is abandoned?" J.J. asked from the other side of Hotch. "Because what's to say it doesn't start killing again once it's over there. He said these things are ruthless, right?"
"No," the Doctor said walking toward them. "This one is different." He stopped just short of the group and turned to continue watching the action. "From what I can tell, she is the only Weeping Angel at this point in time and space. She's been alone for many years. Only having one's self to talk to can be quite conducive to introspection."
J.J. stared flatly at the back of the man's head. "So you're saying that the statue had a change of heart?"
Prentiss turned left to face her blonde friend. "It's obviously capable of conscious thought. Is it really that much of a stretch to think that it could decide to change it's ways? That it could interpret the pain it was causing, and decide to stop?" That earned Emily a curious examination from the Doctor.
"Emily's right," Spencer spoke up from Rossi's left. "Maybe it didn't even realize what it was doing, or that humans are sentient for that matter. We were to it what animals are to us: sustenance."
"So what made it stop then?" Derek asked from Emily's side.
The Doctor turned to face the group once more. He studied them for a moment before his gaze came to rest on Emily. "Her." His head bobbed as he came to a conclusion of sorts. "At some point, survival isn't enough. One has to persevere with dignity and decency."
They all remained in silence, watching as the angel was eventually loaded into the back of the truck. Maybe some of the agents still weren't entirely convinced where the Doctor was concerned, but they all knew that this particular crisis was over. They would all have to settle for trusting the angel in its actions. It wasn't an idea that some of the F.B.I. agents were particularly fond of, but it would have to do.
The return trip to Quantico was decidedly less eventful than the happenings in the last few hours. The Doctor, Amy and Rory were all issued visitor badges in the lobby, and Hotch vaguely wondered who would take the blame when those visitors never left. It was still early, and they had about an hour before others would start to show up. Penelope met them in the bullpen, obviously running on nothing but caffeine and sugar. The group made quick work of removing the desks from around the TARDIS, sliding them back to their rightful locations.
Amy and Rory were all too ready to leave, but they took the time to politely bid adieu to each of the agents and Garcia. The Doctor had no such manners, and headed straight for his blue box. After a quick inspection, the Doctor found that everything was now in working order. It might not have been able to converse with him but when the TARDIS wanted something, she got it. He disengaged the active camouflage, and spun toward the entrance. The couple casually slid through the open door of their temporary home, and shared a confused look once they were inside. They were quite surprised that the F.B.I. would just let them hop back in their time machine and go. They were also a little startled by the Doctor practically busting them apart as he made for the door.
He stuck his head out to see the team staring on in curiosity and wonder. "Well," he said, "who's coming with me?"
A/N: Okay, I'm not exactly happy with this ending. I didn't think this story through before I started it, and I'm afraid that was a terrible mistake. I promise to never do that again.
Now, I did want to leave this open-ended (although, I had wanted it to be a bit different than this turned out). These are my two favorite TV shows, and if I get another idea where they could merge, I'd like to have a viable story to build on. A future story would not contain all of the CM characters though, and probably not Amy and Rory either. That's the other thing I learned from this little adventure. It's really hard to write nine different characters into a story.
I'd really like to apologize if this ending is disappointing. It is to me. When I do attempt this again, I'll add a chapter to this story to let followers know.