Basically Yumi's running away from her abusive father and ends up meeting the gang. Ulrich immediatly falls in love with her but she doesn't trust any men. Can he show her that he truely loves her? Or will her father have something to say about it?

Rated T for gore and violence

(and for my regular viewers yes I am still writing "Skills in Love" but for now I have writer's block. I have not given up on it so don't worry. Also this story is original written by me and can also be found on )

~*~ Who is She? ~*~

We start our story with a tall beautiful Japenease girl about 14 who was running from her father's house in blood and tathered clothing. She had raven chin black hair and sapphire blue eyes. Sadly her porcelin white skin was always covered with blood or bruises.

"Yumi get back here now!" Her father Takeo Ishiyama bellowed loudly at her.

Her name was Yumi Ishiyama and let's just say she didn't have a good life at all. Normal 14 year old girls her age usually worried about crushes on boys, school dances and getting good grades to impress her parents. She had worse to worry about however...

Her mother was killed at the age of 8 and her father and brother Hiroki didn't take it well. She tried to make a good replacement as the years went on but all her father did was yell and beat her. He would get drunk and beat Yumi constantly on little things. Like getting simple B's on her grade cards or maybe her room wasn't the cleanest. It got so bad for her he eventually pulled her out of school because the teachers were getting suspicious.

Well one night Hiroki was up past his bed time talking with Yumi when their father came in drunk like always. He reached at Hiroki before Yumi could pull him away.

"Daddy stop!"

She ran to help her little brother but her father closed her bedroom door locking her inside it. She banged and screamed to be let out but her only response were the terrified cries from Hiroki and the shouts from her father. Eventually the noises stopped and Yumi knew what had happened...her brother was dead. Several years had passed since then.

Now we continue to where we left off with Yumi running. "I have to run away before one of these days he kill's me!" She thought to herself. She stopped when she heard him running and ducked into a nearby bush.

"Yumi!..Get back here now!...Fine! If you run away you're not welcome in my house!" He said screaming.

Yumi whimpered and put her hand on her mouth to silence her cries. As soon as he was gone Yumi left the bush and sniffed from her crying. She walked away from her old neighborhood and went to go start a new life somewhere else.

Meanwhile at a school not too far away called Kadic, there was a group of four teen friends. One was Jeremie Belpois who had blonde hair and glasses. His friends playfully called him "Einstien" due to his great skills on the computer.

Another blonde with a purple blotch in his hair pulled to a point was a teen boy named Odd Della Robbia. Yes his name was really Odd. He was the school Casanova and pretty much dated all the girls there except for one of his best friends Aelita.

Aelita Shcaffer was a cute and bubbly girl who had pink hair and emerald eyes that showed kindness. She too was incredibly smart when it came to computers and her friends playfully called her "Princess."

And finally a teen boy with brown shaggy hair and chocolate brown eyes was named Ulrich Stern. He had also the expressions of a person with a mysterious past. But in front of his friends he was caring, and quite protective. Right now the gang was sitting at their regular bench after another boring day of classes.

"Hey Einstien what did we do in Ms. Hertz's class today?" Odd said yawning.

"Why sleep in again?" Jeremie asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nope he skipped to be with Naomi." Ulrich said in a teasing tone. Odd rolled his eyes and looked back to Jeremie.

Aelita giggled, "Really Odd? A new girlfriend? That's the third one this week Casanova."

Odd smirked and shrugged his shoulders, "What can I say Princess the girls can't resist...The Odd." He said and posed. Ulrich laughed and turned to Odd.

"Can't resist what Odd? Your bad jokes or scrawny body?"

Odd gasped dramatically, "I have great jokes and I'm not scrawny, I'm svelte!" Aelita giggled and leaned on her boyfriend Jeremie. Ulrich shook his head smirking. "Uh oh Ulrich your fan club." Odd said making Ulrich groan. He saw Sissi Delmas the principal's daughter running to him.

"What are you gonna do now?" Jeremie asked.

Ulrich turned to his friends, "Just watch." He said and ran away to the woods. Sissi went to the gang and looked around.

"Didn't I just see my Ulrich Dear here a minute ago?" She asked them confused. The three quickly came up with random excuses.

"In his room!"

"Principal's office!"

"He died!" They all shouted to her and looked to each other. Sissi was confused and just rolled her eyes leaving.

With Ulrich he had hid in a tree. Helooked toward the gang's direction and saw his stalker leaving and sighed relieved. Just then he saw a few leaves fall from the tree and looked up.

"Uhhh..Hello? Anyone there?" He climbed up further in the tree and saw some beautiful sapphire blue eyes staring at him frightened.

"Hello. Who are you?"

Yumi didn't answer and backed farther into the tree. "You ok?" Again she didn't answer and just whimpered. "Aww come on I'm not that scary am I?" Ulrich chuckled and when he didn't see the girl's expression change he responded, "Okk..I guess I am.."

Down below Ulrich heard Odd's voice calling up to him, "Hey Ulrich you coming down or what?" Ulrich looked from Odd on the ground to Yumi in the tree but she was gone.

"Where the heck did she go?" Ulrich pondered, "Yeah I'm coming Odd." He took one last look in the trees and climbed down to be with Odd.

"Come on we got to get to school. It's lunch time!" Odd said excited. Ulrich didn't even hear, he was still thinking about the girl in the tree. "Ulrich? Hello Ulrich?" He said waving a hand in his face.

"Oh sorry Odd. Ok let's go to lunch." And he left with Odd to the cafeteria. As he left he did not see Yumi behind the tree looking out at him.

Yumi sighed as the two boys left, "Hopefully he forgets about me..."

~*~ To Be Continued ~*~