J: I am warning everyone now that this is just a whimsical fanfiction that I was inspired to write. By whimsical I mean that there are really no promises with how far it will get. Right now I have a good idea of how I want this story to play out in terms of the long term plot, the minor details are just going to be thrown in as I go.

Disclaimer: I do not own any Inuyasha characters.

P.S. If you end up reviewing let me know how I do on the characters. This chapter mainly focuses on Shippo and Rin so the material given with Sesshy and Kagome isn't a great reference ahha. Just keep their characters in mind for future chapters :)

Friends to Family

Chapter One

His first day of elementary school and he was already in trouble.

Shippo Higurashi stood with his back against the school yard fence. His teal pants were ripped at the knee showing his scrapped bleeding knee. His tan t-shirt was covered in dirt but thankfully not ripped. Every inch of his body was covered in dirt and small bruises; the only thing undamaged was the leaf pendant charm that lay hidden beneath his shirt. The pendant was his disguise charm that allowed him to appear human with black hair, rounded ears and brown eyes. Even if he weren't disguised he'd still be in the same situation.

The three taller older boys were demons just like him. Because they were older they were allowed to show their true identity. The leader of the three was a bat demon, the other two were twin bird demons. He didn't know their names and they didn't know his. All they cared about was that he was a runt and a demon. Had he been a real human they wouldn't have bothered with him at all.

"You're a pathetic excuse for a demon."

"You're a coward and a baby."

"Fight like a real demon."

The three boys had been saying things like that since they first laid eyes on him. Shippo had ignored them like his Mama had taught him but these bullies were determined to show Shippo that they were better than him.

"Why are you hurting him? He didn't do anything to you." This voice was new.

Behind the three bullies stood a girl a head shorter than them. With long black hair sporting a small pony tail she was dressed in a yellow and red sundress.

The bat demon narrowed his red eyes in a glare, "Go mind your own business human trash."

The girl frowned, "Don't call me names, it's not nice."

"I'll do whatever I want and there's nothing you can do about it." Bat boy reached forward intending to push her down. His fingers got within an inch of her personal space when a green barrier appeared and repelled him with enough force to make him hit the twins.

Shippo sniffed the air identifying the magic as worked not natural. Bat boy got to his feet, his eyes almost entirely red, "You brat magic isn't allowed, now it's my turn." His fangs extended glowing red with a youkai charged attack.

Shippo had been raised to know when to fight and when to run. This was now the time to run. Calling up a small bit of fox magic Shippo took out an acorn and threw it on the ground causing an illusion of a smoke cloud to cover the bullies.

Going around the distracted boys he took hold of the girl's hand and ran, "Come on we need to hide."

The two ran to the other side of the playground and ducked down behind some bushes. Relieved to be out of the fight Shippo smiled at the girl, "Thanks for helping me."

The girl smiled back brighter than Shippo's spotless white teeth, "You're welcome. Those boys were being meanies and I don't like meanies. Papa told me it was wrong to fight others that are smaller if they didn't do anything to you. My name is Rin who are you?"

"Shippo. That's a really awesome protection harm you're wearing. Where'd you get it?" The two sat facing each other now eager to learn more about the other.

Rin pulled out a necklace that bore three small charms each one enforced with pure protective energy. "Papa bought it for me for school. He told me that no one could touch me if they wanted to hurt me and it lets me see who is a demon and who is not. You have pretty orange hair Shippo." Rin playfully tugged on his busy ponytail.

Shippo was amazed, "You can see my true self and you're not scared? All the other human kids that know I'm a demon don't like me and run away. They think I'll hurt them."

Rin shook her head, "I'm not scared Shippo. You're really nice, will you be my friend? All the other children only want to be my friend so their moms and dads can be friends with my Papa."

"I'll be your friend Rin and I don't know who your Papa is...Who is he?"

"He's Sesshoumaru, he owns the whole school and a big big company." Adoration was laced into every word as her chocolate brown eyes sparkled.

Shippo's tail (had it been visible) puffed out in fear. He didn't know anything about the company part but the name was enough to make him gulp. An image of a stern burly man came to the forefront of his mind when thinking of a man named ' the killing perfection.' His voice held some tremble when he responded, "M-My Mama is named Kagome and she's got really strong miko powers. She's really nice and loves to play games."

"Papa likes to go out for supper and see movies with me."

The two continued back and forth with information about their parents and about themselves all through recess and throughout class after they realized they were in the same class.

Their teacher couldn't understand how the two children that had kept to themselves were now the most animated with each other.

By the time school had finished they were holding hands and making plans to visit each other on the weekends. Reluctant to let go of their best friend they took their time in leaving making them the last ones out the door.

Looking ahead Shippo's face lit up. Waiting for him at the gates was his Mama.

Dressed in a coffee stained red skirt and rumpled yellow blouse Kagome Higurashi's smile was framed by her long ebony hair let free from its work bun. As her boy came closed with the little girl she crouched down to be on eye level, "Who is your friend Sweetie?"

"This is Rin Mama." Shippo was proud to show off his new friend.

"It's nice to meet you Rin. Did you both have a fun day?" Kagome thought Rin was adorable as her shy smile stretched to a full grin.

Both children nodded enthusiastically to answer. "Good. Is your mom or dad here Rin?" Kagome wanted to get home to shower but not without ensuring Rin's safety.

Rin's head swivelled left and right, her bright eyes stopped on a sleek black car that was just pulling up in front of the school. "That's my Papa! Can Shippo meet my Papa?"

Shippo's enthusiasm seemed to go down a notch as he gave his Mama a nervous glance. Reading the message loud and clear Kagome asked, "Why don't I come say to your Papa too?"

"Okay!" Rin held tight to Shippo's hand and took off running for the car as one of the back doors opened.

A tall man with long black hair tied back into a low ponytail stepped out of the car. His black and white business suit had nothing out of place.

Kagome's breathe hitched in her throat when she felt his repressed youkai. 'I didn't think there were any demons THIS strong still roaming. He does look familiar though.' "Papa! Look I made a new friend. His name is Shippo, he's a fox demon and this is his Mama Kagome." Rin was so pleased to introduce her new friend that she missed Sesshoumaru's raised eyebrow at the part about Shippo being a fox demon. He'd deduced the boy to be a demon but it wasn't until he picked up the woman's human scent that he became curious. A human adopting a full blooded demon was extremely rare.

Sesshoumaru gave a curt nod in greetings, "I was not provided a last name Mrs?"

"Higurashi, and it's just Ms. I'm not married. If I am not mistaken you are Sesshoumaru Taishou?" He gave a blunt "Hn." "It is an honour to meet you. And it was wonderful to meet you Rin, I hope we can see each other again. We must be going. Have a good evening you two." Kagome gave a polite bow then scooped up Shippo and left.

They didn't really have anywhere to be but his youkai had been pressing down on her powers. Her miko training was slim so keeping her powers in check was difficult at times, especially when a daiyoukai was close by.

Sesshoumaru watched the ebony haired woman and her fox kit disappear around the corner. A single breeze had carried her scent back to him telling him of her worry. 'Worried about Rin or worried about herself?' Ushering Rin into the car he asked her while buckling her seatbelt. "How did you meet Shippo Rin?"

"Three mean demon boys were picking on Shippo and hurting him. I helped him and then he helped me. We're in the same class too. Papa can I go over to Shippo's on Saturday? He invited me over and said that his Mama is really fun to play with. Please Papa?" Rin's ability to start one subject then change to another was well used when she wanted something.

Sesshoumaru pulled out his palm pilot to check his own schedule for Saturday. That upcoming Saturday he had a meeting with two of his biggest clients and a follow up presentation from his second partner Miroku Houshi. Rin would be home with Jaken and likely bored and miserable. "Was Ms. Higurashi asked about you visiting?"

Rin's smile stayed firmly in place, "Shippo is asking her today and then he'll let me know tomorrow. If she says yes can I? Pretty please Papa?" Rin's eyes went wide with her lower lip out in a pout.

'I need to find out who taught her that damned puppy face.' "I do not know Ms. Higurashi so I cannot trust her."

"But Shippo says Kagome has incredible miko powers. She knows how to make barriers like my charm and she can make poison clean."

'A single miko that adopted a fox kit? Rare indeed.' Sesshoumaru shook his head, "I'm sorry Rin but until I know I can trust Ms. Higurashi I will not risk your safety." Rin's entire demeanor took on a sulky disposition. "However, Shippo is welcome to spend Saturday at our home." He could practically taste her happiness her face was glowing so brightly.

"Thank you Papa! I can't wait to tell Shippo tomorrow. I'll show him all my toys and pictures. Shippo really likes to draw and he's really good." Rin continued to list off all the activities her and Shippo would do on Saturday.

Sesshoumaru listened with half an ear as he focused on his palm pilot composing an email to his half brother who was an established detective. His instructions were simple. 'Get me all you can on Kagome Higurashi.'