Disclaimer: I don't own any final fantasies.
In Treatment: Epilogue, Trust
Just because Dr. G had told Cid that Squall had completed his mandatory sessions didn't mean he wasn't welcome anymore, right? He had already gone to the group 2 more times beyond his required sessions, but apparently Dr. G hadn't given the green light to Cid until the other week. Did she know about the attendance recommendation all along? Were there rules about coming and going? Squall felt hurt, in a way, that she hadn't said anything. Maybe she didn't want to embarrass him in front of people, or force him to explain that he only came in the first place because he was required to. It was infuriating.
I am such a loser.
Squall turned around for the third time in a span on 5 minutes heading back towards the center where group was held. He had been debating for nearly an hour in Garden before coming down here as to if he should attend. Well, that wasn't completely true. He wanted to attend. In fact, he also, finally, had admitted that he probably should. The hesitancy was if he was welcome anymore. Somehow the knowledge that Dr. G had signed some paper letting him off the hook felt like she had dumped him. It sucked. On the other hand, she was filling out a form that was part of her job.
I swear therapy is making me crazier. Why am I so nervous to go into a room I've been in plenty of times before? The guys who are looking at the security footage from this building must be having a field day.
He was anxious. He was afraid. What was it that Dr. G said? When something causes extreme anxiety it's a clue to look into it, because it's a sign of something from your past? Squall briefly wondered if Zell was starved as a child, given the panic he had when hotdogs ran out on Wednesdays. No,he concluded, Zell is just… a very unrefined eater.
Shaking the mental image of Zell cramming his mouth full of hotdogs, Squall sighed. If he was being honest with himself, he knew exactly why he was anxious. It was the same thing that made him terrified to ever kiss Rinoa, even more terrified to tell her he loved her, terrified to welcome Seifer back to Garden, terrified to actually hear what Laguna had to say, terrified of getting close to Selphie, Zell, Quistis, sometimes Irvine…. He was absolutely terrified of one thing.
Rejection. What if…. What if she doesn't want me there anymore?
How fucked up am I going to be if even my therapist rejects me?
But I won't live in fear. That's what she said, right?
After all, Rinoa hadn't rejected him after he ran out in the middle of the night AFTER consummating their relationship, sneaking off while she slept. I'm definitely kind of a dick. If he wasn't going to get rejected after that, it seemed, the odds were finally in his favor. Setting his jaw resolutely, Squall opened the door to the center and walked into the room that held the group. He could hear Dr. G's voice, apparently all his lolly-gagging had meant that group had already been going on for 30 minutes. And after all that, I'm gonna be late. Hyne, I really am a loser.
He quietly opened the door. Dr. G was in the middle of discussing something, "… he's playing a game with you. A mind game. We call this game 'Why don't you- yes, but'. He has complained that his relationship is problematic, but yet every time someone offers a solution it can't be done. The 'yes, but'. Why don't you try counseling? 'Yes, but, we don't have the money.' Why don't you try a free group at the community center? 'Yes, but she works that day.' Why don't you do the Timber community center? ' Yes, but she hates driving.' See, there is an excuse, and the game is that he is getting what he wants by arguing with people offering help. That way he never has to actually DO anything. There was a psychiatrist who described…" Dr. G paused when she noticed Squall walk in. She flashed him an extremely warm smile. He immediately felt like a complete idiot for being so hesitant to come. Grabbing a cup of coffee, he took a seat next to Cloud.
Dr. G was finishing up, "… people play games. We all do. Some are good, some are bad. You have to figure out what game is being played to be able to get out of it. They are meant to try and 'win', which isn't necessarily a good thing."
Cloud cleared his throat, "Can I address the elephant in the room?"
Squall internally groaned Please don't call me out, Cloud. I'm late, I feel stupid, just let it go.
Dr. G nodded, "Sure."
Cloud motioned to Dr. G, "What's up with… the get up?"
Squall looked over at Dr G. She was wearing a black ball gown that shimmered and had a more daring slit that he would have expected from her. Her hair was done in a tasteful up-do and she wore makeup. A lot more than he was used to. She was definitely dressed for a black tie affair.
Dr. G laughed, "What? I wear this every Friday." She smirked, "My husband is being honored at a gala tonight, I actually am going to have to cut group short so that I can make it, my ride should be here any minute."
Tidus whistled. Squall rolled his eyes. Dr. G stood up and headed to the door. She stopped by Squall as she was walking out, "Oh, Squall. If you're late, you have to bring the cookies next time, okay?" Squall snorted and hid a small smile. Dr. G walked to the door and then outside.
"Hey guys!" Tidus yelled while staring out the window, "Check it out! Dr. G is getting in some super fancy limo!"
Squall chose that moment to exit the building, as to not be subjected to listening to Tidus speak any longer than he was forced to. As he was walking back towards Garden, a long black limo pulled up beside him and the window began to roll down. Squall raised an eyebrow and stopped walking. Maybe there was a problem and he had to fix a tire or something. He was not expecting, nor was he prepared for, Laguna to call to him from the window.
"Squall!" Laguna called, motioning for him to come closer, "I was hoping I might run into you since I was in Balamb. Sorry for not calling in advance, I didn't want to bother you, and well…" Laguna rubbed the back of neck nervously.
Squall grunted non-committedly then nodded to two other people he saw in the limo, "Kiros. Ward."
Ward gave him a thumbs up and Kiros nodded. They shifted slightly and he saw another man in there, wearing a tux. He looked extremely familiar, but Squall didn't recognize him clean shaven and not wearing Moomba pajamas. Next to him, was Dr. G.
Why is Dr. G with Laguna? Has she been telling him about what I said about him?
If the man recognized Squall, he made no notice of it. In fact, neither did Dr. G, though she did have a twinkle in her eye.
"Squall, this is Jin Kadowaki, he's Dr. Kadowaki's older brother, and is the engineer responsible for most of Esthar. This is his wife, Georgiana," Laguna motioned to Dr. G and her husband. Apparently, Laguna was under the impression they didn't know each other. Squall was extremely relieved. The thought of Dr. G telling Laguna anything about him was upsetting. The look on his face must have given him away, however, because Laguna looked back and forth between Dr. G and Squall, "Do you two… know each other?"
Dr. G laughed and shook her head, "Not really, Laguna. I've run into the young Commander at the Garden while visiting Dr. Kadowaki perhaps? I'm sure we've briefly crossed paths."
Thank Hyne
Laguna nodded enthusiastically, "Of course, of course. Anyway, Squall, were all going to this gala. You should come!" He made motions to try and open the limo door. Squall wanted to run. Squall could hear Dr. G's voice cutting through, "Laguna, this would be boring for a young man, don't you think? It's Friday night, he probably has plans. Don't force the poor boy."
Thank you, Dr. G
Laguna laughed, "of course, of course! Anyway, Squall, let's get coffee soon. Please? Maybe tomorrow, you know I have to come back to Balamb, because…"
This time Dr. G's husband cut in, "President Loire, I have to give a speech in 30 minutes."
"Oh right, right, of course. Well, bye Squall!" Laguna rolled up the window and the limo sped off.
Thank Hyne.
Squall gave a small wave as the limo sped off. He recalled the pamphlet that sat at the seats of newcomers to the group that laid out the rules. Confidentiality was one. His trust was not misplaced. Trust? Trust. I trusted. Maybe this is what they call a breakthrough.
In the distance the limo stopped again for a group of people that were walking towards Balamb. Squall could see the hand of Laguna making introductions and Rinoa introducing herself. Thankfully Rinoa wasn't jumping up and down screaming 'You're the lady who made my boyfriend not be such an aloof jerk all the time!' At least Rinoa had enough sense to act innocent. Innocent, my ass. She's a sneaky little minx. Selphie was jumping up and down, but that was normal. She's probably fangirling over Laguna. Squall rolled his eyes.
To Squall's surprise, Quistis seemed to be fangirling as well. He had never seen her so…. Excited? This is the most disturbing thing I've seen in my entire life. Please don't also have a crush on Laguna, Quistis. You're too smart for that.
The limo door opened, and Dr G's husband exited, looking mildly annoyed. Quistis reached out a hand and shook Dr. G's husbands over and over while talking at what appeared to be warp speed. Quistis must know him from his work.
The last person of the group was Irvine. He had been holding Selphie's hand and tipped a hat to the limo. I guess he's out of the doghouse. So help me Irvine, if Selphie so much as sniffles you are gone to guard the monastery in Northern Trabia. Not because I care of course, but because she will sit there and bug Rinoa and me for hours and I won't get any alone time with her so I can….
His thought process was halted as he noticed Rinoa running down the street towards him as the limo sped off yet again. Squall had been spotted. His smile widened and he ran towards her as well. He didn't care who saw anymore even if he looked like an idiot in love. It was true, afterall.
And there it is. This is the first fic I have ever completed. Sorry it took so long and I appreciate everyone who read this and reviewed. Sorry I did not respond to reviewers, life got in the way and then I actually lost my login info and couldn't get into ffnet. Thank you for all the feedback and hope you enjoyed this and maybe even learned something :-P. Stay tuned for Laguna's turn with Dr. G in a one-shot. :)