Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

A/N: So, as most Tumblrians know, I really shouldn't be writing fanfiction because I'm so freaking busy trying to finish my work. But I needed to write something other than literary theory, so I did this Tumblr request. Sorry it's short, I can't afford to write fanfiction right now (haven't even started chapter 23 of ES, sorry, guys).

Joey Wilson remembered his first Thanksgiving remarkably well. It had been the only one he remembered fondly, before the Jackal incident, before Grant had died, before his family broke apart.

Grant balanced his spoon on his nose, screwing up his face to keep it from falling off. Joey breathed on his spoon and imitated his brother.

"Put them back," Adeline scolded softly, smiling. "The turkey will be out soon."

As their mother turned away to the kitchen Joey glanced at his brother. As the spoon fell off Joey's nose he scrambled to catch it. Looking up, he saw Uncle Wintergreen with a spoon on his nose. Irrepressible giggles erupted at the dinner table. Grant laughed so hard that his spoon finally fell off. Adeline poked her head back into the dining room.

"Really, Will?" Adeline asked. "On Thanksgiving?"

"I'm British, I can't take this holiday seriously."

All three placed their cutlery back on their napkins. Slade shortly walked in with a huge platter and placed it on the table. As he sat down at the head he suddenly stumbled, his legs giving way beneath him. In an instant Adeline caught him, whispering something urgent in her husband's ear.

The idea that his father was a physically powerful man had never crossed the young Joe's mind. The aftereffects of the superdrug still attacked his young father, crippling him at odd moments. Looking back, he realized that Slade must have kept up appearances to dupe them all. Slade picked up the craving knife.

"Let me do it, honey," Adeline said softly, placing a hand on Slade's arm.

Whenever his father stumbled like that Joey always felt worried. He didn't quite understand why Slade would be weak one day, and suddenly superhuman the next. No one ever gave him a straight answer, and Grant didn't know either.

"Are you okay, Dad?" Grant asked.

"I'm fine," Slade replied.

Though Joey understood vaguely that Thanksgiving was about some people in funny hats who ate lots of food with the Indians, he also knew that it was about being thankful for what you have. In that moment he was thankful that his dad was well enough today to be there. He was thankful for having a silly brother and a silly British uncle who didn't really celebrate Thanksgiving, and he was thankful for his mother for being there for his dad.

"Now," Slade said as Adeline began to cut the bird, "who wants to eat some turkey?"