Amalthea: Enjoy this rewrite of Ocean's Jewel, Kon please do the disclaimer!

Kon: Amalthea does not own Harry potter, Bleach or Mermaid Melody! She also doesn't own any songs that appear! All she owns is the mermaid forms and the transformations of some of the males! Please read and review her stories and vote in her poll! Also Amalthea is looking for people to do Fanart of her stories! So pm her if you do some!

Ok so here are the clans, their Heirs and their mate

Silver Pearl Mermaid: Hope /FemHarry, Pairing: Gin

Orange Topaz Mermaid: Ichigo, Pairing: Aizen

Blood red Ruby Mermaid: Renji, Pairing: Byakuya

Blue Sapphire Mermaid: Uryu, Pairing: Szayel

White Diamond Mermaid: Toushiro, Pairing: Draco

Green Emerald Mermaid: Ulquiorra, Pairing: Grimmjow

Purple Amethyst Mermaid: Chad, Pairing: Neville

Fire Opal Mermaids: Fred and George, Pairing: Kisuke

Black Opal Mermaid: Yumichika, Pairing: Ikkaku


They had been betrayed by someone who had gained the Marauder court's trust, now they were all on the run from England's ministry of Magic and Dumbledore. Hermione took her parents and moved to Canada while Luna and her father moved to France, Harry and the other four boys of the Marauder court moved to Japan just shortly before Harry's 17th birthday…

July 30th….

Harry had been a grump all day as his legs constantly throbbed in pain, Fred and George were also suffering from the same aliment making even the normally cheerfully Twins ready to bite off heads. Draco and Neville wisely stayed out of their way for the day, Draco watched his brothers in all but blood suffer the pain in their legs right up until bed. Draco sat there in bed doing research when three identical cries of pain came from Harry's room and the Twins' room, he and Neville hurried to check on their companions but what they found shocked the hell out of them…

Few minutes earlier…

Harry groaned as the pain increased in his legs and started to spread to the rest of his body, the pain suddenly became an inferno as his clock hit midnight and he could feel his body changing and reshaping itself. Harry whimpered as he clenched his teeth against the pain of his body changing its gender and form. Few minutes later, Harry opened her eyes and glanced down at what had been her legs with shock, instead she had a pure silver tail with flowing fins and her hair had grown to where her ankles would have been and changed to match her tail. Harry fumbled in the dark as she reached for the mirror that Sirius had given her before he had died, she soon found it and held it up as she gazed into it, her eyes were now framed by long lashes and the color of her eyes seemed to be enhanced with a soft unearthly glow as with her tanned skin.

Just then Draco barged into the room and stopped short at seeing his closest friend as a female mermaid, Harry looked close to panicking as she looked down at her tail and said "What the hell just happened to me!"

Draco then walked over and picked her up as he said "I don't know…There's nothing in the Potter family tree that would cause this…"

Harry squirmed as she was carried into the bathroom connected to her room, Draco then lowered her into the large tub as Harry sighed and said "Well, where did this form come from then?"

Draco then thought of something and said "Harry, your mom! What if she was the carrier for the transformation? What if she wasn't a muggleborn but maybe her family was descended from a squib who was part mermaid?"

Harry looked at him in surprise as that made a lot more sense than it should have when Neville came in with a panicked look on his face, he took one look and said "The twins went through the same change as Harry!"

Draco and Harry looked shocked at that when they then heard loud knocking from the window, they all looked to see Hedwig holding an aged letter and a newer letter that had the Wizarding bank's seal on it. Hedwig then flew over to her mistress and held out the letters to her, Harry read the aged latter first after she saw the Name of Lily Potter on it. Draco watched as tears came to her eyes and she said "You're right Draco…The mermaid form is from my mother but she was adopted into the Evans family after her parents died and she has a twin sister that she was separated from…"

Harry took a deep breath and continued to read the letter as she then jaw-dropped and said "You have GOT to be kidding me!"

Draco looked at her curiously and she said in a shaky voice "I'm actually a Girl…Mom and dad disguised me as a boy when I was born."

Draco looked shocked as did Neville who then said "That doesn't change who you are to us…"

Harry looked at them gratefully and said "My real name, it seems, is Hope…"

The two boys took the hint and smiled as Neville told them he was going to check on Fred and George as Hope then opened the other letter and read it, she yelped in shock and let Draco read it who paled and said "How are we going to get away? We have nowhere else to go to get away from Dumbledore and his cronies…"

Hope then remembered something in the letter and said "Mom said in her letter that I had a mate that would help me get away from the headmaster if necessary, she said "Call with all your heart and he'll come" but I don't know what that means…"

Draco then said "I've heard of that! To call your soul-mate, you have to pray with all your heart and he should be able to hear you…"

Hope took a deep breath and nodded as she did what felt natural and began to pray with her hands over her heart, she prayed with all her heart as Draco left the room to warn the others that Dumbledore had somehow found them and was on his way. Hope then opened her eyes ten minutes later as she knew her mate had heard her cry for help, she then heard the sounds of spells being cast as Draco and Neville protected the house the best they could from Dumbledore's cronies.


Gin had been talking to Aizen when he felt someone calling for him, he growled at the feeling of fear they had and quickly sent a feeling of comfort to them as he told Aizen that he had to go to the human world. Aizen took one look and said "Your mate came in to her inheritance and your soul-bond was activated, wasn't it?"

Gin nodded and then hurried into a portal as soon as Aizen dismissed the Dragon/Kitsune hybrid, he shifted to his dragon form as he hurried down the portal's tunnel and came out over top a house that was under attack. He roared as he landed in front of the house and gave a frightening hiss at the attackers, they quickly backed off and ran for it as he sent a jet of pure white flames with a hint of gold at their feet. He waited until they were gone and then returned to human form, he turned to the door and found two males staring at him in shock when the blonde spoke up and asked "Are you Hope's mate?"

Gin nodded as he wondered who they were and what their connection was to his mate, they then introduced themselves as Hope's adoptive brothers and invited him inside. Once they were inside, Neville excused himself to check on the twins while Draco started to explain the situation to Gin. Gin listened in shock at what his mate had been through and asked to see her; Draco led him to the room and told him that she was in the Tub because of her inheritance that just woke up.

Hope was waiting quietly when she heard Draco's voice tell someone she was in the tub, she looked up in surprise as a Handsome silver haired man walked in and stopped in shock as he stared at her tail. He then looked at her and knelt beside the tub with a gentle smile as he said "Thank you for calling me…"

Hope's eyes went wide as she said "You're…my mate?"

Gin nodded when they heard the sound of a group of people outside the house, Draco came in and said "We need to go! Dumbledore is here!"

Hope looked scared as Gin told Draco to grab what they wanted to bring with them and to gather the other three while he carried Hope. Draco nodded and ran to get Neville and the twins, Hope was trembling when her Mate picked her up gently and said "Don't worry; I'll protect you from the old man. You're safe with me…"

Hope gazed up at him then laid her head on his shoulder as he opened the portal, Draco and Neville then came in with the twins who were looking a bit scared as they were piggybacked into the room. Gin had them go first through the portal while he shifted Hope to his back as he sensed someone coming towards them and quickly stepped into the hall, Hope whimpered when she saw who it was causing Gin to draw his sword. The old man who was wearing horridly loud colors that clashed, then fired a spell that Gin dodged. Hope clung to Gin helplessly as Dumbledore fired spell after spell at them when he aimed past them and used a mirror to rebound the spell at them!

Hope warned Gin who dodged but Dumbledore managed to hit Hope at the same time with a spell that made her cry out in pain as she felt her lower half shift and painfully settle into place somehow. Gin growled at the smirk on the old man's face and quickly used his Zanpakutou on Dumbledore who dodged it giving Gin time to open a portal and jump in with Hope; Aizen was waiting at the edge of a large salt water pool where Fred and George were as Gin came in through the portal with a whimpering Hope. Gin gently set her down at the water's edge as he told Aizen what happened and what spell had been used on his mate, Aizen cursed and then said "That spell is used to keep a creature in their true form almost permanently."

Two weeks later…

Hope sighed as she sat on the edge of the pool and waited for her mate to come see her, it had been two weeks since Gin had rescued her from the headmaster and she was a little bored. The spell she had been hit with had taken her legs from her and left her with the silver tail she had gained on her birthday, she sighed as she looked down at her fins dangling in the pool. She and Gin had found out with Aizen's help, that if they found the other Mermaid clan heirs that she would be able to regain her legs despite the spell on her, the clans they were looking for were The Orange Topaz, The Blue Sapphire, White Diamond, Green Emerald, Purple Amethyst, Black Opal and Red Ruby clans. The Twins were already one of the clans which was called the Fire Opal clan, needless to say…the twin were doing their best to make her laugh and smile since she was stuck in the large pool.


Dumbledore had gotten in touch with his old friend Yamamoto and told him that their little puppet had escape; Yamamoto was furious and said "How did she escape? You were supposed to have captured her by now so we could use her to control her cousin!"

Dumbledore then smirked as he said "Harry will do anything to keep his family safe even if he doesn't like them, Threaten his real family…and we'll be able to catch him!"

Yamamoto grinned evilly and said "The deputy shingami has been getting a little too strong for my liking….We'll kill two birds with one stone by killing Kurosaki to lure out the other one."

Yachiru froze in her tunnel where she had been listening then ran to warn the others about what she had heard…

Meanwhile back with Hope…

Gin came into the pool room as his Mate turned her head and smiled happily up at him; he then gently lifted her out of the pool and sat in a Lounge chair to cuddle with her. Hope sighed happily as she snuggled deeper in to his embrace and gave her mate a soft kiss when Aizen came in with a worried look on his face, He then said "Yamamoto is making his move against Ichigo Kurosaki and the other royka…."