A/N: Thank you so much for visiting my story, this is my first Caskett/Castle story so I'm really just testing it out.


Hope you enjoy it :)

C x

Chapter 1

The silence was getting to Kate's head as her mind slowly came to the situation at hand. Her head ached as the throbbing increased, her mind desperately trying to collect her thoughts on where she was, but struggled to.

She kept her eyes closed a little longer as she tried to search for so type of information but all she saw were stars.

Her head lolled uncontrollably to the side as her eyelids fluttered open. Her vision was groggy as the blurring shapes came together slowly, staring out into a room, a dark room that was holding her captive.

As she tried to move, the ropes that bound her legs and hands had also taped her to a chair in what seemed to be a basement of some sort. The room was fairly big, her being in the centre, staring at her opposing wall.

Kate tried to struggle but the ropes were tied tight and she couldn't reach the ropes.

'Hello?' Her vision finally came to as she looked around,'Is anybody there?'

Okay think Kate. What's going on. Where are we. What is the last thing you remember.

Confusion filled her seemingly empty mind as she tried to focus on her past events, but struggled.


She smiled at the thought of him, images swarming her mind of the two of them over the years. She couldn't believe how blind she was to have not noticed or to have ignored that spark between them.

Now with her luck, just as they are finally together and in l- no wait it can't be called love quite this soon can it? I don't know. She had to go get herself kidnapped, right when things were going so well.

Her head felt heavy as she tried to resurrect her thoughts.



Her eyes shot open in alarm and tried to look behind her with only the thought of him in her mind. Where was he? Was he ok?

She took a staggered breath as she tried to calm herself and concentrate. What was the last thing she could remember? Then it came back in flashes.

Rick and she stood at the door as she assured her dad that they would be fine and that they aren't going anywhere.

"Are you sure Katie? I can stay with you just incase-"

"Dad," Kate hugged her father," I'll be fine. You don't have to worry about me. Just go home and take care of yourself."

Jim raised an eyebrow but gave a submissive shoulder shrug, "Fine, fine. But give me a call tomorrow night."

Kate smiled, "Sure will. Love you dad."

"Love you too Katie."

As the door closed, Rick slid his arms around her waist and whispered, "Are you sure you don't want to stay? I have ice cream."

Kate leant her head back into the crook of his shoulder and closed her eyes. It did sound nice.

She turned around to face him, giving him a slow kiss on the lips before sliding her hands around his neck, looking into his eyes. Those gorgeous, dazzling eyes.

He gave her that look, that pouty, pleading look that made Kate's heart broke whenever she saw it. A small grin began to spread but she bowed her head to hide it. She sighed as he lifted her chin with his index finger, that cheeky grin toying with her fragile heart.

'I should go home sometime this week. It's still my apartment and I don't want to bother Martha and Alexis-'

He cut her off with a finger to her lips, "They love having you here and you know it. Why can't you just move in? You basically live here already."

She gave him one of her looks before making her way to the couch to collect her things, 'Because..' She knew she had no plausible reason but she didn't know why she couldn't agree quite yet. She rested her brown weathered jacket across over he forearm and fiddled with the buttons.

He smirked at her as she had an internal battle, 'Fine. But I'm expecting an answer soon.' He wagged his finger at her as he drew her closer for one last kiss.

She pressed her lips lightly to his as she slowly and longingly looked at him before stepping out into the hallway. She glanced back at him and grinned, 'Goodnight Rick.'

His eyes were still locked on hers as the door slowly closed shut. Even in her dreams tonight, his hauntingly blue eyes would still be embedded in her mind.

As his door closed, her body rested against the door, she already knew her answer and knew she was going to regret spending the night away from him, and end up sneaking into his house in the middle of the night.

As she sighed and went to walk around the corner, a hand slid over her mouth and she could smell the chlorophyll filling her breath

Kate gasped as it all came back to her, her heart beating fast. As she panicked she heard a groan from behind her.

Craning her neck to try and see, she croaked, 'Hello? Who is that?'

The darkness around her didn't help her headache as she strained against the ropes, the chair creaking under the strain

Another groan arose as Kate's heart quickened even more, was it Castle?

Kate's heart plummeted as the stranger spoke.

'Kate? Wha…what's happening? Wh..where are we?' The timid and scared voice spoke.


UPDATED! Hello all of my fellow Castlenauts and Castlenauttes! I am currently in the process of going through the story and updating so keep with me for a while!

Please R&R

C xx