Hey everyone, I'm back. This is going to be a brief chapter since at the moment everything in my life has gone downhill. A lot of things are happening right now and my time for writing has gone down. COMPLETELY..

So if you don't hear from me for a while it's because I'm busy.

Chapter 2

"I feel sorry for him, they are cute," said ,"And perfect for my wife."

"Oh she's your wifey? That's sweet. Hmm, since she's very neat, I say this one would be a keeper," said the woman, picking up a kitten and showing it to .

It was the runt of the litter, but it sure was cute. A small white kitten that immediately captured Mr. Little's heart.

"He's perfect."

The little kitten mewled as took him into his arms,"You sure are cute, aren't you little guy?"

The kitten only mewed as it settled in the man's arms, curling into a small ball and burying it's face into it's paws.

"This one's a boy

"He sure is cute. He's quiet and clean and a total fluffy-ball of fluffiness. I'm sure your gal will like him,"said the woman, petting the little white

"What's his name?"asked Mr. Little.

"Uhhh...hmm. I don't think he has one. I guess that's totally up to you and your wife," said the woman, petting the proud mother cat that lay among her kittens.

"You think she knows that I'm considering taking her baby to my home?"asked, his blue eyes meeting the Mother Cat's for a moment.

"I think all mothers know when their babies are loved, and about to be taken care of,"said the Woman, giving a smile,"Animals, no matter what people say, have souls too."

The little kitten in hand hand mewed and Mr. Little's heart melted.

"Has he won you over yet?"asked the woman.

"Yes...He has,"said Mr. Little, smiling as the small kitten licked his cheek,"He's perfect."


"How much for him?"

"Nothing. All I want is for you to promise to take care of him, can I count on you to do that?"


The Mother cat in the box purred loudly and reached out her paw, swiping slowly at the air as if beckoning the blue-eyed man to come closer.

"Oh, will you look at that?"said the woman, scratching the back of her neck in surprise,"I think she wants to say good-bye."



"Hey there mama cat,"said Mr. Little with a smile as he kneeled before the Mother cat, presenting the little kitten before her. The larger cat purred and rubbed her cheeks against Mr. Little's hands, bestowing one last loving lick to her kitten.

The little kitten mewed and licked his mother's nose.

Good bye.