So this is basically what would have happened if Caroline had killed the hunter and she was the one having hallucinations. Like the one about Klaus, a kiss is always a good solution cause love is stronger than any curse. For my favorite female character Caroline.

Enjoy and review!

I couldn't sleep.

I had try all i could but i couldn't get the image of the hunter's dead body out of my mind.

I knew i had to kill him to protect everyone but taking any life was repulsive to me.

It made my old self rise to the surface.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower hoping it would help me clear my mind.

I was looking at the mirror when i saw him.

For a moment i though i saw a glimpse of my father's in the mirror.

Probably i was still in shock.

''You are not in shock sweetheart. I am here.'' he said

I run outside and saw my dad sitting on my bed.

''Daddy. You are really here? How? Are you a ghost?'' i said and hugged him.

He was back.

''I'm not a ghost. I'm here because you killed the hunter.'' he said coldly.

I backed away.

''What?'' i asked as my happiness was drifting away.

''You became a monster again Care. You disappoint me.''

''No daddy i didn't want to, i had to. I did it to protect everyone.'' i said

''No you did it to protect vampires, to save monsters who will kill innocent people.'' he said and took a step closer tome.

''I'm sorry dad, don't hate me please.'' i said almost crying.

'' I tried and you betrayed my trust. You know i let myself die you should do the same. Sace this world from you.'' he said grabbing my hands.

''But i don't want to die. Not yet.''

''And then you wonder why i choose to die than spent an eternity with you! You are what i always though an abomination'' he said and throw me to the wall.

I got up ready to run when Katherine blocked my way.

''Going somewhere?'' she said smiling.

''What's happening to me? Why do i see you too.'' i said desperate.

''Oh, right you are not very bright. We are hallucinations. It's the prize you pay if you kill a hunter. You better get used to us. We would stay a long time.''

''What is it you want?'' i said

I had to find a way to stop this before i lose my mind.

''What i always want with you. To threaten you, use you, terrorize you. You are an easy pray. Hiding behind that pretty face, pretending to be happy when we both know that you are full of insecurities.'' she said and laughed.

''I'm not like that anymore. I changed.'' i said raising my voice.

''No you didn't because that is your true self. That annoying, stupid, bitchy, little girl. You can try but that is what you always be and everyone know it. That's why no one takes you seriously, that's why no one really love you.''

''Shut up. Shut UP!'' i screamed

''What is going on Caroline?'' said my mother as she entered the room.

Katherine was nowhere to be found.

''Nothing. I'm sorry to wake you.'' i said and tried to calm down.

''That's a shame. I hoped that you would have killed yourself already.''

''Oh, no you are one of them too.''

I couldn't handle this for much longer.

''Why won't you sent me free of dealing with you, of having the shame to live with a monster under my roof.''

''You are not real. My mother loves me.'' i remarked.

''Yes that;s why i choose work over you. I do it to spent as little time as possibly near you. You are the reason my life is destroyed. The reason your father left, the reason i got stuck with you.''

''But i am better now. Aren't i?''

''Hardly you killed a man again today when will you understand that the one that has to die is you.'' she said and disappeared.

''She is right you know.'' said Bonnie

''Yes she is.'' remarked Elena

My breathing got rapid.

My nails had scratched my palms.

''You know how many times i had thought of killing you. You know i hate vampires more than anything and i will have Elena. What do i need you?'' said Bonnie looking me in the eyes.

''Yes Care why stay. Like you said you are no one's first choice. I am. Everyone will ran to my rescue. I n the other hand i cannot think of one person who will willingly risk his life for you. And you know why? Because you are not worth it, no one is gonna miss you.'' she said almost shouting.

''Let the expert talk girls.'' Damon said and they vanished into thin air.

''Here's the deal barbie except from being stupid, shallow and useless, you are now a murderer too. Come on you wanted to die. Don't back down now! Or i should compel you again. No one seemed to mind. I mean did even one asked you if you were okay with me being around? I abused you, made you have sex with me, erased your memories, fed from you. You will think your so called friend will care about that. But they don't because even i worth more than you.'' he said and bite me again

I screamed and tried to push him away.

I felt weak from the loss of blood.

When he pulled away it was Tyler.

''It will never end right? It will never stop.'' i said and i felt tears in my eyes.

''No it won't'' i heard Mat say.

''Only if you kill yourself will you get rid of us.''

''She won't do it! She is stupid. She thought i loved her but there wasn't a minute that i didn't think of Elena. We only dated so i could get over her. If She was available i would have left you in a second. Even as a vampire Elena worth a thousand time more than you. She hasn't killed anyone. She is pure the same time you are a sinner. You enjoyed his death. I am sure you are happy you got an opportunity to feed, to taste blood from the source again.'' said Mat.

''Tyler loves me. He loves me. Don't you? Please.'' i begged.

He was my lost hope.

''I do.'' he said and i felt relief.

''You are good until i found the one. Until i found the one i would spent eternity with. Oh, come you don't expect me to be stuck with you forever? I mean the sex is great but that's it. That's what we are. I want someone with much more than a pretty face.''

I couldn't hold my tears and sobs now.

''It's a lie, it's a lie'' a kept repeating but it didn't work i believed every word.

''It's time now.'' Connor said and handed a stake to me.

I took it hesitantly.

''Are you ready?'' he said

I was.

''Yes, i knew all along that no one in this world loved me. I was always alone. I want it to stop. I want to numb the pain. I want a new start.'' i said pointing the stake to mu heart.

All was going to be over too. I was going to find peace.

My gaze fell to the drawing in my nightstand.

Klaus's drawing.

I smiled at the thought of him.

He was a fool.

He saw in me a person that didn't exist.

I was not beautiful, Elena was.

I was not strong, i was weak, useless and afraid.

And i was definitely not full of light.

I was vampire, i was darkness.

I had killed and i would kill again.

No one deserved to die so i could live.

''I am a monster and i deserve to die.'' i said aloud and i was ready to end this when someone throw me to the bed and hold my hands above my head.

The stake fell from my hands to the floor.

Someone was on top of me as i was laying on the bed trapped.

I couldn't move my hands and my legs were trapped between his.

It was Klaus.

Klaus had stopped me.

''Don't you dare do it'' he hissed.

He was angry.

''Get off me.'' i screamed

''No way in hell, love.'' he said looking at me.

''I came back from my trip and learned that you of all people have killed the hunter. So i run.''

''How did you know?'' i asked

''That's a long story. But let's just say that i had killed the originals hunters so now about the hallucination and how much you wish to die now. But i won't let you. We will stay like this forever if we need to.'' he answered.

''If you know then you must understand. Please let me go. You can stay like this forever.'' i said trying to escape.

''You underestimate me. And don't worry i had informed your friends they are all looking for a way out.''

I laughed.

''You think they care? I am not Elena, they won't find anything. They are not looking hard enough. I don't matter.''

''That's right why would they care for you?'' said Connor.

I turned to look at him and nob.

''NO, don't look at them. Focus on me. Don't listen to them. I am here. I am real.'' he said and his face seemed like he was in pain.

''How could they not care for you Caroline? How could anyone don't? You are worth so much more than you think. How many people smile every morning even when all they feel in pain? How many people stay with the friends through everything even when their life is in danger, even if they die protecting them? How many do that and ask nothing in return?'' he said

''I will tell you who does all this things. You, you are stubborn, brave, clever and so beautiful. You want to put a smile on everyone's face. You are a light that i can't help but follow even if it leads me to distraction. Don't give up now.''

I was speechless. His words, his tone made my soul shiver. That's how he saw me. That's how i wanted to be.

But the voices in my head started again.

''Make them stop, please make them STOP.'' i screamed.

And he kissed me.

As Klaus brushes his lips gently to mine, a flush of warmth filters through my senses.

Closing my eyes, I savor the wistful sweetness of his lips while my heart beats ponderously in my chest.

Everything is gone the only things the remains is him.

His lips against mine.

He pulls away for a moment and the voices are back!

''Don't stop'' i said and ha captured my lips once more.

We continued kissing almost until morning, never stopping.

If he was not touching me even for a second the voices would start again.

I needed him so much.

So we just kissed and even when the voices stopped in the morning, they had probably broke the curse, we couldn't stop.

We were trapped.

And i knew this was only the beginning.

It was the first start i needed.

I hope you all liked it! I love them so much individually so i think they are epic together. Klaroline is endgame! Please review i would like to hear you opinions!