Disclaimer: I do not own ATLA or any of the characters from the series.


Sokka studied the three visitors bowing before him. They had entered the tribe peacefully and promptly presented themselves to him, as formalities dictated. Hakoda had abdicated the position of Chief shortly after receiving news of his daughter's death. Sokka had stepped up and taken over for him.

The news of Katara's death had been a blow to both men. They were grateful that Gran-Gran had passed into the Spirit World long before and did not have to suffer such news. She would be there to welcome her granddaughter into the afterworld.

"I know our relations in the past have been less than friendly," the visitor's voice brought Sokka's attention back to the present. "But we do have some things in common, and I hope that the bonds we share will be strong enough for you to offer hospitality."

"It is a surprise to see the likes of you here, Fire Lord. Even more of a surprise that you have brought your children, and no guards." Sokka wondered what the other man was up to.

"I am here on peaceful terms to try to mend the rift that has existed between our people for far too long. Bringing no guards shows that I do not fear you or your people. Bringing my children shows my willingness to fully place my trust in you and your people." Zuko looked up and held Sokka's gaze. "My children are the most precious things in this world and the next to me. I do not trust them with many people."

"You ought to be careful, Fire Lord. I knew someone else who felt the same way about his children. He trusted his daughter to the care of someone from a hostile nation, and that man ended up killing her."

Zuko's jaw tightened, but then relaxed. "I come here today with the hopes that our two peoples might come to know each other as more than just two nations of opposing elements. In this time of peace, I hope we can come to know each other as two peoples who both were guarded and loved by one matriarch."



Sokka stared at the Fire Lord, wondering what could be running through his mind. The Water Chief did not fully believe the firebender's fancy words. He was hiding something behind the formalities. No matter. He would have to reveal his true intentions if he wanted Sokka to promise him anything.

Turning to a guard, he requested they send for some food and drinks. "Formalities aside, Fire Lord, it is suppertime. I hope you and your children will join me. Make yourselves comfortable. Is there anything I can get for you?"

"The gesture is appreciated. I am comfortable enough. Achindra, Shaozu, is there anything you need?"

The girl, about fourteen, looked cold, and scooted closer to the fire. The boy however, looked right at home. Sokka was curious about him. While his sister was clearly the Fire Lord's daughter, this boy looked as if he were could be a part of the Tribe.

When the food had been served and drinks had been passed around, the Water warrior turned to the Firebender. "Alright, that's enough of that. Speak plainly. What do you want, Zuko?"

Zuko remained silent for a time, thinking about what he would say. Finally, he decided to simply speak his mind. "I love Katara. To this day, I love no one more than her, except our children. You can see then, why I want to offer them the best that I can. And why I care about peace between our nations.

"Katara was a skilled and gifted woman of her people. She always spoke highly of the Water Tribes and their traditions. The Southern Water Tribe is half of my children's ancestry. I want them to know their people."

"And how do you propose that happens?"

"Shaozu is fourteen. If I am correct, that is the age Water Tribe boys begin their training and trials to become men. I offer my son, your nephew, the son of my wife and the son of your sister, to learn your ways and become a man in the eyes of the Tribe."

Sokka thought this through before making any kind of response. It made sence that Zuko would offer his son. The girl was the first in line to inherit the throne, so could not be risked. She was also far too much Firebender in looks and in element. By the way she was shivering, Sokka could tell that she would never survive more than a few summer weeks in the South Pole. The boy, however, was at the right age to begin training. With his dark skin and hair and blue eyes, he would have an easier time assimilating to the culture and being accepted by the tribesmen.

The political implications of such a gesture were not to be overlooked. To trust a man who has so much reason to hate the royal family with the safety and well-being of his son for an indefinite amount of time was inconceivable. It was a revolutionary step toward true peace and friendship between the two peoples.

"And what do you think of all this, Shaozu?" Sokka asked the boy kindly.

The boy looked startled at being spoken to and stuttered for a moment before composing himself. "I am a waterbender, like my mother. This was her home; this is where my ancestors are from. While the Fire Nation is my home by birth, I feel that the Water Tribe may come to be my true home. I would be honored and grateful for the opportunity to learn about our people."

"Prince Shaozu, son of two nations and two elements, child of my sister, I welcome you to the Southern Water Tribe. You enter here today as a boy. When you return to your father's homeland, you will return a man."