Disclaimer: I don't own any thing, but Alex.

Roxas's POV

I ran down the sidewalk, panting as I struggled for air, my vision was blurry from tears and my muscles ached, but I welcomed the pain.

When I came to my destination, I climbed the fire escape I hadn't used in a year, up to my ex's window.

I couldn't get the screaming out of my head, I couldn't stop seeing the flames, but I knew Axel would make it better, or at least make it hurt less.

I rapped on the window, gently, praying that he was home and awake, I should have called him, but my phone was gone, not that that mattered compared to what else I lost. I knocked again, louder, when I had no response.

After a few minutes, the bedroom door opened and I watched ass Axel stumbled out of his bedroom in nothing but a pair of acid green boxer that matched his eyes.

"Roxas, what are you doing here?" he frowned, coming closer to the glass. "Why are you so upset?"

"His d-dead," I said in a quiet, broken voice, I wasn't even sure he could hear me through the glass.

The tears came faster, saying it aloud made it feel so much more real. He was gone, he was never coming back, and it tore my heart to pieces.

The window slid open and Axels head poked out; "Who died?" he asked me, helping me into the warm inside of his apartment and onto the black leather lounge in the middle of the room.

"S-Sora," I stuttered as I attempted to speak my brother's name. Axel wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in to his chest. "T-there was a f-fire, I made it out, but h-he was t-trapped inside his room."

"Oh, god Rox…"" he mumbled into my hair. "I'm so sorry, that's truly awful."

I went into a coughing fit and he pulled away slightly so he could see my face.

"Have you been to the hospital," Axel asked, his piercing green eyes filled with concern, as he looked me over.

"No," I replied. "I took off when the fire fighters arrived."

"I'll take you to the hospital," he told me, as he stood, pulling me with him.

"I don't want to," I told the red head, beginning to pull away from his comforting grasp, but then he looked down at me, his eyes still filled with concern. "You're right though; let's just get it over and done with quickly."

Axel's POV

After we returned from the hospital, Roxas had a shower and then I put him into my bed, with the intention of sleeping on the lounge.

He wrapped the blanket around himself, snuggling down in it so only his hair and some skin of his forehead was shower.

Sighing softly, I turned to leave the room.

"Where are you going?" the blonde boy asked in a slightly muffled voice.

I turned around to see he had popped his head up a little and was staring at me through watery eyes.

"I was going to sleep on the lounge," I explained.

"Oh, you can sleep in here if you want," he told me, before burying his head back into the quilt.

I went over slowly, I felt hesitant, but he seemed to want me to stay. I slid under the quilt next to Roxas and wrapped my arms around him just as he began to cry, once more.


I woke in the middle of the night again, to the sobs of the blond lying in bed next to me, in my half sleep state I forced my body to turn and try to embrace him, hugging seemed to help him feel better, but he seemed to want to pull away from them despite that.

Not this time though, this time he seemed to want me closer then humanly possible; turning in my arms, he buried his tear stained face into my bare chest, and grabbed at me sides trying to force our bodies closer.

My phone rang, I reached over Roxas with one arm still securely wrapped around him, I flipped cell open and blinked a few times at the harsh light before I could vaguely see the word 'unknown' on the screen.

"Hello," I mumbled, frowning to myself.

"Hey, it's Alex," the familiar voice of my brother informed me from the other end.

Lying back down on my back, I pulled Roxas into my side, and said; "What can I do for you at…," I glanced at the alarm clock on my bedside table and cursed under my breath at the time and I immediately knew that I would have to pick him up. "…3 in the morning?"

"I'm in jail, I need you to come pay the bail," he mumbled into the phone, it made me sad that I wasn't even shocked.

"What did you do this time?" I asked, though I knew I wouldn't like it.

"Nothing, just a DUI," he said, trying to make it sound like a casual thing.

"I won't be able to pay the bail at this time," I told him. "I'll come in the morning, do you want me to call Reno and tell him?"

"No, just if he asked tell him I stayed over at your house, okay?" he replied after a slight pause.

"Okay," I muttered before hanging up.

I realized that Roxas had gone quiet, his breath was steady, and sure enough when I looked down at him, his face was relaxed and his eyes closed. I placed my cell on the side table closest to me, trying not to move too much, before I relaxed and let Roxas breathing lull me to sleep.

I awoke, once more, to a phone call at 10 A.M, grabbing my cell, I flipped it open to see the word 'Reno' displayed on the screen and I suddenly remembered my phone call with Alex last night.

"Hello, Reno," I mumbled, rolling out of bed, sparing Roxas a glance to see him staring at me with sleepy blue eye. "What's up?"

"Is Alex there, he didn't come home last night," he told me, I could hear the concern lingering in his voice, but at a certain point, he had become fed up with his out of control ways, as had I.

I attempted to pull on a pair of jeans with one hand while I held my phone with the other.

"Yeah, his here," I answered, feeling two hands behind me, pulling my jeans up to my waist, and doing them up. "His still asleep, I'll bring him home when he wakes up."

"Okay," he said, less interested then before. "I'll see you then, bye."

"Bye," I said back before hanging up, I grabbing a shirt and slid it on.

"I'll be back soon," I told Roxas, grabbing my wallet.

The car ride was as loud as the elevator ride to my floor was quiet, I had got all my yelling out and reluctantly agreed to keep it between us and not tell our older brother.

I looked at him, as he avoided making eye contact, thinking about how much he had change in a year; a year ago, he had had the same flaming hair as Reno and I, now it was bleach blond with streaks of blue going through his long bangs. He had also had his teeth filed into points that now looked like needles. He was wearing a black shirt with holes all down the front so you could see his bare chest and torso, with black skinny jeans.

The elevator stopped as my phone started ringing, I flipped it open and it read 'Reno', or course, the very person I wanted to speak to at that moment.

"Go get in the shower," I mumbled at Alex handing him my house keys before I hit accept. "Hi."

"Where are you, its 11:30?" he hissed through the phone.

"I know, his in the shower," I told him, dully, I was too tired for this crap. "I'm gonna give him lunch when he gets out, we'll be there about one."

"Why didn't you wake him up at ten?" he asked, his voice rose.

"What does it matter?" I mumbled walking into my apartment. "We'll be there at one," I said again before hanging up on him and turning my phone off so I wouldn't have to deal with it until one.