Chapter 7: Dead End

"Wake up, Minnow. Before you drown in your own drool."

A soft moan parted Minnow's wet lips. She smacked them together, gaining awareness throughout her senses, and concluded that a slop of drool had slid down her pale cheek. Her brother's chortles lifted her grogginess further, and she quickly whipped a hand over her damp cheek, groaning at the unpleasant feeling.

"Oh, yeah. Leave the house the way you are now, and I'll bet a lamb's leg every Viking boy will battle a dragon in your favor."

"Dovan," Minnow moaned her brother's name in utter annoyance. She lifted her chest, propped herself onto her elbows, and sent a narrowed glance at his hovering form. "Do you have to give me a sarcastic wake-up call?"

Her older sibling simply shrugged his broad shoulders, "Eh, it's in the job description of 'big brother', so I'm going to have to say 'yes'." He grinned in personal amusement, "anyway, hurry up and get dressed, or else we're gonna' be late."

"Late for what?" Minnow stammered, feeling her brother catch her arm and lift her onto her feet. She almost fell back as her brother gripped her ankle and forced a foot into her moccasin.

"Today they're finally announcing the lucky lad or lass that get's to lop off a Monstrous Nightmare's head."

"T-They are?" Minnow continued to fumble on her words. The unexpected news had caught her off guard, and more so if Hiccup had any idea and did not bother telling her. She did not want to assume he would deliberately keep things from her, unless he felt telling her would be useless. In which case, it hurt to admit that even if he had told her such news, her help would be slim to none.

"Yeah, yeah. Now come on, you're slower than a Gronkle," Dovan insisted, tossing Minnow her knitted over shirt.

Minnow clumsily caught it and struggled to pull it over her head and shoulders. Combing out her amber locks with her thin fingers, she hurriedly followed Dovan downstairs to the bakery. Snatching a fresh and fluffy bread roll each, the sibling's paced themselves to the Training Academy.

"C'mon, let's see if we can get a good spot at the front," Dovan called back to her as he rushed across the suspended bridge.

Minnow willed herself to follow, passing a strewn of robust Viking citizens riled up and hooting for the match to begin. She held in her breath, and squeezed between a hulking hairy arm and doubling hips, popping out of the crowd and clutching onto the metal gating of the training cage. Minnow blinked at the unfamiliar sight; below was a round layout with an expanse of dirt for rough housing, a weapon rack for inducing all sorts of headaches, and cages harboring a Viking's natural nemesis.

Amid the shouting, ground pounding stomps, and banging helmets, Minnow traced the foreground. Her sight wandered, searching for the Viking boy she had befriended. Would he be one of the finalists? Would he truly be selected to behead a Monstrous Nightmare? These were questions Minnow wished to be answered. If they all proved to be true in the next few moments, her most dire question then would be, 'do you have a plan like you always do?'

"Minnow," her brother's voice spoke beside her with a mangle breath. "He's back. Move your skinny butt out of the way."

Minnow reared a questioning look towards her brother, before feeling the space to her left open up. She turned her head over her left shoulder, and the image of Stoick the Viking chief filled the preceding gap. Minnow tilted her head up, gazing in a petrified 'awe' at the towering man. The less than average height adolescent could barely see his facial features, due to his massive arms covering most of her view. What little she could see of his features, we're obscured by the tuffs of knotted beard hair and looming eyebrows. His eyes, heavy lidded by the recent journey across the blue waters, almost complemented the hard stare he mastered through years of life-threatening encounters.

She gulped down what little saliva remained pooled in her mouth, scuttling a few inches away to give the man his required space. As she continued to take glances at her revered chief, his aged eyes lowered in her direction, catching her gaze.

"You're Udyr's granddaughter, Minnow, aren't you?" His gruff voice, thickened by his accent came down on her. "It's been some time since I last saw you. I think you might have grown an inch more since then."

Minnow continued to stare back in a captivated silence. This would be the first time, in a long while, since the chief himself spoke solely to her. When she was younger and tailed her grandfather like a duckling around Berk, she would hide behind his meaty leg whenever he made casual conversation with anyone. And when her Grandfather made deliberate talk with Stoick, the Viking chief would always make it a point to engage with her, even if he had to talk past her Grandfather to reach her.

"Say something," Dovan said in a raspy whisper, motioning her with an elbow.

"No one asked you, Dovan." Stoick brought out his reprimanding words; "She can speak for herself when she wants to."

"Yes chief," Dovan sighed, lowering his head and peering down at his wooly shoes in embarrassment.

Minnow dipped her own chin, sending a reserved look in the upward tilt of her eyes, "I don't think I've grown much," she replied with honesty. "I guess that's why my name suits me, though."

"Listen here," he spoke, and Minnow swore the whole Isle of Berk bowed to the sound of his voice. "Your name suits you because although a minnow is small, it's brave enough to swim in big waters," a rough smile caught to tilt of his lips. "Remember that."

A quiet astonishment settled inside her, warming her heart for the briefest of moments, before the surrounding cheers grew louder in degree. It brought her attention back into the arena, and her pensive gaze raised at the sight of Gobber the Belch leading Hiccup and Astrid into the center. Minnow gripped the cage bars in front of her. Leaning forward, she squinted to see Hiccup and Astrid speaking subtlety to each other. Did they work things out? Was Hiccup able to convince Astrid to keep Toothless a secret? These were more questions circling Minnow's restless mind.

Their hushed whispers were disrupted by Gobber's raised hook of a hand, "Today's task marks the ability for either Lad or Las to prove their worth and skill," his bellowing voice came, shaking his own belly. "Whoever proves themselves to be a true Viking Warrior, will be chosen to chop off and mount their very own Monstrous Nightmare head!"

The Hairy Hooligan tribe onlookers responded with a roaring, "Death or glory!"

Neither sounded pleasant to Minnow, since glory most certainly would have to be obtained by a close encounter with death. Her palms wrapped around the bars coated with a cold nervous sweat. Minnow anxiously watched Hiccup and Astrid select their weapons needed for their dangerous trial. No later had they taken up a protective shield that Gobber released a lumbering Gronkle.

The match began, and the Viking adolescents below tumbled and rolled to find protective covering behind a wooden slab. The pursuing dragon took up a nearby rock, rolled it around its chubby mouth, and pelted it against the covering. The slate rattled against the force of the blow, almost knocking it over. Minnow could barely make out the agreeable nods between Hiccup and Astrid.

As the Gronkle floated sluggishly to pick up another boulder for firepower, Hiccup rolled out and waved his weapon and shield around, grabbing the dragon's attention. As it began flying briskly towards Hiccup, Astrid leapt from cover, dashing right behind to catch the reptile off-guard. Unfortunately, the Gronkle had heard Astrid's pounding boots from behind. It ceased its advances on Hiccup, maneuvered its hulking body around, and shot a molten rock against Astrid's axe.

The crowed reared in excitement, watching the axe fly with a spark out of Astrid's grasp, and out of her immediate reach. The Gronkle took this opportunity to fly forward, forcing Astrid to take cover against another wooden hurdle. The dragon was soon to get her, and Hiccup was too far away to make it on time to prevent the impending catastrophe.

Minnow's eye's darted, also predicting the future scenario to come. Her hand clumsily searched her knitted pull over shirt. Reaching into a pocket, she pulled out the bread roll she had taken from the bakery. Without much thought, Minnow swung her arm forward through the bars, releasing the baked good and allowing it to tumble into the arena. The Gronkle halted in its tracks, sniffing the air and catching the insignificant pastry a few yards away. Its mouth hung open in anticipation, beating its wings to get closer to the snack. As it happily took the roll with its tongue, the dragon proceeded to chew in content.

"When did that get there?" Minnow heard Stoick the Viking Chief grumble the question. Minnow lowered her head between her shoulders.

Hiccup made use of this distraction, and closed the gap between him and the Gronkle. Swiftly, Hiccup reached a sensitive spot around the thick dragons neck and incapacitated it, causing it to fall limply onto the floor. Amid the crowds hollering and hooting, Hiccup rushed to Astrid. Assisting her to her feet, both of them looked apprehensive by the turn of events.

"Everyone! The elder will now choose," Stoick the Vast projected his thundering voice.

A low hush settled, as an elderly woman with braided silver hair and sagging cheeks hobbled to the front. Her discerning and heavily lidded eyes grazed the arena landscape. With a bony finger, it rose into the thick mountain air, and shook down at Hiccup. At the unwavering gesture, The Hairy Hooligan tribe pounded their fists into the air in a celebratory manner, with accompanying howls.

"Hiccup…" Minnow's voice whispered dejectedly, watching the lanky boy hang his head at the dismaying news.

"Eh, that was like, no competition at all," Dovan stated, with a shake of his head. "Kid's a genius."

"Mhm," Minnow responded mutely, and with much lack luster.

"Minnow, Dovan. So this is where you two wondered off to," a familiar gruff tenor spoke behind the two siblings. Turning, they spotted their grandfather, home safe from his weeklong journey. "I was worried sick not knowing where you were, Minnow, but I see you were with your brother this whole time. Good."

"Grandpah," Minnow almost wept at the sight, latching onto his perturbing stomach. She inhaled the bitter salt and damp foam still clinging to the threadwork in his tunic. For some reason, it brought a relief, which she hadn't felt in a while, "Welcome home."

"Welcome home, Gramps," Dovan grinned.

"What's this? Afraid your old man would be lost out at sea, hm?" he chortled, shaking his braided peppered beard. The aged man brought his large hands alone to grasp Minnow's upper back, pressing her further against him. "I couldn't be happier to be back to my grandchildren."

With a sigh of content, Minnow released her longing hold on her grandfather. As they separated, Stoick placed a thick palm on her grandfather's shoulder, jostling him in a friendly manner.

"Shame I had to drag your grandfather across the sea on a wasted journey," their chief spoke aloud. "But I believe we still have something to celebrate for tonight," with that, Stoick shifted on one hearty leg, revealing an anxious Hiccup. A laugh erupted from the massive Viking chief, when he slapped the frail boy on the shoulder, pushing him more into conversation. "Tonight, we will celebrate the end of my son's terrible Viking past, and toast to the beginning of his rightful place as heir to the Hairy Hooligan Tribe!"

The mentioned brutish villagers all hooted from behind, lifting the already present smile on Stoick.

"Ah, Udyr. I don't think your granddaughter and my son have properly met," Stoick continued evenly, taking glances between Minnow and his only son. There was a pause in his speech, until another loud laugh caught in his throat, "Well, unless you count that dreadful night about a week ago!"

"Oh! I remember," Minnow's grandfather joined in the rumbling howls, settling a hand on his wobbling stomach. "Not the best first impression, but that's in the past." With a strong smile, Minnow's grandfather pressed his hand against her shoulder, motioning her closer to Hiccup, "Come now, Minnow. Greet the tribes heir."

"You too Lad," Stoick mused, ushering Hiccup even further.

The two adolescents were pushed to the point of being only a few inches apart. They stared uncomfortably at one another, unsure of how to act as though they had just met. Hiccup was the first to clear his throat, forcing his gaze not to separate out of awkwardness.

"Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III," he almost choked on his own name. "Heir to the Hairy Hooligan Tribe. Nice to meet you."

"Minnow Igvard," Minnow practically squeaked out of nervousness. "Baker and granddaughter of Udyr Igvard. Nice to meet you as well."

The two adolescents stood in sheer silence after their pseudo-introductions, while their caretakers nodded in content. Hiccup pressed his lips into a firm line, before inhaling and blowing out his next words: "Dad, if Minnow's grandfather would allow it, I would like to spend a few hours with Minnow to show her my progress in dragon training."

Both Stoick and Udyr shared a glance at one another. It felt like almost an entire conversation was spoken between their eyes, as both of their thick furrowed eyebrows relaxed simultaneously.

"Well, I guess there would be no harm in it," Minnow's grandfather said with a strong nod. "As long as she's not kept past sunset, and brought back on time to prepare for tonight's celebration."

"You heard him, Hiccup." Stoick spoke firmly down at his son, lifting a disciplining finger as he did so. "Even one moment past sundown, and you will be answering to me instead of dragons in the ring. Understood?"

"Yup, understood." Hiccup nodded restlessly.

o o o

"Hiccup, slow down," Minnow pleaded as she attempted to trail the Viking boy from behind. She found it difficult to keep up with him in the dense forest, as she had to push against perturbing twigs and fronds that caught her clothes and hair, "What's going on?"

"I can't stay here any longer," Hiccup finally spoke, not ceasing his speed.

"What do you mean?" Minnow cried out, stumbling on a root and catching Hiccup's sleeve, "Why won't you tell me—"

Hiccup turned around and grasped Minnow by her shoulders, hanging his head low in resolution, "I'm sorry, but I'm leaving Berk and taking Toothless with me." The scrawny Viking raised his head; pitching his green eyes against Minnow's, "Even though it was planned for Astrid to win today's match, in the end, it had to be me. At that moment, I realized something that no Viking would ever admit," Minnow felt Hiccup's hold tighten around her small shoulders, "I can't kill a dragon—I won't."

"That's why, it's better if I leave now before my exile becomes public, or worse, they find Toothless," he continued solemnly, with a wet gloss coating his eyes. "And that's where you come in, Minnow. I'll leave a piece of my torn shirt for you to show the village when you return. When you do, you'll tell them that I stumbled off Wild Dragon's Cliff. Never to be seen again."

"Hiccup, you can't be serious," Minnow's lips trembled. They could barely move to form the proper words, "There has to be another way. I know there is, you always have a plan."

"I don't, Minnow. Not this time," Hiccup drew out a long breath of defeat. "This is it, this is my plan. I'm sorry, even though I promised to help you search for those pages, I can't."

"T-Then I won't help you," Minnow whimpered, sucking on her lips and the urge to cry. "Y-You promised and now—"

"Ish rah…seek…a hem…me."

Minnow's breath stood still. It seemed the world had stopped; her words, tears, and aches had ceased. Her golden hues turned dull and distant, and Hiccup was no longer part of her vision. Involuntarily, her body began to drift away. Despite Hiccup's calls, her feet continued to tread the earth, dragging against the rocks and stones breaking at her feet.

"Tek ah…come here…itte mann…little one."

The familiar voice was drawing her closer, and closer. It echoed louder with each preceding step, until the gaping mouth of a cave appeared before her. It was wide with imperceptible darkness. Minnow's form inched closer, till her toes were just about to meet the black line that marked its entrance.


She felt a hand grasp her arm, yanking her back. Her eyes flickered with slim awareness, and she turned a head to view a panting Hiccup.

"Hiccup…" her words were slow, as if she had just woken up from an endless slumber. "What's wrong?"

"W-What," Hiccup heaved his breath. "What do you mean? I should be asking you that!"

"Et chron…the time…es han…is now…"

Minnow's awareness waned, interring holes of consciousness and entrancing possession. Her expression remained solid as an ice-covered stone, and with the same lethargic speech, she spoke; "I have to go."

Minnow shifted out of Hiccup's hold, facing the wide hole of unspeakable obscurity. Without another thought, her foot touched the black line, submerging her toes, followed by her entirety.

"Minnow! What are you—" Hiccup raced in a panic, swallowing his heart wedged in his throat and proceeded to follow. He entered the engulfing shadow of the cave entrance, and immediately, the surrounding air grew damp and colder. Each step further rattled the rocky cave lining in a bouncing echo that seemed to go on for eternity.

"Minnow," he called cautiously, searching blindly for the smaller girl. It was faint, but accompanying footsteps were padding just ahead of him. Hiccup guessed about a few yards or so. With raised hands, he walked a tad faster, reaching for her. His fingertips met the silk strands of her fiery hair, and Hiccup took this opportunity to lunge forward, wrapping his thin arms around her retreating form.

"Come on, Minnow!" Hiccup spoke in desperation, digging the heel of his boots into the rocky gravel. "Let's get out of here, before something bad happens."

If Hiccup could bite on his own words, he would. After the settling silence of his sentence, the Viking boy heard the faintest grumbles and snores of sleeping dragons. Hiccup felt the accumulating sweat gather at his forehead. His eyes were adjusting to the darkness, revealing the silhouettes of dragon piles surrounding the two adolescents. The snoring dragons were in a deep slumber, and it was no wonder the air had turn frigid. Hiccup gulped at the realization of their situation. If one dragon were slightly warm to the touch, it would wake, and startle the rest of the dragons in the den. It was not such a comforting thought.

"I'm getting us out of here," he whispered resolutely to himself.

However, Minnow had no inclination to adhere, and continued to wander straight ahead, weaving past the towering lumps of lying dragons. Hiccup gasped, catching the faintest sight of Minnow approaching the base of this discovered dragon den. There, the largest dragon resided, and quite disturbingly...the warmest.

In a reigned horror, Hiccup watched Minnow raise her tiny hand between the dragon's nostrils. At the touch, it stirred, blowing small puffs of smoke from its nose. It cracked open its crocodile eyes, rolling downwards to peer at the insignificant human it towered over. Hiccup was certain he had never taken the time to suitably teach Minnow the etiquette of subduing a dragon, yet it was happening right in front of him. The cumbersome dragon wobbled and rolled over on its side, revealing a narrow tunnel faintly lit.

It took Hiccup a moment to process all that happened, until he gained enough clarity to follow Minnow into the tunnel.

"Minnow, please! Snap out of it," Hiccup spoke, grabbing Minnow by the shoulder and turning her around to face him. He made sure to lightly shake her, although he was beyond desperate at this point for some compliance, "Answer me!"

"Hiccup," came her small voice, then a light that was absent from her golden eyes returned. She had to blink a few times, surveying her friends frightened appearance and their unusual surroundings, "Where are we?"

"Thank Thor," Hiccup breathed a heavy sigh of relief, leaning tiredly against her. Gathering his strength, he released his hold on her, "I honestly don't know where we are. You're the one who led us here, and we need to get out. I think we're inside a hidden dragon nest."

"I did?" She questioned, gazing at the dripping cavern walls. Amid her observations, the embedded gems carved in the cave rocks and ceiling began to glow a bright green, further illuminating the tunnel before them. Minnow's eyes glistened at the sight, unable to unhinge her focus away from the brightened trail.

"Hiccup, I think there's something at the end of this tunnel," she finally said, turning her attention back to the Viking boy. "You can turn back, if you want. I'll meet you soon, but I really do think…there's something for me here. I heard it."

Hiccup stammered, watching once again as Minnow floated away from him. He wrapped his hands into fists before proceeding forward, catching her pace and coming to walk next to her. Minnow glanced at her friend, and Hiccup smiled, although it was weary, "I can't let you go by yourself. If you think there's something there, then we'll face it head on—together."

Minnow smiled widely, "Maybe it'll be a sign, that things can change, and you won't have to leave."

"Let's hope so," Hiccup chuckled light heartedly, although there was not much to laugh at during these stressful times.

Shoulder to shoulder, they paced themselves down the tight passage, almost brushing against the jagged mineral deposits poking out of the walls. They soon reached the last of the trail.

It was a dead end.