Alright last chapter everyone. It's pretty short and I'm sorry but I felt like this was a good spot to end it. I'm working on another story right now and I'll have that posted as soon as I can think of a good title. Anyway please enjoy, when I started this story I had no intention of bringing Red John into it but I'm pretty happy with this chapter so please Review and tell me what you think, it's been a couple chapters since I've heard from any of you. This chapter is from Jane's POV and as usual I own nothing.

I'm pacing, I never pace, pacing is such an obvious tell, I forced myself to sit down on the couch. This was my fault I had played her and now. Now she would never see her daughter again, that was all she had wanted. Things could have gone so much differently. We shouldn't have released her, we should have made her stay in protective custody until we caught him.

Visions of my childhood friend and the mother of my oldest daughter haunted my brain. She lie in a pool of her own blood brutally stabbed with that smiley face dripping on the wall behind her. This was my fault I could have protected her.

"Patrick." Teresa whispered waking me from my own thoughts. "It's not your fault, you couldn't have known."

"She told us he was dangerous and we just let her go." I stated, looking down at my own hands afraid to look my wife in the eyes.

"We offered her protection, and she refused, there was nothing we could have done." Teresa tried again.

"I could have talked her into staying, I could have let her see Charlie. I could have done a lot of things." I frowned wringing my hands.

"You know you don't need to be here let me take you home, tell Charlie what happened." Her hands were making soothing circles on my back. "You're to close to this case."

I couldn't help but laugh, "Why cause I slept with her, why aren't you sending Cho home, he slept with her to."

"Patrick that's not it at all." She frowned, I hadn't meant to snap at her. "We have his name, his address, and hell we have his DNA. It will be a matter of hours before we find him, you need to relax."

"That's not his real name." I stated, "And he's never going back to that address."

"And how do you know that?" She questioned.

"Angie wouldn't have given us anything to important," I sighed, "She gave us just enough to let her go but not enough to find the other guy."

"I suppose that trick was used pretty often at the Carnival." She stated leaning back, and I just shrugged, "Which means if your right all we have is a description and DNA." She announced, "which is still a good lead."

"A white man approximately five nine with dark brown hair." I recited the description back to her. "Are you going to go around and ask every guy that matches that description to give us a sample of their DNA?"

"Okay so it's not a great lead but it it's something." Teresa gave in, "Maybe his DNA is already in the system."

"Maybe." I sighed leaning back on the couch and wrapping my arm around her.

"We will find him." She reassured resting her head on my chest.

"I don't doubt it." I whispered. We were going to catch him. Looking down at my wife and thinking of our four beautiful children back home. It made me think of what I could have become if I didn't have them to keep me grounded. I had a family to go home to and I could only imagine what I would have become if I didn't have them. We would find him and that would have to be enough.