Hey everyone whaddya at? I'm back with another one; it's BOH but from Edward's POV. Just thought I would give it a shot. I'm not sure how long I'll go with it but I will tell you that they will be shorter chapters. So here's the first and let me know what you think.

Again I don't own it, wish I at least owned Edward, or Emmett. Yum!

Chapter 1-What the Hell Have I Gotten Myself Into?

Alaska 1962

"Where is he? I saw him come up here earlier; poor boy is constantly up here alone, well he's not really a boy, thankfully. He needs to spend time with people. He really should take some time to learn all the things this kinda of life can offer him. Mmm the things I could teach him"

I sensed her mind as she made her way up the stairs and not for the first time since we got here, did I consider jumping out the 3 storey window into the snow below just to get away from her.

Not that it would hurt or that I would freeze to death here in the Alaskan cold, perks of being a vampire I guess.

It wasn't that she was a bad person, it was her thoughts, they always started out kind and lovely but then they would turn towards the idea of sex whether it was with the man she had the night before or of me, sometimes even the three of us.

Her thoughts were vile and while I found her mildly attractive, she wasn't really my type; her thoughts left me feeling empty.

I was a 61 year old man stuck in a 17 year old body. I was born in 1901 and turned into a vampire by my father in this life; Carlisle, after I nearly died from the Spanish flu in 1918.

I had always found people easy to read growing up which lead to a mind reading ability which was a blessing and a curse.

Such as right now. I came upstairs to get away for a bit. We were here in Alaska visiting another clan of vampires who only drank from animals, and as such we had taking to calling each other family.

Aside from Tanya and her two sisters, I was the only single person there. My family wanted to visit in hopes that maybe I would finally choose a sister and while Tanya, Kate and Irina were beautiful as our kind tends to be; they held no interest.

It was hard enough being the only single guy in a family of three perfectly mated couples, let alone with three single girls, Kate and Irina saws me as a conquest but they could take it or leave it, Tanya on the other hand was a different story and the one I was avoiding.

I sighed heavily as she had finally made it to my door. She didn't bother to knock and just switched to her thoughts to ask me if she could come in.

Again I sighed but being the gentleman my human mother raised me to be; I had no choice than to fulfill her request.

"Tanya, what can I do for you" I said as politely as possible and I even smiled, but I'm sure it looked more like a grimace.

"Mmm, the things you could do, I could think of a few" Tanya's mind went through every scenario and I'm sure if I had been human I would be blushing and appalled. I wasn't interested in her at all and definitely not in what she was showing me. Some of it I didn't even understand how it was possible and I felt myself shudder in horror.

Tanya was beautiful; with long strawberry blonde hair, tall, curvy, stunning really but I was not attracted to her at all, and I sure wasn't going to "just get it over with" as Emmett would say. Yes I was inexperienced but I sure as hell knew what I was looking for and after watching what happens between perfectly mated pairs, sometimes more than I would like; well I wasn't going to settle for anything less.

"Tanya" I sighed while running my fingers through my hair

"I'm sorry Edward, it's just well I can't help myself sometimes, you're just so…" she said while looking me up and down licking her lips like I was her favorite treat and I held back the urge to vomit, if I could.

"Yes well, umm was there something you wanted?" I stammered

"I'm totally getting to him"she thought and I sighed again

She was getting to me, on my last nerve actually and unfortunately I didn't know how to tell her to just leave me alone.

On the one hand, being with her would make my family very happy as well as her own, she was also a powerful leader and the match would make sense but I just couldn't. I hated disappointing her but she wasn't what I wanted. I wanted that love that exists between perfectly matched mates, I had seen it, Alice had seen it, I knew it existed and I wanted it.

Tanya's mind was going over each argument she had on us being together and I tried hard not to scoff. Finally she took a deep breath and said

"Edward, darling, you know we would be so good together, I promise you that I will make you so happy" she gushed and I mentally sighed and thought about how to let her down gently

"Tanya, I don't want to disappoint you but Alice has already seen my mate, you know this" I said softly

"Eddie, come now, we both know that Alice's visions are subjective, I mean your mate may never even show up, she could be over on the other side of the world for god's sake" she scolded she was right of course but that didn't mean I had to like it.

"Yes that could very well be or she could not be even turned yet and I really should wait and never bet against Alice" I pleaded but I could tell from her thoughts that she would not let this go

Alice and Jasper had only joined our family a short time ago. The two of them had very unique gifts; Jasper could sense and influence emotions and Alice was psychic, she could see the future but it was subjective, it could change in the blink of an eye. She had yet to be wrong and she and I had bonded immediately, she was my little sister the moment she came to our house calling us all by name and asking where she could put their things.

We learned right away to never bet against her, she was a tiny thing with short spikey black hair but she was fierce and god help you if you ticked her off. She was able to predict the weather, tell us if anyone was growing suspicious and the stock market never knew what hit it if she told us what to invest in.

I had done well for us so far but with my mind reading and her predictions; we were a formidable team and I loved her like she was my own flesh and blood.

She had come to me some months ago and I saw the vision in her head; I was in a meadow filled with wild flowers, my hand caressing the side of a girl's face. I couldn't see it really but I knew she long brown hair and I seemed to be smiling. We stared at each other for a while and the vision ended as it seemed we were distracted by something.

He next vision of was of me standing in a tux and then the same girl with the brown hair was next me in a white dress.

I remember I fell to my knees and begged Alice to show me more but she couldn't see. It was strange but most of my future was filled with black spots and I just figured that I would let nature take its course.

"Eddie, darling, look I mean no disrespect, but Alice has only been a part of our families for a short period of time, do you really think her visions can be trusted" she whispered and I heard Alice's mind mentally screech "BITCH, what the fuck, who the hell does that bitch think she is, tell me not to be trusted" I could see the scene downstairs through everyone's mind, Jasper was holding Alice back from barging up here and was sending her waves of calm, Rose was picking at her nails but I could see from her mind that she just wanted an opportunity to smack Tanya, more for jealousy than anything else while Emmett was itching for a cat fight. Carlisle was hoping that there wouldn't be a fight at all and Esme didn't want to upset the rest of our cousins.

Alice finally let it go and then stormed off to hunt but not before she gave me another glimpse of her vision of me and my mate. I could never see this girl but I could see as always that she had brown hair, was shorter than me and the smile on my face as I looked upon her was blinding. I again saw us in a meadow, I recognized it now, as the one I had in Forks, interesting.

I was thankful for it and I made a mental note to thank her later. I could still sense her mind, and she was saying "your welcome" in her head and that I could make it up to her but telling Tanya to shove off.

I mentally laughed at the images she was sending me but as I looked back at Tanya I could see she was less than amused.

"Tanya, please, I just can't, not when she's out there somewhere" I pleaded for her to understand. All I ever wanted was to have someone like the rest of them did; someone to love and who loved me in return, someone to spoil and share the rest of eternity with. I just wanted her, whoever she was.

"Edward, I'm not saying she's not around, I'm just saying that you may never even meet her, why be alone. We all need someone darling" she cooed again and she hit a nerve and she knew it.

It was true, I did want someone and as I gazed upon the woman before me I thought about it. It may not be the worst thing in the world. To have our families joined, I know Elezar would be more than happy about it and my parents would just want me to be happy.

I could certainly do worse than Tanya Denali, no, no I couldn't, my mate was out there somewhere.

"Tanya I appreciate your opinions and I'm flattered, but I just can't" I sighed and I could tell she was upset and like any man I hated to see her upset

"How about we make a deal. If I don't find my mate in the next 50 years, well I will be yours" I sighed again and immediately the realization dawned on me. What had I done?

Tanya had this huge toothy grin plastered on her face as she kissed my cheek and went bounding out the door. Her mind was filled with the things she would buy over the next 50 years for the two of us and what she planned to teach me.

I shivered in disgust and thought "What the Hell have I gotten myself into?"

Okay so how was that. I had this wrote before and I think it was a little better but alas that was in that purse that was stolen. Da well shit happens. Let me know what you think. You can follow me on twitter now under witchywoman1984.

By the way saw BD2 today, so awesome.