Fracture Moonlight has been posted (17 Jan 2013). Warning, it has a large author's note at the top.

Summary for Fractured Moonlight:

Draco traveled back in time to fix the past. I's harder than he thought. There are fixed points in time, insane best friends (one who seems to have learned teleportation), talking hats named Sherlock, and a convict who keeps breaking into the Slytherin dorms confusing everyone. Year three promises to be exciting. *Part of the Rewritten in Time series*


Hermione was the only person who knew Draco was from the future. Hermione was also the only person who knew what had happened in the last time line from Draco's point of view. She knew the major events and important happenings.

"You didn't mention the rat belonged to Weasley."

"I said he lived with the Weasleys. And Ronald Weasley is the only one who had a pet rat," Draco pointed out. "I heard a lot during my time with the Death Eaters. The rat was-slash-is a Death Eater. He'll go back to Marv."

Hermione and Draco reached the bookstore. Hermione let go of his arm and readjusted her hold on the cat. She frowned, but was smart enough to figure out who Marv happened to be without needing to ask in a street full of people who would freak out at the sound of Voldemort.

"We need a better plan than tackling Weasley on the street," Hermione offered. "You remember how Time works."

Draco sighed deeply. Time was going to be the death of him.

"Of course I do. She likes her fixed points," Draco said. "But she also doesn't mind if you alter them, but…"

"You have to make it count somehow. What the rat does is a major event, Draco. Like the big bang. The rat sets off…well, the second coming."

"I know."

"The second coming is going to be very hard to rewrite," Hermione said, frowning.

"Time can be rewritten," Draco reminded her as he mother came out of the shop and scolded him for being late.