Looking across the field, covered in snow, seeing little tufts of fire I was surrounded by sadness. My father was gone... Countless friends... And my true love, Jasper... Dead. Looking through the fires, I saw cloaks of Volturi members... furry bodies engulfed in flames... until finally I came across his shoe sticking out of the fire. I could barely look at his body as the fire ate his limbs... Feeling the dark hole grow wider and wider as I looked at him I knew my love was never coming back. Tear-less sobs shook through my body, never stopping.

"Jasper!... Jasper... Come back... Please..." I whispered to the flames, knowing that he wasn't coming back. That damn vision... it played out perfectly... Aro only saw it as a bluff and we had to attack... I hate that he didn't believe me. It's his fault that half my family is gone.

Feeling a soft hand on my shoulder I looked up to see Bella standing above me, a pained expression on her face. She knew the feeling of being left behind by a love, even if it was only a lifetime ago. Getting down on the ground next to me, Bella wrapped her arms around me as I sobbed into her neck. I wasn't the only one who lost someone... I could hear Esme crying deeply for Carlisle, whom was the first to pass.

I planned to stay by Jasper's body as he burned, so I could collect his ashes. He deserved a funeral, as did Carlisle. There were loud howls throughout the field, many of the pack fell today, Seth, Leah... Jacob was gone, he had taken Renesmee to safety, and for that I was grateful, I knew Bella could figure out my note that was giving if only a month or so ago. Looking at the dark purple flames I saw the soul of my love go up into the air... He would never smile again... Jasper would never hold me in his arms... Put up with my shopping trips... Jasper was the perfect match for me, the calm to my eccentric...

"Bella... Is this how you felt when we left you two years ago..." I whispered softly, not looking away from the flames. "Like a hole is ripping through you..."

"Yes... I'm so sorry Alice..." My sister whispered softly to me, Of course she was hurting also, Her daughter and best friend were somewhere across the state by now quite possibly. "Thank you... for leaving me the clue to save Renesmee."

"You're welcome..." I whispered in hollow voice. The flames were dying down, and I'd need something to collect Jasper's ashes, to keep him safe with me for as long as I could. I knew there was no one else out there for me and eventually I would find a way to leave also, to follow Jasper into whatever is after this life. I know though, that it won't be soon... I had to live for him now also, and for Carlisle... For Leah and Seth too... For Irina though she betrayed us, the living owed it to the fallen to live for them since they were gone.

As I looked around and saw the living scattered around, mourning their own loses. However as Bella and I looked up, we saw several of the remaining guard stand before on one knee.

"We wish to serve... You destroyed Aro... And now we belong to you, the Olympic Coven." A guard by the name of Rolf, who I knew had the power of telekinesis.

Looking at him in disbelief, Bella and I stood slowly as we cast a confused look to Edward and Esme who looked back at us with utter shock.

"Explain yourself." Bella said forcefully, taking on the leading role of the family, as Carlisle was gone.

"We were always told, if unfortunately, the Volturi were to be destroyed, whoever destroyed them were to be our new masters." Corin spoke up, the small vampire said, not looking at either me nor Bella.

"We didn't want power... We want freedom." I mumbled softly, looking at what was left of our family. Unconsciously, we all formed together, Emmett and Rosalie finally making themselves known.

"This was not what we wanted... What shall we do?" Esme asked softly, her arms wrapped around herself, trying to hold the hole in her heart together.

Edward looked around at our faces, trying to think of a solution. Suddenly, I saw the vision of all of us living in Europe... Looking half alive, trying to survive and make it work... But no one looked completely upset... We looked half way happy, and that is only because of the missing members.

"Carlisle would want to at least try to make our world a better place... He was an amazing leader... if we don't, who will be in charge of protecting our secrets?" Rosalie said softly, her arms wrapped around Emmett's waist, holding on to him as if he would disappear. I was not surprised however... I was afraid that someone else would still be missing in our family, that they would just disappear before my very eyes.

"We must go home to discuss this." Edward tells the guard. "Once we finish looking through the fallen, we shall go home and talk our options through." He told Corin, looking at her and the rest of the guard harshly.

The small vampire nodded softly as she kept a steady look at the ground. "We shall look through our fallen as well and clean up their ashes, we must make haste at destroying the evidence." And with a parting bow of her head she stood slowly, keeping her head down as the rest of the guard followed her lead. They all stood and turned around, looking through several of the piles of burning bodies, trying to find those of the fallen.

"Aro's body along with Caius and Marcus, must be thrown away, destroy them further and bury them. They deserve no memorial, no tombstones or any kind of remembrance, once they are buried, forget about them and how you served for them." Edward said in a hard voice before wrapping his arm around Bella's shoulders, pulling her close to him, to kiss her on her temple as they took off in a run back to our home.

We all ran through the tree's quickly, there were no words to speak. I assumed that we were all still trying to process how some of the family weren't returning. I could hear the pounding paws of the wolves following us quickly behind us, trying to get some idea as to what was going on.

Walking into our house, everyone fell into their respective seats. Emmett sat in the armchair, where Rosalie sat on the armrest, leaning against him and closing her eyes. If only I could have the comfort of Jasper here with me... I needed him more than ever right now and I knew that I would have to get used to being without him. Edward and Bella sat on the love seat, of course sitting as close together as they could. They were mourning the lose of their daughter, though they knew that she was alive out there with Jacob. However they weren't sure as to when they would see her again, and no matter how hard I looked, I could not see Jacob or Renesmee's future. Esme and I sat on opposite sides of the couch. Esme kept her eyes to the floor, not moving, lost in her thoughts.

"We must decide as to what we plan to do with the guard." Edward said, breaking the silence as he looked around the room.

"Edward, you know as well as I do that I saw a vision of us living in Europe, obviously we are going to move to Italy and take over for the Voltrui." I mumbled, looking at him slightly irritated. Of course we were going to go, what else were we supposed to do? We couldn't stay in Forks anymore, especially since Charlie was going to return in just a few days.

We all looked up simultaneously as we heard footsteps enter the living room. It just seemed like we were all to busy to pay attention when someone entered out house. I saw Tanya and Kate walk through the doorway with Garrett just behind them, his hand on the small of Kate's back. She was so lucky, to have her new found love still with her.

"The Volturi have won many battle's... But you have won the war my friends." Garrett said solemnly. "Go to Italy, rule us with a fair hand." He said with a nod.

"You must do it." Tanya said softly, hidden in her voice. "For not only us, but for Carlisle... Jasper... Irina and all the other fallen."

Standing up, I looked around the room, unsure what to even think. "If we were to go... We will become them! The evil that killed our loves... Why would I willingly go and become our worst enemy." I said hotly, to tired of mourning the loss of everyone to be sad, though the hole in my chest continued to grow. "If we go-"

"We're going." Esme said hotly, speaking for the first time since the battle. She looked around the room, a scowl on her face as she began to pace. "Carlisle would have wanted it. He would have wanted to make this world better for everyone. If we go, we'll be able to spread our diet to the world." She said as she walked around the room, looking at each one of us. "We will go for the fallen, and we will go to make our world a better place. We will go to reorganize our world and protect those who cannot protect themselves. Go pack your things, we leave in an hour." Esme finished in a whisper, turning on her heels and ran up the stairs at vampire speed.

Emmett and Rosalie followed her up the stairs, unsure of what to think, but willing to follow none the less.

Closing my eyes as I ran up the stairs, feeling no need to see, I looked for the future, to see how we will rule... How everyone will follow us...

Running through the dark hallways I laughed hollowly. None of my laughter reaches where it should anymore, but I still go through the motions of life and if something is funny, Ill laugh. If something is sad, Ill mourn, but everything always feels hallow.

Turning to look behind me, I see Ariana, vampire who was even shorter than I, who looked about the age of fourteen with her long blonde hair flowing behind her. I seemed to have adopted this little vampire as a sister, almost as a daughter. She was part of the guard before the battle and remained with us loyally. She could control the weather and she was useful for wanting to leave the castle.

"Princess!" Ariana said with a laugh. "Queen Esme needs you in the Crown Room."

I quit running and came to a stop, the smaller vampire stopping next to me. "We shall continue our game tomorrow Ariana." I laughed, though as always the smile did not reach my eyes.

Walking to the 'Crown Room' at a leisurely pace, I checked my cell phone and saw the time of 9:37 pm, August 14th, 2015.

Before entering the room I checked my tiara, a favorite of mine and saw the doors open before me and Esme sitting in the tallest chair in the center of the room. I sat to her left with Emmett and Rosalie while Edward and Bella sat to her right, all of our chairs slightly lower than hers, for she was the Queen. The seat empty was mine so I made haste to sit down.

Before us was an old vampire it seemed, though I had never met him before. His finger nails were dirty, his jeans had holes in them and his shirt hung off his body like a rag. The vampire was obviously a nomad.

"He wishes to join us, though he committed a crime my Highness's." Felix said roughly, his arms wrapped around the mystery vampire's arms behind his back. "He exposed himself to a human, whom he claims as his love."

Edward and Bella exchanged a look as they always did when the heard a story similar to theirs, a vampire in love with a human. "Tell us your story." Bella said softly, squeezing Edward's hand softly.

Slightly bored, I looked across the room and saw the mirror that hung on the wall there, and saw myself in the mirror. My hair a spiky, sleek halo around my head, my silver tiara resting on the top. But what shocked me most was my eyes... They were red, no longer thirsty, but no long saturated with animal blood.

So there it is. My first story... And as soon as I hit the 'post' button, I shall start on the next chapter.

This story is based on the vision Alice has in Breaking Dawn and it's my take on it. So there might be some ooc in here just because losing a mate is so traumatic. Ill be jumping back and forth pov's and just going to try to make this story as unique as possible. It will eventually get graphic so M for safety and such.

Thanks for reading! ;D