I own nothing.

"I'm gay."

Those three words changed Blaine Anderson's life forever.

He had known he was gay, since the beginning of middle school. He told his father one year later.

Bad idea.

He remembers what happened like it was yesterday.


"Dad, I-I'm gay."

"No Blaine. Your straight."

"No dad, I-I'm not. I've known for about a year now. I-"

"Shut up. You are straight. You like girls. This is a phase, Blaine. We'll get this firgured out."

"I'm gay. I don't want to change, dad." Blaine had tears forming in his eyes. "Please.. I'm still your son."

"You are not my son anymore, Blaine."

"Dad, I-"

That's when it happened. His father had hit him for the very first time. It wasn't even a smack. It was a punch. Right in the jaw.

"You will not be gay in this house, Blaine. You are straight. So get this idea out of your mind. I don't know what would make you think this is okay, but it isn't. You need to change. I will NOT have a faggot living in MY house. Understand?"

Blaine's mother just sat there, and watched.

"I'm home!" Blaine yelled to the empty living room. Like they would answer if they were here anyway.

He promised his father he would be home right after the Glee Club's production of Grease. He always kept his promises to his father.

Blaine walked up the spiral staircase to his room. He put his bookbag down and laid down on his bed. He couldn't believe what happened earlier. Kurt had said he didn't trust Blaine. It broke something in him. He never had thought he would hear Kurt utter those fearful words. Ever.

He shook the thoughts and memory of it form his head, and got up. He wanted to shower. He wanted to run the scolding water and forget about everything. He wanted to wash away what he had dont with Eli, but he knew he couldn't. He cheated. On the love of his life. He had done everything to keep them together.

Eli was an accident.

A boy about Blaine's age walks into a motel room with a small glass of water and hands it to Blaine.

"You alright?"

"I-I can't do this, Eli. I'm sorry."

'Blaine, just let me do everything. You don't have to think about anything. I promise."

Just then, Eli kisses him slowly. Blaine of course kisses back. This goes on for a short while, but Blaine eventually pulls away.

"I-I can't."

Blaine runs.

It was bad enough that he had thought about cheating on Kurt, but he actually acted on it. He allowed another man to kiss and touch him like Kurt has. It wasn't right. He only did it, because of what happened with his father the night before, and how Kurt never seemed to care.

Blaine was lost.

Hope you liked it! Review! If I get five reviews then I'll write a new chapter (: Next: What happened wih Blaine's father the night before he went to Eli's?