A.N – I do not own Mass Effect and Warhammer 40K

My name is Rexarios ki Skarvane.

I am an Inquisitor Lord of the Ordo Malleus of the Imperium of Man.

I am a Rogue Trader from the Dynasty of Lockheed

And I write this document now to speak to thee of my past, of my present… and the outcome that is my future.

I was born the thirteenth child of a Noble House in the Canis Salient. I was to be someone who was supposed to inherit a vast fortune due to my birthright. However, this was not so. For the first sixteen years of my life I was an exile to my family, thirteenth born with an unknown father. My mother, if she is even deserves to be called such, did not want me. But due to certain social standards her hands could not kill me. For sixteen years I lived in the fringes of the Hive city of Sclera, my father devoted all his time as factory worker within the city. I could not enter due to my mother, so I had to make ends meet another way. Deep within the under city, past the city limits lay the Brass Fist. It was an underground Pit Fighting Ring. At my tenth year I began to fight there, if for nothing else then to put food on the table. I did not make such a large name for myself, but I did acquire something else far more valuable. The drive to survive, and valuable combat experience.

But all was not well by my sixteenth year. My father was frail, not physically, it was genetic. His body was naturally strong, but he lacked the stamina to keep a strenuous activity going for too long. Hard days at the factory whittled away his constitution. Doctors and chirurgeons all gave him ten months to live if he kept up his job to feed me. That was ten years ago, shows what they know. But eventually it took its toll. Three months after my birthday he passed away. I cremated his remains, and scattered all but a portion of it to the seas past the cities. The portion I held on to was placed inside a stasis capsule roughly half the size of half my finger. It cost me nearly three years of my income for the fights. That year was also the day that I found out I was a Psyker. After a few incidents concerning several people and their weapons, or the lack of said people with weapons, the Black Ships found me, knowing my fate I knew I could not fight the Inquisition. Thus I was taken to Holy Terra, I was soul-bound to the Emperor, a process I cannot even recall, and was drafted into the Imperial Guard in the Calixis Sector.

For thirteen years I served honorably and faithfully as the Regiments Sanctioned Psyker. I suppose my life could have gotten far worse, but in truth I had very little to complain about. I had comrades, I had teachers and I had enemies. Life back then was so simple. Not like how it was when the Inquisition took interest an interest to me. It was a venture against the Tau that I first met Inquisitor Vol Sigrum, My future Master, Patron and surprising of all, my friend. He sought me out when he had heard of Psyker with an unusually powerful mastery over certain disciplines. He conscripted me against my will, after all I had many friends in my regiment despite myself being a Psyker, but regardless of my feelings I still left with Inquisitor Sigrum.

I Would like to say that my time as the Inquisitors Psyker was a grand time, that when we met we struck an accord and became fast friends, I would like to say that we had a very healthy dose of respect for one another at the very beginning, but that would taste a lie. We hated each other from the very start, the only reason we did not come to blows was because he required the services of second Psyker, apart from himself, to deal with a slight Daemon problem. Suffice to say that the problem came a breath away from complete annihilation. I am proud to say though that after surviving the Inquisitor for half a decade we did eventually see each other as respectable, and even friends at some point, though I cant remember when. My service to him granted me a great deal of leeway, even allowing me to join the Templars Calix of the Scholastia Psykana, even becoming a Grandmaster. Despite all the Daemons we fought, the Heretics we burned and even the Xenos we've purged only I escaped with my life. One by one Sigrums' Retinue, which I eventually became a part of, died in the name of the Emperor, except myself. It was after Sigrum's fall did I come under the attention of the Calixis Conclave. I honestly can't remember what came over me, but with the wounds still fresh I lashed out and demanded justice for my dead friend who was assassinated through treachery. By then I had reached the highest echelons the Psykana could offer me. I was gifted as a Primaris Psyker and was made as Sigrum's Interrogator; frankly I had quite the reputation though in my anger I forgot all about it. I demanded justice and so the Conclave gave it to me. I had one month, they gave me all the powers of an Inquisitor without the actual title, to find the killer and ascertain the reason for the assassination. If I could not find the perpetrator and the guilty party my life would forfeit, as they call it "Guilty by association". Yet despite everything I found the culprit, one of Sigrum's old enemies, Inquisitor Jermaine, had some old score to settle with him. It was my word against his when it all came down o it. And regardless of the damning evidence I found Jermaine managed to block me at every turn, even though all my evidence pointed to him being a traitor and a heretic seduced by Chaos. Despite all this I was given one last chance to win my case. I fought him to the death, and despite losing several building it was I who managed to rip his skull out with his spine. A fitting victory in His Name, and a final closure in Sigrum's favor.

At the end of that little debacle I was raised to the full rank of Inquisitor, having revealed a traitor, killing him and honoring my previous master. It was difficult but it seemed that the Conclave was actually impressed, will wonders ever cease? For three decades I bore the title, even ascending once more to Inquisitor Lord, and all the while solidifying my influence in the Calixis Sector.

I'm quite proud of myself for the new comrades I have garnered as my retinue. If nothing else they represent the potential and ambition that brought Man to power. The first was Sergeant Pilous Gigs; we call him Sergeant "Pigs" as his preference, a Guardsman that shot his Commissar. Earned a ticket to the Penal Legion, yet for some odd reason this bald headed, blue eyed, Emperor blessed bastard managed to survive three whole decades of constant warfare in the legion, a damned miracle as anyone can tell you. It took a while but he eventually warmed up to me when I freed his sorry carcass from the Legion. It is mystery how such uncouth lout such as him became my best friend, if Inquisitors can have friends, of all things and eventually become my Arch-Militiant and Second in Command.

Eventually, I happen to come upon a rather strange and fascinating tale of a fallen Adepta Sororitus, a Sister of Battle. The woman claimed to receive visions from the Emperor himself, when her fellow sisters found out she was instantly branded as a witch and a heretic. And as much as one knows the Sisters of Battle hate both with equal and unending fury. Suffice to say Sister Regalia was bound into the interrogation chambers for a very long time. That is until I flashed my Inquisitorial Rosette in front of the Prioress and conscripted her. Since that day she has served me faithfully and dutifully, after all she was no longer welcomed in her own convent. "The Emperor's Will is first, yours is second" was her new creed, back then I could not tell if having her zeal in my retinue was blessing or a curse. Till this day I still don't know the origins of her visions, but I do know one irrefutable fact, her visions are never wrong, the fact that I right this now is physical proof of her vision's accuracy.

During my travels it became extremely frustrating when I ran into pathways that were blocked by ancient Archeotech. One cannot believe the overwhelming amounts they can find when exploring Dead Worlds. Regardless of this I came to realize of having a Tech-Priest with me. The problem was, finding Tech-Priest crazy enough to partner with me. That was when he showed up, perhaps the craziest and nuttiest Tech-Priest that was ever born. Magos Zevaar was a Geneticist and an Explorator. This insane creature had three main quirks that seem to grate on my nerves on a regular basis. The first is his obsession in reproductive experimentation, if he was his own subject than that would be fine, whatever gets his mechadendrite functioning. The problem was he used me for a test subject and is obsessed with finding the "Hero's Gene", a gene that, hypothetically, be found in all the great heroes of the Imperium, he believes I have such a gene and wishes to breed them into my protégés. Therefore, whenever I wish to "execute my authority" he is always somewhere close around with an auspex and other equipment. His second quirk would be Xenotech and Archeotech, to him tech is tech. He enjoys reverse engineering everything he gets his hands on, normally this would be a boon for any Inquisitor, however my only concern with this is his constant desire to test them on me first. His final quirk however, is the most interesting and surprisingly the most normal one in my point of view. He has a strange fixation with explosives, almost bordering Ork-like. His love for explosions is seconded by his genius in creating them. This makes him potentially a liability however, what scares me the most is not his love of explosives but by the systematic control he has in utilizing hem, without a doubt this man is capable of destroying a Hive city with nothing more than a Primer, a box of Black Powder and a prayer.

Finally, the last member of my Retinue would be Callia, or, as others would know her as Blade-Born. Such a title was given to her by the Grandmaster of the Callidus Temple of Assassins. Aside from myself and the infamous Adeptus Astartes themselves, I have never seen her equal with a bladed weapon. She is the youngest of my Retinue and obviously the most successful Assasin within Callidus. Her contract, and in turn all that she is, became mine when I slew the Dark Eldar Archon that was about to pillage a major training world for the Callidus Temple. In return for services rendered the Grandmaster awarded me with her contract, their most promising Assasin yet. This blue haired, green-eyed master of blades can even match her skills to that of the Wyches of the Dark Eldar, and many times she has come on top. Her blades are near invisible and it is with these skills that I considered her into my retinue.

It might come as a surprise to you that despite what you have read so far; I am what a many Inquisitors call a Radical. As in I do not conform to the Imperial Creed, frankly I don't really have a faction but if any of the other Inquisitors find my logs they will no doubt see me as a heretic. Regardless, I a still believe in the work of the Emperor, even if I am not bound by some rules that were set by fanatics. I issued forth many terminatus, condemned many souls and even worked with dark tech and Xenotech. Despite all this I still work for the Imperium of Man and only the Emperor himself may judge my actions. I suppose my greatest sins would be using illegal cybernetics of all sorts, some which manipulate my genetic structure to mirror other species, and forming relationship with other Xenos civilizations, namely the Eldar. I have done many things that those with little minds can call heretical, yet despite what anyone will say I have always done what I feel would be best for Humanity.

Eventually, the Emperor saw fit to throw me another unexpected surprise. Do you remember how I spoke of myself being the thirteenth child to a Noble family? Well ironically enough my siblings, if you include stepsiblings that would be 36 people, all perished. My mother and all that came from her loins have all perished. Quite literally the entire dynasty of Lockheed have been eliminated by a vicious "Nobleman's Game". Leaving me, the unwanted child to bear the burden of a very old and sacred Warrant of Trade. It was quite sad and ironic that a Warrant of trade that was signed by Robute Guilliman himself fell into the hands of the Lockheed.

Allow me to spread some light on the illustrious history of the Lockheed's'. During the Age of Rebirth in honor of the valor, courage that Straus Lockheed displayed Robute Guilliman rewarded him with a Warrant of Trade for services rendered. The Warrant literally give unlimited power to the Dynasty and so long as the Guilliman and his sons deem the line worthy as one of his Sons will be permanently stationed to protect the family. As you can already tell the Lockheed Dynasty has gone without the service of a Space Marine from the Ultramarines Chapter for several millenniums. As such, this speaks quite loudly of the status of the Dynasty. Frankly, when I took the deed I did not even realize it's full potential until twenty years after I first acquired it. By then I had already amassed a large amount of wealth, in terms of influence, power, ships and ancient relics. Around the time I was returning to Calixis to personally oversee my assets I stumbled upon Captain Invictus of the Ultramarines, who serving in the Deathwatch. I will not go into too much detail, but the captain was in he middle of a budding Chaos Insurgency. He required extra manpower, armor support and able commanders to lead the war on the planet. That was where I came in; after all it was not often you get to aid the fabled Angels of Death. I gambled my only ship, the Grand Cruiser Origin of Eternity, and all my house guards in order to subdue the threat. Half of the reason I did this was to stop a threat, the other half was so I could gain a favor from the Ultramarines chapter themselves. Suffice to say I had the resources and Captain Invictus had the skills and leadership to put the rebellion down for good. When word got around that I had helped quell an insurgency the current Chapter Master of the Ultramarines called for me himself. You could not believe the honor I felt when I stood before Marneus Callgar as a respected guest and in some respects an equal. . He spoke to me of my actions and deeds. We exchanged stories of my time in the Imperial Guard, dealings with the Inquisition all the way to my ascension, and finally my tales from the Expanse as a Rogue Trader. This happened it course of months but as we talked and made war against our enemies a genuine friendship blossomed between us. Very rarely will I meet a more noble man. When my ship was finally done being repaired to the rebellion I had to leave my new friend, for he had Macragge to oversee and I still had my ambitions beyond the stars. However, as a passing gift, Marneus authorized the ancient pact within my Warrant of Trade. From that point on Captain Invictus, who trained as a Kill-Marine, became a permenent fixture upon my ship. And so long as I honor the their chapter and stay noble they will constantly provide an Ultramarine to my Dynasty.

And thus my final companion is revealed. Aside from Brother Invictus one other has come before in servitude. Her name is Cir-ar-anel and as the name suggests she is not human. In fact she is an Eldar, an Eldar Farseer to be exact. Now the question in your mind might be "Why would she serve me"? Well, to be honest till this day I have no idea. I know that all Eldar have at least three different goals and that they see us as nothing more than pawns, but the fact of the matter is she is far too valuable. I can say she is ancient, she has nearly lived a full ten millennium, and even I am not crazy enough to ask an eldar their age. When she first came to me she offered herself as a pact. She would serve me in all things so long as I grant her a single wish. Now here is where things get crazy and downright heretical. She would not tell me what her wish is but she assured me that no human would be harmed in her gaining such a wish. Of course, I was skeptical, but I did not outright reject her, after all how often do you here an Eldar Farseer offer herself to a "Mon-Keigh"? She must have been playing an angle, therefore I added to the stipulation that she must serve for a time before I grant her that wish. She said "ten of your years", and once again I was shocked, Emperor's Throne that might have been blink of an eye for her but it was quite sometime for humans like me. It was than that I realized she was gambling her life for something far greater then herself. It was something I possessed that she coveted. When I asked her what it was she remained silent. And so a decision weighted upon my shoulder. Refuse and let slip by me a powerful resource that could tip the balance of the Imperium in its favor or trust her and risk all that I was in a gambit with little to no profit and the consequences beginning in Excommunicate Traitoris. And so it was the through stupidity that I accepted her bargain. I can' say that the next ten years was Paradise, especially when she became a Sanctioned Xeno and got that Brand, but many times my life hanged in the balance, especially Daemonic, she saved it but always with that infuriating smirk. On the tenth year of her service, I was honor bound to keep my word… oh the calamity I brought. Her wish was that ten thousand of her kin take permanent refuge upon my flagship, the Grand Cruiser Origin of Eternity. That got the crew worked up. She offered the services of her kinsmen for sanctuary, they would follow my rules to the letter and offer everything they had to me in order for fair treatment and space to raise their young. I do not believe I need to describe the absolute hell my ship and crew suffered because of my promise. That was the closest I ever got to a full-blown mutiny. However, after half a decade the crew finally, warmed up to them, the Eldar anyway. It was almost surreal to see the haughty Eldar take orders from humans. But regardless, it was a long five years, and despite the fact that our adventures might never bring our two species together all of us can agree that the Origin of Eternity has become home… for all of us. I still don't know why Cir-ar-anel came to me for this or why, but she and her kin have become invaluable, so long as they are not discovered.

As write all this down I cannot help but be thankful for my life. Though I do not believe the Emperor is Divine I do believe he is what we, as humanity, should strive for. I believe he has led me down this path for a specific reason, I honestly cant imagine another person out their with the same luck I am having. Despite all that I feel as though my time n the Emperor's service is nearing the end. And I have come to prepare. This is my past; I inscribe my present, Emperor watch over me as my future looms on.

The Final Page of Rexarios ki Skarvane

Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus

Rogue Trader of the Skarvane Dynasty (nee Lockheed)