SO WHO MISSED ME?! –tumbleweed passed by- ….ok fine then :T , but after more than a year of nothingness I finally found the motivation to continue this story, but it's not so light hearted anymore. I blame everything on the mountain of papers by my side –point to the monstrosity- Still, like all, don't expect me to update regularly. Gomen. -bow-

I don't own Soul eater and bloody dammit, on with the show!

I hate the color red and all of its shades.

It's a putrid shade of crimson representing vanity, rage, destruction, lust, life, and death. Yet, like every evil in the world we cannot help but be drawn to its beauty. It kills us. At the same time, we can't live without it.

I wonder when I had started hating the color till the point that even the sight was mentally torturous. Did it start at the hands of those frightened humans? The sights of my kin being slaughtered in front of me? Maybe it was when I had my first taste of blood.

Either way, it sickens me to the soul.

It's the classic cliché scene in possibly every shoujo manga out there. A group of girls surrounds the female heroine with a threatening aura in a private area, which would have to be the woods behind the school in this case. Like a pack of hyenas, they eye their tasty piece of with weak facades of sweetness while obliterating other weak-looking contenders who dare to take their meal away from them. They bare their fangs at their enemy with shape shifting weapons to spare, all of which were pointed at me.

I would actually be honored for them to think of me as a actual rival, but for it to be 3 against 1….it was honestly pretty pitiful. It's 3 buffed up girls against 1 feeble looking girl without a weapon to defend herself against them. The unfairness is right there if anyone can actually see.

However, like all other female leads in these cliché stories, they are a little 'different' from the rest of the cast. That's why they are the female protagonist after all-

I was sent about 20 feet flying to the right when a war hammer quickly landed itself at my abdomen. 10 trees barely did anything to slow down my journey and an ear splitting crack was easily heard as my body slammed against the wall.A human sized crater formed upon impact. My hands and head, the only parts of my body that were not embedded in the concrete, laid limp on the wall.

The head bully (I really don't know her name to say), with the metal blunt weapon resting on her shoulder, appeared from the woods and inspected me from head to toe. The side of her lip curled up into a smile, one that I was actually glad to see.

"You're not so strong," She pretended to lament the fact.

"I'm actually disappointed."

"Really~" The hammer spoke with a sigh, "How did this pipsqueak become Soul-kun's meister?"

Soul-kun? Really?

The urge to gag was present but duo, with a broadsword instead of a mallet, pried me out of the wall. The ground eagerly awaited my body that came. Not-so-hidden malicious laughter reverberate around me like a broken stereo on loop as I quietly picked myself off the ground.

I coughed. Blood sprayed from my mouth from my ruptured lung and onto the dry dirt. I covered my mouth and coughed hand was splattered with the rancid color. It took "a while" to realize what had happened.

I screamed, but not out of fear nor from the pain.I did it because they were happy. They were laughing at the 'pain' I exhibited. I'll let them enjoy their sadistic tactics. It just makes them even sweeter to taste. So sweet that I will need insulin when this fucking thing is over…..

I couldn't keep up the boring act anymore.

When my head finally cracked from the previous impact I allowed the blood to flow down my face. My screams ceased immediately and instead, a long and heavy breath escaped my mouth. I watched my body paint the ground crimson, but my sight already faded into that disgusting color.

I stared at the figures. The girls didn't seem to notice the sudden lack of screams from their target. They were still laughing.

While I felt hungry.

My stomach growled waiting for a special item that could quench its hunger. The hyenas became sitting gazelles glued to the same place and ignorant to the famished me.

What happens when a lion spots some easy prey in the savannah?

The answer is obvious.

I quietly bared my own fangs.

The empty sound of a clicking lighter ceased my meal.

A scent of tobacco alerted my senses instantly, notifying me of the newest being in the area. I didn't scream nor did I talk; I merely bobbed my head away from the final girl, the one with the war hammer if I was to be specific. It wasn't hard to tell who the intruder was. The only person who would smoke on school property was-

"Professor Stein." I acknowledged without looked back.

"How do they taste?" He asked in an indifferent tone.

"Bitter." I grumbled licking the last of my meal off my palm. "The taste of envy overpowered their sadistic bit of happiness. "

"Reasonable. Your body rejects the negative emotions, though most would actually gleefully devour it. Very unusual if you asked me."

"Yeah… It's strange." I solemnly agreed. Stein took a deep breath in and breathed out a puff of smoke which only aggravated my senses even more.

"Just remember to carry them into the infirmary when you are done." Stein said with boredom, "A new set of clothes and a sink are waiting for you. Clean yourself up before you go home." I simply nodded, annoyed by his reminder when I already knew the right protocol to deal with this common occurrence.

"Thanks." I mumbled with worn out gratitude. No matter how many times I say "Thank you" it will never be enough to compensate for support he had given me for the past few years. He saw my soul and kept my secret. Whenever I fucked up he cleaned my mess. This was just another debt I owed him.

"….Thank you." My lips reflexively repeated again. Stein's apathetic look didn't change as the tiny ember in the cigarette died itself out.

"What's with the politeness?" He questioned lighting a new roll of tobacco. I chuckled as I rested my check on the back of my hand.

"No reason.

I was just thinking about something."

The laughing sun was barely seen on the horizon when I returned back home. It was awfully quiet compared to the closing door. A small plate of pasta with tomato sauce was already waiting for me on the dining table, so I already guessed Soul was talking a nap in his room. He has always known how much I am willing to eat at a time, but even now this looked too much for me.

I try my best however.

After placing my hands together in a prayer and muttering an "Ikadakimasu", I began to devour my dinner. I didn't dare to stop, not even when my stomach felt bloated or when my mind felt dazed, until not a speck of red was left.

"Thank you for the meal!" I screamed, loud enough to wake a hibernating Soul, but I didn't give him a chance to react. I threw the plate into the sink making a mental note to wash them later. With a set of pajamas hung over my arm I headed straight towards the bathroom. I didn't bother to wait for the door to click behind me as I stripped all of my clothes and turned the shower on. I pulled the two bands away from my hair only revealing the patches of blood painted on it if I had looked in the mirror. Stein's clothes revealed the rest; the parts that I didn't have the time to wash off.

I could feel the cold water rain on my head. It traveled down every part of my body carrying the dried specks onto the bathroom tiles. My feet soaked itself in the diluted red liquid as it swirled around the drain. I kicked the water uselessly while I prayed that the color would just fade away. It did, but I could still smell it.

It's all over me.

From them.

Because of me…

I hate the color red.

The darker it is the dirtier it becomes.

And mine is the darkest of them all.

And that's a wrap for chapter one! I know it's pretty short(by many people's standards), But this is just me. I give myself 2 years before I actually update chapter 2 :P. JK. Maybe.