Chapter 11
General POV:
Soul's eyes widened, and everything fell silent. Maka looks away, avoiding any eye contact. "I'm sorry." Her voice cracks, and she runs out of the apartment, crying. Soul blinks, and just stares at the ground. "I'm sorry, Maka... this is all my fault..."
Maka's POV:
This was all my fault. I was so stupid. I should have known better that something like this would happen. Soul was going to leave me... just like my Mama left my Papa. I couldn't be a single parent. I just couldn't. I needed to take care of it. I wasn't ready to be a mother... but I couldn't just get rid of it either... I needed to get away. Far away where I wouldn't bother Soul and give him anymore problems. If you love something, let it go.
Soul's POV:
I couldn't believe it. This was all my fault. I got Maka pregnant... My job was to protect her... And I got her pregnant.. I'm such a failure. I'm the worst weapon in the world. She must hate me. I shake my head, and stand up. "Stop self sulking, Soul. The love of your life and unborn child are out there somewhere. Get out there and find them." I say, trying to convince myself. I shake my head, and start running out the door of the apartment, going after Maka.
Maka's POV:
My legs and lungs burned, urging me to stop running, but I couldn't. I couldn't face Soul after he knew. What would he say? 'Maka, I'm sorry. but I don't want to be with you anymore?' or 'It's me or the baby?' I couldn't hear those words. I'd rather never see him again than hear that. I know he said he'd be with me forever, no matter what... But he wasn't expecting this. Neither was I. I didn't hate the baby... I just hated how I didn't protect myself. I should have known better.
Soul's POV:
I keep running, seeing Maka in the distance. "Maka! Wait up!" I run faster, catching up to her. She ignores me, and keeps running. "Maka, please! I need to talk to you!" I run faster. "Leave me alone Soul! You don't need to tell me, I know!" I run faster, and run beside her. "No you don't! Maka, please!"
She keeps running, and looks away. "Maka, please!" My voice cracks, becoming desprate. She keeps running. "Maka!" She keeps ignoring me. "Marry me, Maka!" She suddenly stops and turns around, and looks at me with watery eyes. I walk up to her, and kneel, taking her hand. "I know that this probably isn't the best time... But... Maka Albarn... would you do me the pleasure of marrying me?"
She suddenly collapses to her knees, and hugs me, crying. I sigh sadly, and hug her back, and rub her back. "It's alright, Maka... really..." She keeps crying. "I-I t-thought you w-where going to leave m-me." I keep hugging her, and rubbing her back. "No, no, no. I would never leave you..." She hugs me tighter. "Than w-why did you n-not say anything?" I sigh. "Maka... I was in shock... I'm not mad or upset with you, really. Just... surprised... I can't believe I'm a father..." She slowly looks up at me. "Soul... I'm scared." I sigh, and keep rubbing her back. "I know... so am I. I'm sorry." She looks at me sadly. "It's not your fault. We both did it." I smile sadly, and place a hand on her stomach. "I know. But I should have used protection..." She blushes a bit, and puts her hand on my hand.
"Soul... I can't do it..." I look confused. "What do you mean?" She hugs me tighter. "I can't get rid of the baby..." I sigh, and pulls away and cup her face. "Maka... I don't want you to get rid of the baby." She looks surprised at me. "Y-you don't..?" I shake my head and smile. "No. I'm actually happy about this. Well... Not with the timing and all. I wish I had more time alone with you so we could do... certain things..." I say with a smirk. Maka eyes me like she was going to Maka Chop me, so dropped the smirk. "But I'm glad that we're starting a family together. I know you'll be a wounderful Mother to our little baby girl or boy, Maka." I carefully wrap my arms around her waist, a hand on her stomach. "I love you and the baby, and I can't wait until he or she is born and I can hold our baby in my arms. I love you Maka, and nothing can change the way I feel about you." I kiss her neck, she blushes. "I love you too, Soul..." I smile and stand up, holding out a hand. "Come on, bookworm. We don't want you to catch a cold." She smiles and takes my hand, pulling herself up. I hold her hand and start walking back to our appartment.
"Hey, Soul?" I smile at her. "Yeah, Maka?" She smiles back at me. "Thank you." I stop walking and look at her. "For what..?" She looks into my eyes and smiles. "Just for everything. For helping me bring my emotions back. I used to think that when I was in that other world emotions where just painful to have... That's why I got rid of them... But thanks to you now I see in order to have happiness you need to experiance sarrow. In order to pleasure, you need to feel pain. In order to feel love you must also feel hate..." I smile at her and pull her into a hug. "Maka... it was all worth it. I would do anything for you." She smiles back. "So would I."
Author's Note:
Sorry guys. I decided to end this story here. I might do a epilouge if someone asks me. But I just can't keep up with the story updates and I decided it's either slow updates or the occasional one shot. I decided to do one shots because it isn't fair to you guys that it takes me so long to update a story and I leave them on cliff-hangers most of the time. So this is the ending to this story. Once again, I apologize. But I honestly though the ending to this story was perfect. Maybe a bit too sudden, but I liked that it was fluffy. So Soul and Maka lived happily ever after.
Question and Answer Time:
Thank you so much! I'm so, so, so sorry for such a late update, but I've been busy. My boy friend just recently commited suicide, and I've been failing Geometry. So it took a while for me to get time to write this. I'm sorry if it ended to fast for you.
Lmfao. I honestly feel so bad for Maka. I mean, I'm sure that they'll be excelent parents, but there is going to be problems.
I'm sorry that you didn't like that she got pregnant. But keep in mind; Maka is 23 in theis story, and Soul is 24. That's not that young of a age to have kids.
Hell yea!
Glad you like the idea. Sorry for the late update. ^^'
I'm so, so, so sorry for the late update! I've been going through a lot of people committing suicide and everything and I haven't been able to really get the chance to update. I hope the chapter makes up for it.
Sorry that I didn't get to that. I was honestly just trying to wrap this story up sense I can't be committed to it anymore.
It's alright. I understand. I un-fav and stop reading any fanfics that have OC's in them that are Soul and Maka because they always end up revolving around the OC at some point.
I'm sooooooooooo sorry! It took longer than expected for me to finish the chapter. I hope you liked it. And I'll message you ASAP.
I know right!? I try to make my stories interesting and unlike the other Soul and Maka fanfics.
Anyways, I hope you liked the ending chapter guys! Sorry that I didn't write more; but I'm kind of rushing to finish this up because I barely have any time to upload this chapter as it is. Imagine in your mind how you would have wanted this story to have ended. I'm leaving it up to you guys. -LeaCarosella