Okay, so this is gonna be my first fic with more then 1 chapter and I'm really excited about it and of course, hope it turns out well. I've had the idea laying around for a while and I decided I might as well try.

I'm really not that good at long stories, but I'll try to do my best, so enjoy!

And even though I didn't put Romance on the genre, I would lie if I told you there aren't gonna be any, just saying :P

Disclaimer: I obviously don't own Fairy tail and all credit goes to it's respectful owners

A fist connected with Gray's face as Juvia stood behind one of the pillars in the guild hall, watching one of many, of Natsu and Gray's fights. One of their usual arguments had once again turned violent and Natsu had thrown a punch at Gray. Juvia silently cheered for Gray and couldn't tear her eyes away from his half naked body getting off the floor, ready to launch back at Natsu. Just when he was about to, a hand got placed on both his and Natsu's faces and pushed them apart so strongly, they got airborne and flew opposite one another, each landing on tables that broke.

"Knock it off!" A proud voice called out. The girl fixed her scarlet colored hair and gave each of the boys a sharp look, making them obey her instantly.

Lucy, who sat at the bar, sighed and continued her conversation with Levy. Juvia looked back at Gray, who glared at Natsu when Erza wasn't looking.

It had only been a couple of weeks since Laxus had gotten kicked out of the guild and Natsu was going around picking fights with everybody, even Juvia had been subject to his taunting once.

Natsu then started smiling again and yelled; "Erza, fight me!" and ran after her.

Gray once again sat down, to continue his 'work'. He was struggling to pick out a mission for his team and as it was his turn to do it, the others had given him until four a'clock that afternoon to figure it out.

"Crazy bastard." He mumbled under his breath and sent a small glare at Natsu.

Three different missions laid spread across the table in front of Gray. One was a recovery job, another was a bodyguard job and lastly, there was a request about getting rid of a monster, who was bothering a village. All of the missions seemed quite easy to Gray, so he sighed and thought about how he wasn't gonna hear the end of it from Natsu, if he didn't pick one by the end of his deadline. Which was soon. Gray peeked at the clock and groaned, it already showed 15:50 in the afternoon, meaning the team would need an answer real soon.

Juvia thought about helping him, but hesitated going over there. She didn't wanna look like an idiot, but took a deep breath and went for it.

Gray didn't look up when she reached the table and kept on grumbling about 'stupid missions'. She was fidgeting and every time she opened her mouth to say something, she hesitated and closed it again.

"Gray-sama?" Juvia quietly called out.

"Hmm?" Gray's eyes didn't leave the posters on the table and he seemed so distracted at the moment, Juvia thought it would be impossible to even think he would be listening.

Tomorrow was a big day for Juvia, at least she thought so. She would be overly happy if Gray would spend time with her on her birthday, but it was a long shot, even she knew that. Of course she didn't expect him to remember, like Gajeel would and thought; she might as well ask him if he would celebrate with her anyway.

"Juvia thought maybe-"

"Oh sorry, can we talk later?" Gray cut her off and tightened one of his hands into a fist out of pure frustration. "I really have to pick out one of these."

He began mumbling to himself again and forgot Juvia was even standing there.

"Yeah okay.." She sighed and once again made her way behind a pillar to keep watching her 'Gray-sama'.

A hand grapped her shoulder form behind, startling her to no end. She spun around, only to see a familiar face.

"So he forgot, huh?" The big teen growled slightly.

"Gajeel-kun! It's alright, Juvia didn't expect anything else." She reassured him, which only served to make him more riled up.

"Juvia, you-!" Gajeel started, but got interrupted when Master Makarov slammed the big wooden doors up front open. Everybody got silent and looked his way, even Gray looked up from his predicament. Natsu, who laid on the floor, beaten to a pulp by Erza, looked up to meet the serious eyes of the little master. Makarov went straight for Natsu, with small, but quick steps. As Natsu noticed this, he got off the floor with a serious expression playing on his features.

"Natsu," The master spoke with his deep voice and looked Natsu in the eye. The fire mage nodded determined and waited for some kind of big news.

"You look like shit!" Makarov laughed, his voice getting some tones higher and more comedic. The entire room started laughing, except Natsu, who dumped himself in a corner and began sulking. Even Juvia found herself giggling a bit, which was an act she hadn't done in a long time.

"Now listen up!" Makarov yelled out, again being serious and when the room once again fell silent, the master continued. "I've received some reports about smaller guilds being attacked and completely annihilated down south!" He shouted out so everybody could hear him.

Some gasps and mumbling occurred throughout the crowd. Natsu's fists were already on fire, as he stumped the floor with his angry foot, having already gotten over his sulking."Who the hell did it?!"

As soon as Erza got placed beside him, he stopped and held still like a scared puppy.

"The magic counsel have ordered me to assemble 4 teams, each team will investigate a different guild. All the guilds who have been attacked has been in a neighboring town to the last. I've already made the teams, so speak up when you hear your name!" He looked cautiously around on his people. "Erza!"

"Yes!" The scarlet haired woman spoke up, almost military style.

"You're with Lucy, you two are going to Nikai, where the first attack occurred!" He ordered.

Lucy seemed uncomfortable with the thought of being alone with Erza, but she brushed it off quickly enough.

"Yes master!" Erza said without hesitation.


"Yes! I'm going!" Natsu celebrated and grinned.

Makarov rolled his eyes at the energetic teen. "You're with Happy and Gajeel."

As soon as the iron dragon slayer's name left the master's mouth, Natsu got irritated and shot a glare to Gajeel, who returned it.

"Guess I have no choice." Gajeel grumbled and went to stand by Natsu.

"You three are going to Yuniha!" Makarov stated and Natsu just nodded, too busy sending death glares at Gajeel.

Mumbling and whispering sounded from all over the place and many of the guild members actually didn't want to get picked.

"Levy!" The master then called out and looked at the little bluenette, who stated shaking.

"EH?! I'm going?!" She asked panicky and looked helplessly at the little old man, who was standing on the newly build stage, just to be tall enough to have a view over the guild members. He just nodded calmly and cleared his throat.

Ignoring the protests coming from the two-man Levy fan-club, the master continued. "Levy, you're with Juvia and the two of you are going to Galuna City." He stated and just for safety, he added; "Not the island."

Juvia looked at Levy and tried pulling out a smile, which failed miserably. Juvia didn't think she had ever been alone with Levy before and it felt a little uncomfortable, a feeling she was sure Levy felt too.

She sighed as she realized; she would be spending her birthday in a strange and unfamiliar town without any of her friends, except Levy. She wasn't disappointed at the fact that it was Levy, just that she would have liked for all the others to have been there too.

To tell the truth; she still didn't really feel like she was a part of the guild and thought of herself as a bit of an outsider, not that she would ever tell anyone.


The black haired teen lightened up after hearing his name getting called as he almost thought he wouldn't be going.

"You're with Elfman and you're going to Sakuraki, alright?" Makarov eyed him.

"Yeah sure, right Elfman?!" Gray smirked to the giant white haired teen.

"That's being a man!" The big guy shouted, Gray having no idea what he meant, but just shrugged it off.

"If none of you find anything within two days, come straight back!" Makarov then said, even more seriously then before.

"We will, master." Erza agreed and nodded to all the other teams.

An hour later, they had all been home to gather up the stuff they needed for the trip. They all met up at the station, some more packed than others, some being Erza who always traveled with a truckload of stuff.

"Be careful and good luck." She said as she walked off to her train with Lucy and her giant wagon right behind her.

Every one still got to hear Natsu shouting he was fired up and Gajeel telling him to shut up, before they stepped into their respected trains.

Here we have the first chapter and I hope every one of you enjoyed it. Feel free to drop a review and thank you so much for reading, even if you didn't like it :)

I hope you'll continue to read and review.

Until next chapter. ^^

Edit: Sigi-san was here!