A Hero Lost

By: Estella

A/N: This chapter was originally the journey back to Rivendell, but for various reasons, I skipped that chapter.  Later (after the fic it totally finished) I might put it back in. 

Thanks again for all the reviews, especially the writing tips, which I have tried to use in this chapter!

Disclaimer: Same

~* In Rivendell *~

"Even if we get out of here we can't escape.  Only elves can escape.  Away, away out of Middle Earth, far over the Sea.  If even that is wide enough to keep the Shadow out."

~* Rivendell, September 21, 3019 *~

            At long last, the travelers came upon the valley of Rivendell.  The lights from the house of Elrond shone brightly, even to the place where they stood.  The journey had been long, and filled with sorrowful memories for Sam, he longed for rest.

            Slowly the travelers descended into the valley, crossing the bridge, the came upon the house.  Sam's mind drifted back to the moment when they had arrived in the valley almost a year ago; Frodo had been carried ahead of them by Glorfindel.  They had thought Frodo was to die then, but he had somehow lived.

              The doors to the house opened, and they were welcomed in.  Joy and song filled the house at Elrond's arrival.  But the hobbits did not join in; they set off to find Bilbo as soon as they arrived.

            They found the old hobbit in his room, sleeping peacefully in front of his fire.  As they entered, he opened his eyes and looked up at them.  "I see you're made it back," Bilbo said, staring around at the group of them.  His eyes shifted between them, and then tears filled his eyes.  "My dear boy," he muttered through the tears.  "And tomorrow is my birthday too."  The hobbits nodded, and came to comfort the old hobbit.  Sam stayed behind in the corner, his eyes glazed with tears.  All night they stayed with the old hobbit, sitting in silence.  For a time, Bilbo would seem that he had forgotten all about Frodo's death; then there would be times when the memory was clear, and he would cry in anguish. 

            The next day was the celebration of Bilbo's 129th birthday.  "In one more year, if I am spared, I shall equal Old Took," he had said.  There was much celebration and feasting, though their hearts were not into it.  For this day would have been Frodo's fifty-first birthday.  The hobbits tried to keep this from their minds, for Bilbo seemed so cheerful, as if he had forgotten that Frodo had died. 

But, Sam was not able to contain his sorrow.  During the celebration, he had broken down in tears.  Everyone else was so cheerful, but Sam's heart was overwhelmed with sorrow.  Even here in the fortress of Imladris, where he was at rest, he could not find peace and comfort.  The memories continually haunted him.  His mind could still picture Frodo's pale face, as if it was happening now.  At night his dreams were filled with the memories, during the day it was all he thought about.  It seemed there was no time or place where he could escape. 

His mind drifted again to Frodo.  Such a short time had he lived, and now, he was not able to share in the joy of his "uncle".  He was never able to hear his tale told, or even greet the one who was like a father to him. 

The other hobbits gathered around Sam, trying to comfort him.  But he pushed through them, and fled down the hall, and past the elves, who tried to stop him.  Tears flooded down his face, blocking his vision, but he continued to run.  He knew not where he was fleeing to, but he longed to get away from this.  The pain had never lessened; it only worsened with time.

Finally, he was stopped when he ran into an elf.  "Sorry," he muttered, and tried to walk away, but the elf stopped him.  Through the tears, he looked up at the elf's face, and saw it was Elrond. 

"I know what you seek," Elrond said.  "You seek freedom from you pain, but it is not to be found.  There is but one place that you can find healing, though it is only temporary.  When the time comes, you may follow us, if you wish."  And with that, he left Sam, and continued along the hall. 

For a moment, Sam contemplated over what Elrond had just said.  He did not know what he was talking about, but later he would.  Now, he longed for this healing Elrond talked about. 

After trying to dry his tears, Sam returned to the celebration.  He still did not take part, his mind was lost in thought, but no more tears did he shed. 

For many days, the hobbits continued to stay in Rivendell.  Most of their time was spent talking with Bilbo in his room.  They were careful not to mention anything about their journey, especially when Sam was around.  He stayed with Bilbo less, but spent much time alone in his room. 

Merry and Pippin talked much with Bilbo about the journey, and he tried to record everything, but often he would doze off, and then wake up, and they would continue the story from where Bilbo had dozed off. 

Bilbo did have one chance to talk to Sam alone, and the subject of his journey was finally brought up.  "Tell me of your journey Sam," Bilbo said, seeming to have forgotten what Sam had gone through.  "I have heard the rest from Merry and Pippin, but you have told me nothing."  Sam sighed, trying to begin, his eyes filled with tears.  His mind drifted back to that day, when they left for Mordor. 

"No, Sam.  Go back, Sam.  I'm going to Mordor alone."  Sam had waded farther into the water, not heeding Frodo. 

"And I'm coming with you." 

"You can't swim Sam.  Sam!"  Frodo had screamed, and the rest was a blur.  He had sunk under the water, almost drowning, and then Frodo had pulled him out, saving his life. 

"I made a promise, Mr. Frodo a promise: 'Don't you leave him, Samwise Gamgee' and I don't mean to, I don't mean to."

Choking back the tears, Sam came back to the present.  Bilbo was still staring at him, encouraging him to begin.  Reluctantly Sam did, trying hard not to burst into tears. 

Hardy had begun telling of their journey through Emyn Muil, when he could not continue.  Tears started flooding down his face again.  The whole journey was hard for him to think of, they had been through so many hardships, especially Frodo.  The dead marshes…the attack of Shelob, his torture in Cirith Ungol, and then finally Mount Doom, it was too much for anyone to bear, even the strongest of hobbits. 

There was a moment of awkward silence as Sam sat sobbing.  Bilbo regretted bringing it up now; he had not thought…no, kind of, forgotten, the pain it brought Sam.  He still longed to know of his "nephew's" journey, even though it would bring him more misery.

Through the tears, Sam mumbled something about Frodo, though the words could not be understood.

"I'm sorry," Bilbo said, "I'm sorry, Sam.  I'm sorry for mentioning it.  I understand…it is still hard for you to talk about."  Sam nodded, feeling that if he would try to speak, he would break into more tears.

"I know, Sam, I know," Bilbo said, trying to comfort him.  "It is painful for me to think of him also.  My dear boy."  For a long while they sat, Sam sobbing in front of the fire longing to run again, and Bilbo staring out the window, and eventually nodding off to sleep.

"Write it down for me sometime, Sam, for my book," said Bilbo when he awoke.  "Oh, and that reminds me…"

Bilbo stood, walked slowly over to his desk, and pulled an envelope out of the drawer.  "Here, this is for you, from Frodo.  Go on, read it."  Sam slowly pulled the envelope open, and unfolded the letter that was inside. 


Tears filled Sam's eyes again as he began to read Frodo's spidery handwriting.

Since you are reading this, I am dead.  I know not if the quest has failed, or has been completed, or how I died, but I urge you to go on.  Go back to the Shire, and go on with life, I know a certain hobbit lass will be waiting for you.

Smiling slightly through the tears, Sam thought of how he longed to see her.

 I give you the house at Crickhollow, and Bag End, if it was still mine. 

            Sam stopped reading, and folded the letter; replacing it in its envelope…he would read the rest later.  Tears streamed down his face, and sobs racked through his body.  It was almost as if Frodo was talking to him through the letter…for the last time. 

            The hobbits stayed in Rivendell until the beginning of October.  The air had begun to get colder, and the frost now lay on the ground every morning.  Sam was getting restless, he was worried about the gaffer, and he longed to see Rosie again.            

            The hobbits stood around the fire in Bilbo's room for the last time.  They said farewell, and then Bilbo gave them gifts.  He held his old sword, Sting, and his mithril coat.  "I would have liked to give these to Frodo," he said to Sam, forgetting that he had already done so.  "But since he has given you everything else, these will also go to you."  He handed them to Sam, who took them reluctantly.  Gently he held them, tears brimming in his eyes again. 

             To Merry and Pippin, he gave elven pipes.  "Think of me when you smoke them," he said.  He said farewell, and then gave his book also to Sam. 

            The next day after saying farewell to Elrond's household, and set off down the road.  Before they left Elrond pulled Sam over.  "About this time of year look for us in the woods of the Shire."

            The three hobbits and Gandalf crossed the bridge out of Rivendell, and set off towards the Shire.  They were finally going home.  As they walked, a song could be heard floating out of Rivendell.

Still round the corner there may wait
A new road or a secret gate,
And though I oft have passed them by,
A day will come at last when I
Shall take the hidden paths that run
West of the Moon, East of the Sun.

~* To Be Continued*~

            A/N: The next chapter should be up sometime over Christmas break, or shortly after.  I will probably be busy over the break, and I am working on a few other fics, but I have almost two weeks off, so that should give me plenty of time to work!  And believe me…it gets better again (if more angst can be considered better) Please review!  (I love those things!)