**SPOILER ALERT** This story takes place immediately after Breaking Dawn Part Two, and you may not want to read it until after you've seen the movie or read the book. Of course I don't own any part of it, story or characters...they belong to Stephenie.

"Benjamin, how do I thank you? You've been like a breath of fresh air," Carlisle smiled. He waved as the young Egyptian disappeared out of sight. The other vampires dispersed quickly. Carlisle and Esme thanked them, humbly and profusely, for the sacrifice each had made for the sake of their family. Finally, the only remaining guests were Nahuel and his aunt, Huilen.

Bella and Edward were surprised to see the South American pair standing on the deck as they approached the house. Renesmee ran ahead, stopping in front of Nahuel and taking his hand as she smiled up at him. He immediately bent on one knee, stooping to her level and looking into her eyes.

Jacob's growl was involuntary as he stepped out of the shadows. He actually looked embarrassed and muttered "Sorry."

Bella shook her head. "I guess we'll have to get used to your overprotective nature, Jacob, but Renesmee is a pretty good judge of character already." She smiled and touched his arm, making a conscious effort not to react to his disagreeable smell.

The two wolves broke through the leafy barrier at the same time at the sound of Jacob's growl. He waved them back. "It's okay, Leah...Seth. She's just curious, and Nahuel won't hurt her." But his eyes never left the tall, scantily clad visitor, and Jacob moved a step closer to the unique pair.

Nahuel's English was nearly perfect. In his 150 years, he had managed to master several languages that included English, Spanish, Portuguese, and some tribal dialects spoken in the Amazon jungle. "So, Renesmee, I finally meet a being such as myself." His smile was disarming. "I have so many questions for you!"

Renesmee extended her hand, her small fingers touching the side of his face before her palm completed the connection. His eyes widened as the story of her birth projected directly onto his brain. "And you are not venomous?" he asked finally. She shook her head.

"I envy you that," he stated simply.

"We're gonna go," Leah's voice interrupted impatiently. She and Seth had phased and dressed and returned to check in with Jacob. Nahuel's nostrils flared, and his eyes finally moved from Renesmee's face to the siblings. "You are wolf?" he asked curiously.

"Yeah, that's us," Leah replied rudely. She turned on her heel and stalked off, making no attempt to hide her distaste for the vampires.

Seth smiled and shrugged, looking to his alpha. "We'll be in LaPush if you need us, Jake." And with that, he turned and followed his sister.

Nahuel, a man of few words, turned to Carlisle. "The wolf woman is very beautiful. Is her mate also a wolf?"

Jacob barely concealed a snicker, but Carlisle answered honestly. "Leah doesn't have a mate, Nahuel. It's a long story. As you can see, she's a little..." he searched for a word. "Bitter," he finally finished. "I do hope the two of you will spend some time with us while you're here," Carlisle looked to Huilen. Her English was not as good as Nahuel's, and he translated quickly.

"I have so many questions I'd like to ask both of you, from a medical point of view," he continued. "I hope you can help me to understand Renesmee. We all thought she was completely unique before we met you."

Huilen frowned, but Nahuel interjected quickly. "This is an excellent opportunity for both of us," he spoke softly to his aunt. "As Alice told us, Carlisle has much to learn from me - and I would like to spend some time with Renesmee. As far as I know, we are unique in all the world."

Finally, Huilen nodded. Her discomfiture was obvious. "I thirst," she stated plainly.

Esme smiled at her. "I'll take you hunting if you like," she offered. "The forest around us is alive with animals." The two women disappeared into the forest, and the remaining beings moved into the house.

Jacob and Renesmee moved into the large, bright living room, where she was teaching him to play chess. Their board was undisturbed, and Emmett settled in to watch. Carlisle motioned Nahuel to his office.

"Do you mind if I take some of your blood for analysis, Nahuel?" he asked politely.

The tall man smiled. "You're welcome to all you can get," he agreed, "but you'll find my hide is almost impenetrable."

Carlisle smiled back. "Most of the patients I see in my home are of the tough variety," he explained. "I'm the only doctor the wolves trust. With their elevated body temperature and amazing healing abilities, they're afraid to visit an emergency room. They might just end up in a zoo."

Nahuel smiled his understanding and took the seat Carlisle indicated, laying his arm on the attached table. "I'll be happy to answer any questions you have, but I'd like your permission to ask some in return."

Carlisle paused. "Of course. Anything at all," he readily agreed as he worked..

"The girl, Leah. She fascinates me. Do you think I could arrange to talk to her? I've never met a shape shifter before."

Carlisle chuckled. "That would be up to Leah. I wish you good luck Nahuel, but she's actually not what we call a 'people person.'"

Nahuel's brow furrowed. "I don't know what that means, but I would very much like to try. Perhaps if Jacob asked her for me..."

"Worth a shot," Carlisle murmured, his attention on the task at hand. The large veterinary needle pierced Nahuel's skin with a 'pop' and he quickly filled a few tubes with blood. "Do you need to feed, Nahuel?"

His patient smiled and shook his head. "I usually eat human food," he explained. "It seems simpler, especially when I'm away from my home."

"Perfect," Carlisle smiled. "I'll hook you up with Jacob. He's our resident expert on human food, and we keep the pantry and the fridge stocked mostly for him."

Jacob opened the top of the oversized gas grill and started to flip the burgers that filled the rack. "This smell should attract any pack mem..." He broke off in mid-sentence and laughed as Leah and Seth immediately walked out of the encroaching forest. Leah stopped, frowning, when she saw that Jacob was not alone. Seth bounded up the steps to the deck and offered his hand to Nahuel.

"We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Seth Clearwater, and this is my sister Leah." He smiled and nodded toward Leah, who was lingering at the base of the steps. Nahuel shook Seth's hand, but his eyes were on Leah. "Thanks for your help, Nahuel," Seth continued, oblivious.

Nahuel mumbled something as Seth stepped over to the grill. "Need any help, Jake?" he asked hopefully.

Jacob shook his head. "I've got it. You guys hungry?"

Seth chuckled. "Seriously, Jake? You need to ask?"

Leah mounted the steps slowly, her eyes glued to the foreign hybrid vampire. She rubbed her hand over her face and asked angrily, "What? Do I have something on my face?"

Nahuel shook his head. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. I've never met anyone like you before," he said in a surprisingly soft voice. "You wolves eat human food too?"

Lea bristled. "What else would I eat?," she asked through clenched teeth. "I'm a woman and a wolf, but I'm not a monster."

The clear implication had to sting, but Nahuel didn't react. He continued to speak softly. "I'm not a monster either. At least I don't consider myself one. It's difficult to say, since I'm the only one of my kind. Renesmee is half vampire, half human, but we have major differences. She doesn't appear to be venomous, and I am." He looked down at the table, clearly uncomfortable after having made the longest speech of his life.

Leah softened. She shook her head. "I suppose you're not a monster like these other bloodsuckers."

Nahuel looked into her eyes. "I made my aunt a monster, so I guess that qualifies me."

Leah sighed, strangely affected by this handsome stranger who seemed so alone, even in a crowd. She certainly could identify with that feeling. "What did you want to ask me? I'll try to answer without my usual sarcasm." Her smile transformed her face.

Nahuel smiled in response. "Most sarcasm goes right over my head," he admitted. "I'm not familiar enough with your language to catch such...nuances."

Leah relaxed slightly. She couldn't help liking this strange man with the charming accent. And after all, he was half human. She supposed the same could be said of her.