
The 24 players of the season are now seated on risers, with 6 on each row; the players on the top are the first six eliminated, while on the bottom are the final six players. On the far right is Whitney, the winner of the game. The crowd cheers very loudly, while Whitney waves.

"All right, all right, thank you!" Ivy shouts. "After 39 long and grueling days, we have a winner – Whitney from Goldenrod City!"

The crowd cheers loudly again.

"Whitney, I want to know how you did it. Your alliance got completely obliterated after Silver drew the purple rock. Yet somehow you managed to reach the end of the game, where you received 6 out of 9 votes."

"You know, I'm really thankful to my Johto alliance for enabling me to make it so far," Whitney responds. "They got me that far, and I had hoped to ride with them to the Final Four. But you know, everything turned on its head when Gold was voted out. We lost two challenges in a row, then ended up with only four at the merge when we thought we'd have all six of us. Then we got tricked into voting off people who could have been allies such as Sabrina, Candice and Liza. Before we knew it, we had to pick rocks."

Ivy chuckles for a moment. "Whitney, you speak as if you lost this game, when it was merely your alliance who came up short. You won."

Whitney laughs. "I did win, but not in the way I wanted to. I wanted to go to the end with, originally, Gold and Jasmine, and once Gold was eliminated, Silver and Jasmine. Janine knew the whole time that the three of us were close, and that she would have to win immunity along the way in order to get to the Final Three. I tried playing this game as a team, not as an individual. Only when Silver picked that purple rock did I have to start playing on my own."

"You became the first player in Survivor history to pick a rock and go on to win the game," Ivy states. "Of course, you picked a gray rock, not a purple rock, as did a couple of others in this game did."

"Tell me about it," Gary complains.

"Now, I have to wonder, Whitney. You wanted to go to the end with Silver and Jasmine, but would you have won a Final Three against those two? Seems like you got the perfect opponents in the Final Three, two very unlikable people."

Giselle crosses her arms angrily, while Cynthia looks on without a word.

"You know, I wasn't thinking about my chances against Jasmine or Silver," Whitney replies. "I know that Jasmine hurt nobody – she would have gotten a lot of votes. Silver… well, he's known for being a bit devious, isn't he?"

She laughs as she looks over at Silver, who chuckles as well.

"I wanted to play this game the honest way, and I truly believe I did," Whitney continues. "It's not easy to do that. I hope I didn't get votes just because everyone hated Cynthia and Giselle – I hope you voted for me and not against them."

"What do you say, jury?" Ivy asks. "Why did you vote for Whitney?"

"She earned it," Sabrina breaks in. "We saw how she played the game, she was loyal to a fault. She did everything she could to help me, to help Roxanne – she had no plans of carrying Cynthia to the end as a goat. She wanted to win the right way, and I believe she did."

"Thank you," Whitney replies.

"Gold, you may not have made it to the jury, but you've got to be happy to see Whitney win it all," Ivy states.

"Oh, I'm overjoyed!" Gold exclaims. "I love you, Whitney!"

"Love you too, Gold!" Whitney responds, blowing a kiss to Gold.

"Now we keep bringing up how much everyone hated Cynthia," Ivy says. "It's true – she became the biggest villain in Survivor history this season. Cynthia, was that your goal?"

"My goal was to be crowned queen," Cynthia states. "If I had received the five or more votes I deserved, then all of you – including you, Ivy – would be flat on your faces, bowed down before me."

Ivy laughs. "As if you'd get the host to do that! Now seriously, Cynthia, you went all out in this game to win, and you came pretty close. Two more votes your way, and the game is all yours. What could have you done better, to win the game?"

"Nothing," Cynthia responds. "I played the game perfectly. The only reason people didn't vote for me is because they're bitter and jealous. I made a clear case why I should win. Personally, I think the fans should choose a winner."

"Well, that's a whole different game," Ivy states. "You hated Sabrina with a passion, and you humiliated her and embarrassed her on several occasions."

"You mean 'Worthless'?" Cynthia asks. "Yes, 'Worthless' got her butt handed to her several times by me. Personally, I'd love to play again against her and do it once more."

"I'd like a chance at revenge myself," Sabrina chirps in.

"Well, wouldn't that be an interesting idea for a season – Cynthia vs. Sabrina," Ivy states. "Sabrina, you made Survivor history in all the wrong ways this year. You were the first person to ever be voted out three times in a single game. You were the first person to ever not survive a single Tribal Council. You were the first person to play a fake immunity item that you genuinely thought was real, and get voted out as a result. You were the first person to get voted out while holding onto the hidden immunity item. All in all, you played a miserable game, while Cynthia played a brilliant game. It would be something else to see the best non-winner against the worst jury member."

"Thanks for the compliments," Sabrina replies sarcastically.

"Candice, you too were embarrassed by Cynthia on more than one occasion. How do you feel about that?"

"I'm not one to want revenge," Candice states. "I would like a chance at redemption, however. I won at Redemption Island a whole lot, before running into a buzzsaw in Pokémon League champion Giselle. I only wish Cynthia had played fairly to beat me, not cheated like she did."

"You're making things even more interesting… Candice & Sabrina vs. Cynthia for a future season," Ivy states. "It is true that Cynthia bent several rules throughout the game. In fact, I want to ask Lucian one final time… did Cynthia coerce you into throwing that final immunity challenge?"

Lucian gulps, looking over at Cynthia. "She did not."

"Lucian, you can tell me the truth now," Ivy says. "I won't punish you or Cynthia as a result of what you say."

Lucian gulps once more. "She did not."

"Okay, Lucian," Ivy states. "Apparently you are nothing more than Cynthia's slave. At least Cynthia's other follower Karen had a mind of her own. But I have to ask you, Karen – after Cynthia backstabbed you, why did you give her your jury vote?"

"She deserved to win," Karen responds. "She controlled the whole game, start to finish. She won tons of immunities. She was a very strong competitor, and she played the best game. So I voted for her, despite what she did for me. I'm not a bitter juror."

"Are you implying that some others are?"

"Liza definitely seemed bitter to me."

"Hold your horses!" Liza shouts. "How was I bitter?"

"You played with Giselle for most of the game, then refused to give her your jury vote," Karen states. "That's some true bitterness."

"I believed that Whitney played the best game and deserved to be crowned Sole Survivor," Liza explains. "She played the game with honor and integrity. I don't know how she could have played a more honest game. For that, I gave her my vote."

"Are you angry that you didn't at least get Liza's vote, Giselle?" Ivy asks. "Or maybe Roxanne's, as both were your tribemates at Hoenn?"

"I'm mad that I didn't get all the votes!" Giselle complains. "I've never lost like this before. In fact, I don't even finish 2nd, I finish 3rd. A bronze medal. That's an embarrassment. I think Liza and Roxanne both should have at least voted for me, since I played with them at Hoenn. Liza owed me one for taking out Joe. Roxanne – her head is stuck in the clouds, too obsessed with Arceus to think about anything else."

"Roxanne, you voted for Cynthia because she's the only one who expressed her belief in Arceus," Ivy states.

"And I personally don't even know if Cynthia is a true believer in Arceus, as myself and Brawly are," Roxanne replies. "But I had to give her my vote, just in case she is a true believer. Certainly Whitney and Giselle showed no belief in Arceus. And yes, it is true that my boyfriend Brawly once did not believe in Arceus, but I converted him, and now we serve together at the First Temple of Arceus in Rustboro City."

"Do you think Roxanne is a little loony, though, Brawly?" Ivy asks.

Brawly laughs, from his position in the top-left corner of the risers. "Roxanne's a truly gnarly girl," he replies. "She could convince me of anything. I'd never criticize her – she's awesome."

Roxanne blows a kiss back at Brawly.

"Roxanne, you went to Redemption Island and barely lost to Giselle. There were some others who went to Redemption Island and came up short, such as you, Janine."

Janine chuckles. "I didn't just come up short, I had no chance!" she exclaims. "I was up against the best Psychic-type trainer in the world, and I have Poison-types. I couldn't win even on my best day against Sabrina."

"As for you, Silver, you really gave Sabrina a run for her money."

"I really did," Silver remarks. "My Sneasel should have beaten her, but that Alakazam of hers is nearly unstoppable. I really wish I could have stayed in the game, and then Jasmine would have stayed in with me."

"But Jasmine quit twice, as we all know. Joe, does it anger you that Jasmine quit, when you went all out trying to win, but could not get past Sabrina?"

"I'm not angry at Jasmine," Joe replies. "I'm not mad at Liza for voting me out, either. And nor am I mad at Sabrina for beating me – I'm not mad at anyone! I only wish Giselle had won the game, because she means a lot to me, and the only thing she cares about more than me is winning. I guess she'll just have to settle for me."

"And that's not such a bad consolation prize," Giselle states with a smile.

"Tate, you were tribemates with Giselle and Joe, but they voted you out," Ivy says. "You hold anything against them?"

"It's part of the game," Tate responds. "That's how it goes."

"As for you, Falkner, you and Janine tried to play that Master Ball strategically, and it just didn't work in your favor."

"We hoped to draw the votes toward Janine," Falkner says. "Obviously that didn't happen, and I got ousted instead."

"A Master Ball that did work – that was Melody using one to oust Will."

"Unfortunately, though, it didn't get me much farther," Melody states. "And I'm not a real Pokémon trainer, just the caretaker of the legendary Lugia, so I couldn't battle at Redemption Island."

"Melody fooled us by hiding that Master Ball from us," Will says. "Karen and I never expected it.

"Volkner also was eliminated as a result of a Master Ball," Ivy states.

"I had no clue that Cynthia's alliance would split the votes," Volkner says. "Kudos to them, they were pretty smart for doing that."

"Bruno, you were eliminated early as well, what did you take away from this game?"

"I guess that physical strength isn't where it's all at," Bruno says.

"How about you two, Cyrus and J? You were simply Cynthia's slaves the whole game, doing nothing on your own."

"I truly thought Cynthia would help us out, but she refused to," Cyrus states. "I guess it's my fault for trusting her."

"We shouldn't have followed her but instead rebelled against her," J says. "The game would have been totally different if we had."

"Indeed it may have," Ivy says. "But now it's time to name the fan favorite of this season. The fan favorite gets double their cash winnings for the season! The contenders are: Cynthia, Sabrina, Silver and Volkner!"

The fans cheer wildly.

"Volkner, I can tell you that it is not you. Silver, you are out. And as it should, it comes down to Cynthia vs. Sabrina, with the winner being… Cynthia!"

Sabrina buries her hands in her face, while Cynthia smirks.

"Congratulations, Cynthia, you'll be receiving twice what you would have won for this season."

"I deserve more than that, though," Cynthia states.

"Well, in the end, it's Whitney who deserves the crown, because she won this game fair and square!" Ivy says. "And now I present you, Whitney, with your check for the equivalent of one million dollars in Pokémon money."

Ivy hands over a Master Ball to Whitney.

"Thank you so much," Whitney says.

She opens up the Master Ball and sees her check, and squeals with delight.

"We thank you for joining us for an excellent season of Survivor," Ivy states. "Be sure to tune into my colleague Jet Black's upcoming seasons of Survivor: Xing and Survivor: Tropical Jungle! Good night! Hope you enjoyed the season!"

The Survivor theme "Ancient Voices" plays as the crowd cheers one last time for Whitney.