A/N: Ηello everyone!

So people kept asking me to expand this story so here is the second and last chapter.

I have to warn you though that this story is M rated for a reason!

My eternal gratitude to my lovely beta Anastasia Dreams!

We shall meet again (part 2 _ Your voice is calling me closer)




And then it draws me far away
When darkness lays her crimson cloak

And so it's there my homage's due
Clutched by the still of the night




(Present day _

600 years to the future)



They say that when you die all your life, all your memories pass through your eyes.

She always wondered if that was true or not. So when Katherine had killed her all those centuries ago she had got her answer. No memories, no images, no sounds. Just despair and terror.

There were no words to explain what was happening to her. Time was standing still and she felt like she was standing in the in-between. Sometimes there were some thoughts, sometimes there were some feelings. Sometimes she could feel her body trying to fight through the bloodlust, resisting that induced sleep. But then she was floating again. There was no matter, there was no creation, everything was a form of chaos. She felt cold and alone. It was like she was a ghost trapped in a limbo. Then she wasn't feeling anything. Time didn't matter. It could have been seconds or centuries.

This place was silent, everything was standing still and it was the definition of nothingness. The place where no hell or heaven existed. And she was trapped in there.

He had killed her and he had trapped her into a coffin, between life and death and it was then that she realized that they were right after all. You do see your life passing in front of your eyes. But you have to truly die in order for that to happen and she did. Because he didn't just take her life, he took her trust, her soul.

He betrayed her and still when her eyes closed all she could see was him.

They say that when you cross the line between the world of the living and the world of the dead you can only take with you one thing. The one thing that you close dear in your heart.

She took his memory…she took the sound of his voice…



300 hundred years ago…



She always loved the sound of his voice. She was enchanted by the lyrical sound. He would speak and she would listen. His voice could change and create so many emotions to anyone that would listen to him. He was a whisperer, a sorcerer at heart with his voice being his dark magic.

She still couldn't believe that she had fallen for him and for that sensual voice of his.

She knew that she would always be haunted by that sound.

She would sleep and his voice would follow her into her dreams and her nightmares.

She would close her eyes when she was in his arms and lose herself in that beautiful voice. No song or melody could bring such comfort and restlessness into her heart.

He would confess his love and his passion and he would whisper in her ears when they were making love in that sweet voice. He would whisper lullabies and stories. He would confide in her his secrets and reveal his memories and she would always be there to listen.

He would give her the world, he would show her all the miracles this mother earth had buried inside her womb and yet all she would ask was one more story.

Tell me a story…she would ask and he would indulge…like he was doing now…

She was lying over his chest as their bodies were tangled in silk sheets and he was caressing her hair.

Sometimes in the past she would cringe, thinking that those hands had ripped hearts, had tortured and had caused so much pain. But after walking on this earth for so many years she now knew that nothing was black or white. There were endless shades of grey and uncountable colors. His hands could cause pain, but also give pleasure.

His soul was tormented, but also knew about beauty.

Every beast has a human heart and so does a man that could be a dark prince and a monster at the same time.

He loved telling her stories of doomed lovers, but even more he loved promising her the ever after. Maybe she should be afraid of that promise. Maybe it was a warning. Maybe it was his way of telling her that now that they were together there would be no turning back. It was forever. Even if their love would eventually be doomed.

"Endymion was the mortal son of Zeus and worked as a shepherd, which he found utterly dreary. He was also incredibly handsome, of course."

"Of course," she said laughing and felt his chest rising and falling in silent laughter too.

She closed her eyes and he kept telling her the story of the goddess of the moon and of her eternal lover.

"One night, as he was walking aimlessly, he was stunned to see a beautiful," he spread kisses along her jaw line "and radiant," soft kisses on her neck as he paused with each word that fell from his lips. She knew that he meant these words more to describe her than anyone else. He continued, "woman approach."

"This was Selene, the goddess of the Moon, and when her soft gaze lingered on Endymion's form she fell hopelessly in love with him."

At his words she smiled and her eyes shone. He had her full attention and his voice was putting her under his spell.

"But she was immortal, and he wasn't, so in order to have him forever, she pleaded with Zeus to put him in an eternal sleep, which he did, and so Endymion never grew old or …died."

Caroline avoided looking at him. She didn't know why, but the way he was telling her this story was making her feel uneasy.

"And every night, Selene visited him in his dreams, and she bore him 50, yes love 50 daughters, each more beautiful than the last," he said and claimed her lips in a possessive kiss.

For some reason she didn't respond this time.

Klaus looked at her with curiosity. His eyes boring into her soul.

"What's wrong love?"

She moved a little bit in his arms, but he held her close. Somehow that possessive gesture suffocated her this time.

"How could she do that to him?" she asked while she feared the question.

Klaus smirked at that. It was times like this that she would feel chills run through her veins. Sometimes his look had something eerie inside. It was in those moments that instinctively she would think of him not as Nik, but as Klaus. And she could feel that he knew it and he derived a twisted satisfaction from these moments.

"Sometimes in order to keep what you love you get desperate," he told her in a more demanding tone.

She swallowed, but didn't back down.

"She cursed him, she put him in a…" she stopped abruptly realizing what had almost slipped her lips and looked elsewhere, anywhere but him.

"In a coffin sweetheart?" he completed her phrase in an unemotional icy tone.

She held her breath. They had never addressed that subject. She loved him, but she could never understand how he could do something like that to the people he claimed to love. It was easier pretending that she didn't have such thoughts.

"In an eternal sleep," she challenged him and he laughed. His laughter was cold and demented and she just wanted it to stop.

"I can relate," he told her and she froze.

He pinned her under him and his touch wasn't gentle anymore. His kisses were rough on her skin and his hands kept holding her in place.

"Some things are eternal sweetheart, Selene would not her lover go, she would never think of living her eternity without him, she pleaded with the king of the Gods, she changed Endymion's fate and she gave herself completely to him even while knowing that he was beneath her and… she claimed him as her soulmate. Her love was forever and sometimes you hurt those that you love because you can't exist without them in your life. Because the alternative is worse than death."

His voice was a faint whisper, but he couldn't have been louder.

This time he just savagely took her. The gentle lover wasn't there. He spread her legs and in a rough punishing movement that caused her sudden pain he buried himself inside of her.

"Selene gave him immortality," he told her as he kept causing painful fire to rise over her sensitive skin.

His eyes locked on hers as his hands gripped her arms even harder forcing bruises on her skin, the bones on the verge of cracking.

"She gave him everything!" There was something ferocious in his blue orbs that turned darker.

"He belonged to her!" He never had to claim her before; she had always given herself to him without holding back. This time was different. Desperation arose between them. His body was engraving its possessive claim on hers.

In a frenzy he started moving harder and harder inside of her without taking his gaze from her and her eyes filled with tears. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he kept moving faster and faster. A part of her relished in the pain. His monstrous side was waking up hers.

Teeth and nails were scrapping against her skin and everywhere it would break and bleed his tongue would viciously suck. He didn't bite her with fangs, but he didn't have too. The need that he was igniting inside her was a far worse poison.

"Some lovers are always and forever Caroline, and they never leave!" he said as he let his hybrid strength take over. She could barely keep up. His face was coming closer to hers with each brutal thrust and she could see danger in those eyes. His barbaric moves were punishing her and declaring his absolute dominance over her.

Short breaths and her body was screaming in desire and pain, powerless, and she completely surrendered. For the first time, she could feel how much stronger he was compared to her strength and that he must have always been holding back.

In his every movement her pain was growing and the need for release was getting wilder.

And then his frantic moves abruptly stopped, his weight wasn't crushing her anymore and the slow seduction begun.

He let go of her hands and caressed her swollen breasts eliciting a moan from her lips. His tongue laved her nipples, teasing and gently biting and he stilled the movements of his hips until he felt her accommodate to his size.

He put his wrist on her mouth and she gently bit him and as his blood flooded her mouth they became one in the most personal way they could. Her pain vanished as if it was never there and her body became a sensual invitation for him.

Her long legs locked around him in an even more unrelenting grip and she knew that if he was human she would have crushed his bones. Her need was untamed now. Her whole body was throbbing. Her flesh tainted with lust.

Now every touch was causing her nerves to explode into roaring flames. He was softly biting, lazily kissing, delicately stroking. He would seduce and kiss her like there was no tomorrow.

"They would never even dare to try …" he whispered to her and for a moment fear and pleasure combined in a deadly mixture.

It was the first time that his voice wasn't soothing. The first time that she didn't feel safe in his arms.

His voice was a signal of danger now.

Maybe she should listen to it, but as ripples of pleasure claimed her body and mind she couldn't think of anything else but him.

In that moment she knew that she would never leave him.

"Always and forever my love…" his voice was angelic again and the demons had fled away…



His voice was what she took with her. His voice was now bringing her back.

Heat flooded to her every nerve, muscle and bone. She was rapidly returning to life even though dark fog was still clouding her mind.

She was always in the between and she now didn't know if this was reality or a lie. But the pain was too real. She could feel her body screaming in suffering, her eyes refusing to open. She could feel light behind her eyelids. Her skin was turning warmer and warmer.

She could feel excruciating pain and a bloodlust that she had never felt before. She was coming alive.

Her senses were betraying her and then she could hear that voice again. The same voice that haunted her in her dreams. The same voice that was always there with her, never leaving her alone.

This time his voice wasn't a deadly lullaby that was pulling her into her sleeping torment. It was clear, it was a hot breath into her ear. It was calling her closer…

"Time to wake up sweetheart…" he said and he gently took the pendant off her neck and secured it in his pocket. It was their time to meet again.

She gasped and her eyes shot open.

The beloved had just woken up from her eternal sleep following her lover's voice. Now all that was left was the always and forever part of a story that might have been real, but was never meant to have a fairytale ending.




A clouded dream on an earthly night
Hangs upon the crescent moon

A voiceless song in an ageless light
Sings at the coming dawn




Song : The Mystic's dream by Loreena McKennitt

The story of Selene and Endymion is part of the Greek Mythology.

So that was the ending of this story! Tell me what you think ;)