[Thank you Varda for getting me back on track and to everyone else who reviewed your the reasons I push on ;)]

Chapter 4-
Lume woke to the faint light spilling in from the hole in the roof. The paleness and slant told her it was early in the morning even so still she could hear the sound of movement to her left.
Sitting up Lume glanced toward the sound of disturbance, only to face a wall of the nest made up of shaped stone. Kivi and her had shaped it together, taking intervals of breathing fire then shaping.
The gems had been carved out, most likely by the wizard that had ruined her life. Just for some damn gems, gems Kivi refused to give up. Kivi had been a strong dragon he could have escaped and come back later to free her. She looked away as cold tears stung at her eyes, grinding her teeth together she refused to cry. After a moment she regained control and stood up to look over the wall. Strolling over to the side she grabbed into the grooves and pulled herself up. She came face to face with Legolas a little too suddenly. Shocked her hands slipped from the stone and in she fell with a shout.
Lume clutched the sides of her head as pain rippled through her skull. Legolas landed next to her with a soft thump, instantly picking her head up.
"Via I'm so sorry!" He shout-whispered in her ear.
"No Kirjas fault, just quiet!" She moaned, messaging her scalp through the layers of her ivory hair.
"I'm sor-" her right hand slapped over his mouth as the other eased the throbbing in her head.
"Quiet." She growled, then released him. After a few moments she stood, pointedly avoiding his helping hands. "What noise?" Lume finally asked nodding to the part of the wall she had almost climbed over.
"We'll were heading out, I was just coming to get you." Legolas answered his right hand absently going to his hair to mess with the braid just above his right ear. Lume watched as he did this until he finally took notice of himself and quit. As if coming out of a trance her eyes hardened and she looked back to his face.
"Where go?" Lume snorted a single eyebrow bone, yes Lume had no eyebrows, rising in question.
"Um, into the mountain." Legolas answered.
"In?" She narrowed her eyes at the elf, "In tis mountain?" She pointed at the bottom of the nest below their feet.
"Yes." He seemed to grow nervous and his hand twitched and ached to be out shooting his bow but that could wait. "You will come with us?" She stayed silent a moment and her eyes grew distant and stared past him. When she finally returned she snorted through her nose flaring her small nostrils.
"New world for Lumesadu, new life too, all Lumesadu have now... it Kirja." Her jaw grew tense and she looked away but he could have sworn he saw a bashful look on her face. "Lume come." She said with finality. Legolas swallowed the lump in his throat and smiled at her, she ignored him. He was glad she had said yes, he didn't know what he would have done had she said no. Something about her drew him in and the thought of her just leaving his life as quickly as she had come into it would be painful, he knew it. But he had no time to dwell as she had moved on without him and had already scaled the nest walls, now staring over her shoulder at him with out a hint of emotion. He reminded himself to find her clothes, the sight of her skin burning him from the inside out. She still only wore a cloak which showed the middle meet of her prominent breasts, beneath that her flat toned stomach, then much to his relief she had tied a string of leather around her hips to bring the fabric together and cover her womanhood. To prevent a gust from stirring the bottom and causing a scene she had tied the bottom together around each leg creating some kind of cut of leggings that showed off Lume's long muscular legs. He finally pulled himself up and over the nest wall following after her.
"Finally!" Gimli groaned, as the two met the Fellowship at the mouth of the cave.
"You have nothing to bring?" Aragon asked Lume as he scanned over her. She glanced over at the bones of her dead mate, at Kivi and then to Legolas a fire burning deep in her eyes.
"Lume no needs from old home." She said to the ranger and then stepped past all of them into the knee deep snow not even flinching at the fierce chilling wind.
"Will you be okay without more clothes?" Lume heard for the first time a halfling had spoken to her so she respectfully turned to face the somber looking one of the four, the one who appeared to have asked her the question.
"Fire in Lume's veins like blood, Lume fine." She then smiled as warmly as much as she could at the halfling. Frodo returned a weak one and then sighed in relief when she turned away from him.
"We'll then let us be on our way." Gandalf chuckled and stepped into the snow. "Lume, why don't you lead the way?" She nodded to the elderly wizard and following his directions she pushed through the thick snow.
The howling wind swept her long white hair up and left it lashing at her side. The rest of the party following in her footsteps, only the grey of Gandalf's cloak telling them where she was. Her hair and scales blending with the snow until Lume became almost unseeable. After four hours of climbing Gandalf called for Lume to stop.
"Everyone rest a moment, we are close." He said and stared into the white flurries of snow, to thick for even Legolas's sharp eyes to see through. After a few minutes he called for Lume, pointing her in a certain direction with his numb fingers.
"The doors are close at hand, hurry so we may escape the snow!"Gandalf shouted to Lume over the whoosh of the wind. Without an answer she began to push through the dunes of white, the rest of the party jumping up to follow. After a blurry thirty minutes Lume's voice traveled to each ear with the help of the violent wind.
"I see them!" Her words lit them with the fire of excitement all of them picking up speed. Only when they escaped the torrent of the wind and snow did they look up to see the towering doors of the Mines of Moria. Lume stared at the doors in shock, her mate and her knew this mountain by heart there had never been here.
"Moria?" She was dazzled by the craftsmen ship of the two giant doors. Two spiraling trees climbing up the sides of the heavy metal, the mines crest imprinted into the top.
"Woha!" She heard someone shout and looked over to see a halfling standing at the edge of a dark, still lake which took up most of the cave floor.
"Do not disturb the water." Aragon said his face somber and continued forward without explanation.
"Watch your step." Legolas said grasping the redheads forearm. She watched his careful movements around the small beings and the way he guided them to a thin rocky shelf to walk on. Gimli grumbling about stupid elves as he began across the thin self. Aragon already making his way to the door, Gandalf following behind. Lume prepared to follow the fellowship when she noticed the somber halfling who had talked to her standing back in a trance. She had come to know him as Frodo, and she neared him as he stared in to the inky water his breath coming quick and in shallow gasps.
"Halfling?" She asked placing her hand on his shoulder and crouched down in front of him. Lume watched his eyes dilate, he seemed to have come back from some distant land, dazzled by the transfer from one place to another.
"Lume?" It came out dry and weary, his voice trembling.
"Fro come with Lume." She said and stood taking his hand before leading him to the ledge. She stepped aside to allow him on first, patently following him. Stopping when he would and continuing when he did.
"No watch evil water." Lume told him once half way across as he stopped and stared into the water. Nodding he looked back up to his destination and shakily took another step. After a few more moments they reached the small silver of land in front of the massive doors. Lume found Gimli crouched over a pile of bones his face red with tears, Aragon at his side comforting him. Legolas and Gandalf were searching over the doors while the other halflings huddled together in whispered conversation. Frodo still stayed by her side looking out over the water to the wide mouth of the cave were the blizzard continued. Lume just stood watching Legolas her eyes taking in his graceful body and his nimble fingers as the traced runes in the door. Suddenly Gandalf took a step back and spoke in elven, the doors lighting up.
Lume caught the sound of moving water just before Frodo's scream rang out. Lume spun around and saw the giant lashing tentacles before being smacked into the cave wall. The fellowships battle cry's rang in her ears, or was it just her ears? She shakily sat up, the sight of the battle spinning. Lume pulled herself up and stumbled after the fellowship, as the creature slunk back into the water it's tentacle still on the lakes shore. Then it came roaring back up in a rush, the ebony water spilling over her. The water filling her with the stench of rotting flesh, and in response she threw up whatever was left in her stomach. She felt her self slam into the ground as another wave crashed down upon her. Lume then felt the world spin and arms lift her. Around her it sounded like the cave was crumbling around her and it was. The entrance to Moria crumbling behind them all in a rumbling heap.
"Lume!" "Lume!" "Lumesadu!" Many voices tumbled into her closing ears until at last she heard her näinud whispered on one of the most beautiful voices, he should sing lullabies.
"Don't leave me Via, stay for me." His warm breath caressed her sensitive ears. "Please." If she could still have made out the desperation in his voice she would still have been to far gone to resurface for him and so she sank into a darkness much like the lake guarding the gates.
Thank you