So I finally Updated :P
Sorry about the long wait, I've had a lot of things going on :(
But enough about that, hopefully I'll be going back to regular updates! :D
I'm also going to update my other story "The Story Behind Those Light Blue Eyes"
*Sunshineeee1 *Hands cake
*Menolly *Hands cake
*liccklewritergirllyy *Hands cake
*Sunshine123 *Hands cake
*Mr Marr *Hands cake
*Cookie05 *Hands cake
*MsWildfire97 *Hands cake
A week later
I finally finished getting ready. I was wearing several pairs of black tights, a black skirt and a baggy cream jumper. It was supposed to snow in the upcoming weeks. Just in time for Christmas. I put on my lucky purple wristband and black beanie hat and went downstairs.
"You look nice."said Carmen as I walked into the living room, trying to find my Ugg boots. "Where are you going?"
"To meet my dad." I answered, finally finding my shoes under the pool table. I think I left it there yesterday when Rick and I played pool. He won.
"Is that me 'at?" Asked Liam as he walked into the living room, by this time I had got my shoes on.
"Yep." I said, adjusting the back of it.
"So where are you goin'?" Liam asked, picking up a pool cue.
"To meet my dad."
"Pretty sure last time you did that you threw hot chocolate in his face." said Electra, she was watching TV along with Carmen and Lily
"Pretty sure last time I also hit you, not to mention noticing your love for a certain Li-"
"Alright!" she said, interrupting me. I shrugged and got my satchel. Sometimes I wished that me and Electra didn't hate each other. But at the same time, if I asked if we could forget everything that went on between us, I think she'd just laugh in my face, or not believe me.
"Alright babes are you ready to go?" asked Gina, once I bumped into her as she was leaving the office.
"As ready as I'll ever be." I sighed in an unenthusiastic manner. Honestly, I didn't know what I'd say to him. "Oh, sorry for throwing hot chocolate in your face, blaming you for mum dumping me and Austin and refusing to talk to you for nearly 2 months." I don't really have a clue, all I know is that I should apologize. Gina got her car keys and opened the front door. She held the door open for me and shut the door afterwards. She unlocked the car and I got in the front seat, waiting for her to get into the driver's side. Gina was supervising this visit, and they said that I was going to meet Dad in another coffee shop. Luckily not the same one as last time, I haven't had the guts to go back in there since.
"You alright?" asked Gina, noticing that Ii was caught up in my own trail of thoughts.
"Yeah I guess, it's just... I don't know what I'm going to say when I see him." I said.
"Look it'll be fine yeah? You're a strong girl. I know you'll be fine." said Gina, as she smiled at me.
"Thanks." I replied, feeling my lips curling into a small smile. We sat in silence for the rest of the journey. I just stared out of the window, trying to ignore the feelings of dread which were slowly sinking in. I took in deep breaths until Gina told me that it was time to go. I sighed and got out of the car and shut the door behind me. I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked along with Gina, until we got to the cafe that I was supposed to meet Dad at. We both went in and were instantly hit by the heat in comparison to outside, which was getting increasing cold. I bought a hot chocolate and sat down at a booth, and looked around me to pass the time, Gina had bought a coffee and sat down at a nearby table. I sighed and stared at the whipped cream in my hot chocolate, anything to pass the time during this agonizing wait.
"Tess." I heard a male voice say. Dad's voice to be precise. I immediately looked up from my drink. Dad was stood about 2 foot away from me. I pushed my hot chocolate out of the way, stood up and hugged him. Judging by his reaction I had taken him by surprise, but he hugged me back.
"I'm sorry." I said, basically talking into his shirt, making every I said sound muffled. "About everything." I said, once I'd let go.
"It's fine Tess." Dad replied."You were just in shock. So how have you been since?" He asked
"Good I guess. I've got a few music grade tests, and I'm considering dropping some instruments." I said.
"Do you enjoy the lessons?" asked Dad
"Yeah I guess."
"Then I think you should continue. You should continue doing what you love and you're good at it." He said.
"Thanks Dad." I said, smiling at him. The feelings of dread in my stomach were fading relatively quickly. I quickly glanced at Gina through the corner of my eye. She saw that I was looking in her direction and gave me a smile in my direction, before going back to reading a newspaper.
"Also Tess?"
"I was planning to stay around here for a few days in one of the hotels." said Dad. "Do you think it's a good idea?"
"Well When are you planning to come over here?" I asked
"In a few weeks, probably after Christmas, since a lot of things are going on at work around Christmas time" He explained.
"That'd be pretty cool." I said. We continued talking about everything, his work, my schoolwork, and basically everything. Maybe all of this was for the best. Mom being the way she was, and only finding Austin, Skyler and Dad untill this point in time. I guess when Elaine said everything happens for a reason, she was actually right. I can't believe I just sided with Elaine
Thank you guys for reading! And reviewing if I'm lucky...
Please don't kill me for not updating X_X, and I'll try try to update ASAP!