I first and foremost want to offer my pitiful apology to you, my readers. I don't deserve the enthusiasm, encouragement, and compliments you guys have given we in the past months of my unannounced writer's block/absence.

Spirfire will be updated more, the reason for my liking absence is really personal and I'll just say that I have come very close to giving up completely on living, and be been feeling not that great for a while. But I am hopingtaht returning to write will give me some escape and relief, so don't fret I LIVE!

All of my so called 'loved ones' are the main reason I have felt so horrible so I don't always feel that great... so most of the time only my fandoms and websites like fanfiction make me feel better. And every person that follows, favorites and likes my stories makes me feel like people care that I am here, so thank you so much everyone who have waited patiently for me.

I'm really sorry that you guys had to wait this long!

However I have realized that my writing and chapters are unsatisfactory for my current skill level. When I started this story, it was a plot bunny that I didn't even plan on continuing from the first chapter, but you guys really like it and more people began following and reviewing, saying that my story was great and they wanted more. It was the first time anyone liked something I made and it made me feel so good, so I just updated to make you guys and in turn, me happy. It wasn't because I actually had inspiration. That hurt my writing and now I'm in a position where I don't know how to continue the story.

That is why after this chapter I'm rewriting the past chapters. That means it might be longer before Chapter 7 comes, but I think it's better since I forgot where I wanted to go with this story a while ago, and I'm almost struggling to give you guys chapters. I feel really guilty that I am doing this to you, especially after not updating in 2 years, but I can't stand it anymore. I was thinking to rewrite the story to fit with the timeline around the second movie like the third season of the tv series or post-second movie.

I'll keep the old chapters up until I can update and revise them.

I'd love any suggestions from you guys.

Thank you all so much for reading and supporting me, your reviews that I get in my email makes is the only thing that makes me smile anymore.

So thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul for this.



Replies to Reviews:

kitsunelover300: Thanks so much for the compliments! Though I don't really deserve them, so you are great! :) Ssshhh! Don't spoil too much yo! Thanks for the explanation and ideas for your votes, all these random suggestions are great and all, but I really don't know how to use them all! 3 You have a good point about the Axew line though, I'll remember that! I see you're a Naruto fan!

XSDStitch: Keep reading my friend...Patience young padawan.

bootskitty328: Thanks so much and that's the idea heh! That pun!

Hoytti: I'm be sure to tally your vote and thank you so very much I'm glad some people actually like my writing ^_^

BrandonBGamer: Well that's not what I was aiming for, but sure that works! I was thinking more about how Hiccup bonded with Toothless in the original movie... I'll count your votes!

Laputarr347: Sure, I'll count your vote!

Skystar901: Thanks so much and I'll tally your suggestion!

lorddragon22: Thank you for the idea, but I might tweak that idea a bit. Vote counted!

Lollilou12: Not that I have anything against Zoroark but wha? And take those dragon types into consideration, thanks for the suggestions!

Guests (and Shimmer and DaWubber): I'll count your votes, but I'm a bit iffy on Sceptile, I love that grass type's line, but it isn't really a dragon type or look like one so probably won't include it in this story! :o

TheDoctor1998: Vote counted for!

AliceSteves: Thanks for the compliment, I'm trying my best!

Taranodongirl1: There are stranger things in the world of HTTYD ;)

scarlettravencrove: Thanks and vote counted!

gpeckman1: Vote accounted for

Myra the Dovahkiin: Thank you for the encouragement! I really appreciate it :D


"Normal Talking"

Normal thinking.

Flashback/Dream (indicated)

"Flashback/dream talking"

'Flashback/dream thinking'


Thank you so much for reading and please do review! I will get the next chapter out as soon as I can!

"Will you admit defeat?"

'Wha..? Frank? What's going on, what happened...?' Charmander thought as she began to hear the voices in the outside world from her pokeball.

"I'm not going to lose!" Her trainer's voice snarled. That was when Charmander began to feel the pull that indicated her pokeball about to release her. In a burst of light and sparkles, her clawed feet touched the ground as the world materialized around her. The whirlwind of colors and harsh brightness blinded her momentarily before she composed herself.

The feel in the air told her enough; she had been called out for a battle.

Shifting her feet through the coarse sandy ground, Charmander shifted into more battle-ready position. However she soon was tense with fear as she was face-to-face with her opponent.

Fierce eyes bore into her that were behind a long and orange snout, a slightly paler shade of orange than her own scales. Two protrusions came from the back of its head, two rugged horns, with the partially long neck extending to a rounded body with a cream colored belly. The dragon-like creature had a long tail with a large and bold flame coming from the tip, and large and powerful wings unfolded, with he insides having a turquoise shade of blue.

The Charizard roared a battle cry that caused gusts of wind to be emitted and spread which almost made Charmander instinctively back up as a sign of submission. It was instinctual for a pokemon to submit its respect to another pokemon that obviously had much more power.

However Charmander reminded herself that this was not the wild, but a monitored battle of friendly competition.

The human standing a few feet behind the fire-type also signified that this was not an ordinary battle. The way he held himself, that amount of confidence, but boredom as well, proved that he must be a trainer of high caliber. He had short spikey brown hair slightly tamed by the red and white cap. Almost all of the pokeballs strapped to his belt were Ultra or Great balls, except for the sole pokeball, which was most likely for the starter currently out for the battle.

Said trainer blinked for a moment when seeing Charmander as the pokemon to be called out. Though she was not aware of it, the trainer had memories sprout up due to the sight of what his own starter once was.

That only lasted for a brief second as he spoke to her trainer: "So you think your Charmander can defeat my Charizard? You must have complete faith in your starter or you're truly that desperate. I can tell that it's the latter."

This only served to make Frank even more angry. "Shut up! There's no way I can lose, I'm going to beat the Champion and be hailed as the strongest trainer in the world! If my pokemon can't beat one of yours, then they aren't strong enough!"

Though the older boy was skilled in masking his emotions, Charmander could see a flicker of disgust and disappointment flash on his face for a fraction of a section.

"Very well, let's start then shall we? You may make the first move."

That statement brought Charmander back to reality and she realized that she was very nervous as it had been days since she last battled. Back when she refused to evolve, and Frank got mad at her for it. She hoped that he wasn't still upset with her.

"Charmander use Smokescreen!" With that command, Charmander lunged into the battle inhaling and exhaling with a plume of black ash-smoke from her mouth. A large shroud of it quickly filled the battlefield.

"Now use metal claw!" She heard Frank cry out from outside the cloud.

"Counter it by blowing away the smoke." Came the calm voice of the spikey-haired trainer.

Before she knew it, all of the black smoke cleared from the air and left her open and vulnerable in the field. Her evolution had not even moved from its spot.

"Hurry and use dig!" Charmander quickly obeyed and dived into the ground and quickly making due of her claws to form a hole. She began digging in the direction of the opponent pokemon, hoping that her ground-type move would do some damage to the bigger lizard pokemon.

However from the faint voices yelling and the rumbling that overtook the underground tunnel she was digging crushed that hope. Suddenly heat radiated from behind her and she saw massive flames coming at her. 'Uh-oh!'

Thinking quickly, Charmander dig upwards and popped out of the ground just as a column of fire burst from the hole she had come out of. She saw that the Charizard had breathed down a Flamethrower at her hole. Despite also being a fire-type, she doubted that it wouldn't do much to her.

"Fly up and use Dragon claw!"

"Smokescreen Charmander!"

In a panic, Charmander coughed out more smoke as she saw the larger fire-type ascend to the air and one of its claws begin to glow with a dark violet aura. She quickly sprang onto all fours and ducked to the side as she felt a massive figure rush past her without so much as a foot stepping on the ground. Her smoke was clearing so she spewed out more.

"Charmander stay hidden!"

"Use Aerial Ace and dive into the cloud!"

She did so and crouched down and tense waiting for her orders. She could hear the air displacement as the Charizard dived with so much speed.

"Jump onto its back and used Metal Claw!"

Just as the smoke clear with the Charizard aiming for her, Charmander leaped as high as she could, adrenaline powering her. Some legendary must have been watching for her since she actually landed onto the larger dragon's back. However she now felt a strong stinging sensation from diving through the 'outer force field' of the Aerial Ace.

She latched onto the scales of the Charizard hanging on for dear life as they were higher in the air now, and with a glow of her claws slashed its exposed back between its wings.

Only to see that the Charizard didn't even flinch at the attack and she was even more shocked to see barely an indentation in the dragon's scales. It was at this point that she realized how much a higher level her opponent was at. She dreaded the retaliation the flying/fire-type would take for the attempts at wounding it.

"Hono air maneuver and then Steel Wing!" Now the trainer's voice actually had an almost excited tone.

Suddenly the world became a blur and her head was spinning, these air tricks the Charizard was pulling off were leaving no room for her to continue latching on.

For a fraction of a second she was floating in mid air between the wings of the great dragon. However right afterwards its left wing slammed into her, knocking the breath out of her lungs.

She had not even noticed that the Charizard had already charged the commanded Steel Wing. Before the force of the impact could even push her downwards, the force was augmented by the other wing being slammed into her in a rapid succession.

The combined blow made her crash straight into the ground, and a moment before she hit the bottom, she felt intense and sharp pain ripping through her entire body. Even with the unbearable pain also blinding her, she could see that her impact created a large cracked crater in its wake.

Charmander gritted her teeth, unable to move at all, whimpering in defeat and from the stinging pain. She lay there defeated like a Pichu trying to pick a fight with a Tyranitar. It was pathetic and very humiliating for Charmander.

The sun seemed to shine much too harshly in her eyes, making her wish to close them and allow her tired and beaten body rest. However a dark silhouette loomed over her partially blocking the light.

"Charmander." His voice was eerily calm. It was scaring Charmander as he sounded angry during the battle.

Two hands roughly lifted her from the ground and promptly dropped her onto the ground. Looking up, Charmander saw that Frank had a very scary and absolutely seething look.

"I thought you were better than this." He scowled, "Look at you laying in the dirt, weak and pathetic. I picked you because I believed that you would lead me to become the strongest, but this, this is pathetic. I should have known that a pokemon that doens't want to evolve wasn't worth the effort."

His words stung more than anything for her. Each of his cold words were like blows to her confidence. She didn't notice at first but she began sadly whimpering as he continued to berate her. This wasn't what she wanted, she just wanted to prove herself to her trainer. The trainer that loved her.

"And to be honest, from the beginning you-"

"That's ENOUGH."

Both the Charmander and her trainer turned to the brown-haired teen who looked to be livid. He marched right up to frank with his starter trailing behind him slowly.

"What do you want?" Frank asked bitterly.

"Why are you putting down your own pokémon for losing a battle to a tougher opponent!" The trainer seethed.

"Tsk, so what? If it can't even put up a fight in battle, then it's worthless to even try using it. I am aiming to be the best, and only the prime species can fit my needs. I bet your Charizard isn't actually that strong, just seemed like it against this weakling."

Charmander almost felt as if the world has shattered and nothing could be heard or seen except for her own sorrow, drawing her senses out. She just wanted to shut her eyes and block everything out. And like magic, everything seemed to blur after that moment.

This.. this was all just a bad dream, a bad memory, one Charmander would gladly repress.

Just a dream...

The poll results are mainly the same as before. I'll try to work them in but I can't satisfy everyone!

Okay so far we've got (for the poll), Remember you can vote for something not listed below! (As long as the poke is dragon-type or dragon-like

Dragonite: 1

Zekrom: 1

Latios: 5

Giritina: 3

Axew line: 2

Gabite (Gible evolved): 5

Charmelon (Charmander evolved): 6

Reshriam: 2

Flygon: 1

Latias: 8

Dialga: 2

Rayquaza: 4

Palkia: 1

Don't forget to vote as you are the ones who get to enjoy this story!

Wow, Latias is in the lead with the two small dragons behind her and then Latios.