Hello readers! This is my second fan-fiction, and i know...i know. The one i started isn't even finished but I have this ridiculous obsession with the movie Moulin Rougee and thought that a GrimmIchi fan-ficton to it would work. Then again it's me, my fantasy. I will not however be using the movie names, the characters will be replaced with Bleach characters that i see fitting to the in-movie characters. So here's the list.

Christian the penniless writer = Grimmjow (in this case, song writer)

Satine the Sparkling Diamond = Halibel/Ichigo (i'll explain in a few)

Toulouse the dwarf = Nel

Harold Zidler = Gin

Marie = Matsumoto

Nini = Luppi

Narcoleptic Argentinian Bohemian = Starkk (i mean...really the role was just begging for him)

The Duke = Aizen (he still keeps the title but there will be cases where they call him by his real name)

Ichigo is just himself who in a way is Satine in the fact that he becomes the main 'star'. I dont want to spoil too many things but yes. Ichigo is a star. *w*

A more elaborate Summary:

Based off the movie 'Moulin Rouge' except it happens after 'Satine' dies. Grimmjow is still grieving over Halibels' death, unable to write another song without her.
Gins' Moulin Rouge is gone, the Revolution is non-existent, Can-Can dancers barely scraping by, and yet there's a glimmer of hope.
A hope that can bring everything back and make the Children of the Revolution rise again. That glimmer of hope is Ichigo.
Slight Gin/Ichi but will obviously end with Grimm/Ichi.
Possible Aizen/Ichi but I don't know yet. Review and tell me if it's a good idea or too cliche. :D

Grimmjow could remember her smell, her smile, the way she could simply bring a man down to his knees with just one lust-ridden look. He could remember all these things vividly and perfectly...but only when he could dream. He opened his eyes and they met the bland wall with dark stains scattering across them, trying desperately to remember the dream he had of her...of his Halibel. Closing his eyes and fighting back the tears he turned over to the other side only meeting an empty space. Frustrated, Grimmjow sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, his hands sliding down his face to scratch the stubble he hadn't bothered to shave in days. At the other side of the room he saw his desk with paper and pens scattered on the surface, a small whisper encouraging him to write. A sweet-haunting voice reminding him of his promise:

"Make the world know of our story Grimm...let them hear our story." she whispered. The memory was suddenly vivid.

Her clinging to his jacket with whatever strenght she had left. Her eyes seeming to peer into his soul.

These were the last words she spoke to him before she died...right in his arms.

He felt the overwhelming need to cry and bit his knuckles, shutting his eyes, forcing the physical pain to distract him from the emotional pain he was feeling. It had been a year since she had died but it still felt as fresh and as painful like it were yesterday. He tried to remember what she smelled like, what she felt like against his skin, running his hands through her hair, the warmth of her breath on his skin, even her voice. He couldn't. He couldn't remember...only when he dreamt of her. A knock on the door broke him from his thoughts and he looked to the door.

"Come in." he said, pain evident in his voice.

Nel peaked her head in and looked to him, a look of pity crossed her feaures.

"Gin is on his way back and he wants to talk to you. Oh! And we have a visitor so...try to-" she didn't want to offend him.

Grimmjow cut her off.

"Yeah...I get it. Act normal. I'll be out in a few." he replied stiffly.

Nel looked at him with a look of helplessness towards the blue haired man and closed the door. Grimmjow got up and put on a pair of pants that looked clean and a shirt that looked decent enough. He ran a hand through his hair and looked out the window onto the streets below. This was new...Gin had a visitor. They rarely had any visitors. Well besides the whores and the hotel manager asking for money...or sex. He caught a flash of orange at the edge of his peripheral vision and turned to see that it was a boy...a boy with bright orange hair. He was walking with Gin and seemed a bit nervous being in the neighborhood, and he had every right to do so. It was a dangerous neighborhood and with the kid looking the way he was, he probably wouldn't have survived the 3 blocks to get here. Then the kid was looking up and held eye contact with Grimm. They stared at each other for a while until Gin noticed the kid wasn't walking with him anymore.

"Maa...Ichi. Wha's wrong?"

Ichigo tore his eyes away from the blue eyed stranger and looked to Gin.

"I...I just saw someone. That's all."

"Musta been somethin' ta have caught yer eye ne?" he teased.

Ichigo looked back up, oblivious to Gins' jest, only to see the blue eyed man had gone.

"Yeah...he was somethin'." muttered Ichigo. Those blue eyes...they looked so sad. So...empty.

Gin tugged Ichigo by the sleeve.

"Maa, Maa. We're gonna be late. I wanna introduce ya ta ma roommates...and potential co-workers."

Gin led Ichigo up to his apartment and as they walked down the hallway Ichigo noted how run down the place was, the smell was something that of sickly sweet, neither pleasant nor horrible. He wrinkled his nose at the smell anyways.

"It only smells like this in tha hallways. Inside tha room it's much more cleaner...eh as clean as a room like it can be." Gin said as if he had read Ichigos' mind. Gin rounded a corner and came to a door which he unlocked and ceremoniously opened it.

"I 'ave arrived mah sweets!" he belted out.

However, Matsumoto just looked up from the stove and frowned, Nel playing with a broken guitar and Starkk sleeping in a hammock.

Gin slumped and pouted. "No one even says hello ta me anymore..." he whined.

"Because you do that every day when you come back from wherever you've been. It gets annoying and we want it to stop." Matsumoto said, flipping the food in her pan expertly.

Ichigo didn't know wether to enter or stay out in the hallway until Nel noticed him missing.

"Hey, where's the boy you were going to bring by?"

Gin turned to look at the doorway and frowned. "Ichi...it's okay ta come in. Mi casa es su casa."

"That's spanish Gin." Matusmoto said.

"Hey, I've had enough spanish-speaking men and women to be considered apart of their culture." he said, wiggling his eyesbrows suggestively.

Ichigo timidly walked across the threshold and bowed slightly.

"H-hello. I'm Ichigo Kurosaki."

Nel rolled her eyes at Gin but smiled when she looked to Ichigo and got up going over to shake his hand. She was beautiful, her flowing sea-green hair, her big green eyes, a faded beauty mark going across her cheeks and ridge of her nose. Not to mention her chest seeming to want to burst out of her shirt.

"My name is Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck. But you can just call me Nel, I don't mind!" she exclaimed bubbly, her voice sweet and childish.

Ichigo nodded his head in thanks and turned to Matsumoto. She smiled over her shoulder, a smile that would have brought down any man to his knee and ask her hand for marriage. But, Ichigo wasn't fazed, just that he thought she was pretty for an older lady. She was shapely and had long layered blonde hair, her chest rivaled Nels' and Ichigo wondered where Gin had managed to find these gorgeous women and why they weren't famous French models.

"Hello Ichigo, I'm Rangiku Matsumoto. Some people call me by my first or last name, I respond to both. Welcome to our home."

"Thank you for letting me stay." Ichigo said, bowing slightly.

She gestured over to Starkks' direction.

"That sleeping pile of mess is Coyote Starkk. We just call him Starkk, he's a narcoleptic...so he claims. To be honest, I just think he's really lazy."

In response to that, Starkk just raised his hand and waved a bit in greeting. Ichigo couldn't see much but saw that he was lean and have dark curly brown hair, slight stubble on his chin and a bone necklace resting on his chest.

"Welcome." he said tiredly which caused him to yawn, as it that action in it of itself was tiring.

Gin looked around and to Nel.

"Where's Grimmy?"

"I told him you were on his way here...I think he's still in his room. Want me to go get him?"

Gin nodded and Nel got up gracefully, disappearing around a corner.

"'Grimmy'?" Ichigo asked, curious about the 4th missing roommate.

"He's another roomate of ours. He's...hmm. He doesn't talk much and if he comes off rude don't hold it against him. About a year ago he lost the love of his life Halibel. She was the star of Gins' Moulin Rouge, but she got really sick and died from it. Grimm was terribly grief stricken and still hasn't gotten over her death. He even stopped writing songs..." she said sadly, as if that was the worst of it.

"What does that mean? That he stopped writing songs?" Ichigo asked, curious. Gin sat down and sighed then looked up at Ichigo.

"He was probably tha best song writer there was out here. We found 'im by accident and it was tha best thing ta happen to may Moulin Rouge. The combination of his music and Halibels' charm was wha' sold mah acts. They were unstahpable." he said, the obvious reminiscing flashing through his mind.

"And thas where ya come in Ichi...I wan' ta start may Moulin Rouge up again an' yer jus as talented as Halibel. Ya can save us...bring back tha revolution ta life."

Ichigo nodded, he knew why Gin took interest in him. Gin had seen him at a local Can-Can dance club and offered him the chance to be a star. Ichigo found a way out of the seedy club and left with Gin, in hopes of becoming more than just a cheap show for greedy cheap men. He knew he had talent and it was going to waste back at the old club.

"But how are we going to get Grimmy to write his music again? It wont really work unless Grimmy can write again, we sold well because of his music." Matsumoto retorted.

"We 'ave ta help 'im. He's had a year...it's time ta bring 'im outta his slump." Gin said sternly, like a mother would when her child didn't want to go to school.

Soon after Nel came back with Grimmjow in tow. Ichigo froze at seeing him, it was the blue-haired man that he had seen at the window when he was out on the street. A flash of recognition showed in Grimmjow's eyes but other than that he showed no emotion except a permanent frown of grumpiness.

"Grimmy...this is Ichigo. He's going to help Gin get the Moulin Rouge up and running again." Nel said carefully.

Grimmjow looked sharply at Gin, crossing his arms he posed a somewhat threatening position but if Gin was threatened he didn't show it. He looked the opposite, cheerful.

"Oh really?" he rumbled.

When Grimm spoke it sent a weird shiver down Ichigos' spine and he rolled his shoulders to mask it. The voice was deep and cool, like water running over the stones of a river. A growl in those depths like that of a panther waiting to pounce and roar at its' prey.

Gin nodded. "We can't keep livin' like this...I know I can get tha place runnin' again and Ichi has incredible talent. We can live like we used ta live...not like some sewer rats scrapin' by tha bare minimum. We can't jus' rely on Nel, Starkk and Matsumoto forever..."

Ichigo then realized that everyone except Grimm and Gin we're prostitutes...creatures of the night. They were just like him...selling their bodies to get through life...except Ichigo was still a virgin. All he did was dance and strip for men...as for him keeping his virginity he had to give it to Gin. It was part of their arrangement and Ichigo conisdered it a small price to pay for what Gin had to offer. And he was going to lose it anyways when they got the Moulin Rouge up and running again so why covet it, Ichigo didn't see a reason for it.

"I don't like where this is going Gin...what if the Duke finds out about this? How do you think he found out about you in the first place? Your Moulin Rouge was so famous here in Paris...and if it has an even greater reputation he's going to find out and he will hunt us down." Grimmjow growled. He wanted to avoid detection of the Duke, he was nothing but bad news and if he could avoid seeing him then he would do whatever he could to do so.

Everyone went silent...they knew what the Duke was capable of...they had seen it a year prior. It was because of him that the Moulin Rouge closed, not because business went bad. If anything, any other Moulin Rogues out there we're nothing compared to what Gin had created.

"He wont find out..." Gin said after a while. "It's been a year...tough on all of us Grimmy." an implied undertone that Grimmjow did not miss.

Grimm flinched at his words and growled a bit before looking away.

"Tch...whatever. Why did you want me to come out anyways?"

Gin hesitated and opened his eyes slightly.

"We need ya ta write music again...this wont work without ya."

Grimm stiffened and growled before flipping the chair in front of him to get right in Gins' face.

"You aren't seriously asking me that!? After what happened to her!? To Halibel!?" he roared angrily.

Nel looked afraid and hid behind the pillar, Starkk was up and alert, his hand reaching into his coat, Matsumoto looking at Gin and Grimm a frown marring her face. And Ichigo...he had pressed himself up against the counter, afraid. There it was...that animalistic side of him that came out, rearing its head out to snap at anything that bothered it.

"It's been a year Grimm...do ya think she woulda wanted ya ta be like this? Sufferin'? She woulda wanted ya ta be happy...ta enjoy life. Ta enjoy your life." Gin said calmly.

Grimm faltered a bit and merely snarled before walking away back to his room.

After a while a small sniffle could be heard and Ichigo looked to Nel, tears were falling down her cheeks.

"Oh Nel..." Matsumoto whispered and went to her, wrapping her arms around her.

"I don't like it when Grimmy-chan gets mad..." she wailed.

Starkk yawned and got up to go to the fridge. "There's no talking to him...I don't know why you even asked in the first place if you knew he was going to get so upset."

"We need ta get him outta his rut...it isn't healthy fer 'im." Gin frowned and crossed his arms. Suddenly a slammed door alarmed them all and Grimmjow was back in the room. His bright blue eyes searched the room for a second until he saw Ichigo, he stormed right up to him stabbing his finger accusingly at Ichigos' chest.

"And don't think for a second that you can replace her!"

"Grimm!" Matsumoto yelled harshly. Grimmjow looked at her then back at Ichigo, anger evident on his face, his blue eyes seemed to be on fire.

"He isn't her replacement!"

Ichigo was shocked at his outburst but finally had had enough of his rage. He smacked Grimmjows' hand away and pushed him back a few steps. Shock crossed Grimmjows face but then anger and rage quickly replaced it. He was about to tell the orange haired kid off when he was interrupted.

"Hey! We only just met and yet you dare talk to me like that!? I'm not here to replace anyone but I am definitely not going to take this verbal abuse from you!" He yelled out.
Panting he took a deep breath and his voice softened a bit.
"Look, I'm sorry about what happened to your lover. It sucks I know, but just because you have all this sadness and all this pent up anger doesn't give you the right to take it out on these people. They care about you and how do you repay them? With your horrible attitude. Be thankful that you are alive and can keep her memory alive through you. If I was her I'd be disappointed that my lover was acting like such an asshole."

Grimmjow looked at him stunned and soon anger crossed his features but then his face went slack. His composure relaxed and he took a step back. Ichigo looked at him confused but then was shocked by what he heard next.

"...I'm sorry." he muttered. With that he briskly walked away back to his room.

All eyes were on Ichigo and they let out a breath they had all been holding.

"Wow...Ichigo...you managed to make Grimmy apologize." Nel said quietly.

Then Ichigo felt a little guilty talking about Grimmjows' dead lover, he looked guiltily to Gin.

"I...I wasnt too harsh was I?"

He shook his head and went over to him, rubbing his head.

"Naw...it's exactly what he needed; a wake up call. He can't keep putting himself through all this pain and suffering." Gin was so serious he didn't even use his usual drawl when he talked.

"Maa maa, let's get ta celebratin' Ichi comin' into tha group and tha possiblilty of opening our beloved Moulin Rouge!" Gin exclaimed, pulling Ichigo close to him and smiling.

Matsumoto perked up at that. "If we're drinking then you know I'm all for it." she said, tossing her hair back and smiling brilliantly.

Nel smliled and clapped her hands jumping up and down. Ichigo was surprised her chest didn't render her unconscious with all that bouncing. "Wonderful! I'll go out and buy something for us to drink!"

Starkk opened one eye and a small smirk fell onto his lips.

"Count me in...I could use a drink after all this." he yawned , stretching lazily.

Nel scoffed. "You barely moved all day and you're exhausted? Jeez Starkk...if you weren't such a manwhore and self-proclaimed narcoleptic I would have thought you were a freeloader."

Starkk laughed and took a step towards her patting her head. "Hey...don't make me look bad in front of the new kid."

Nel rolled her eyes and grabbed her coat, heading towards the door. "I'll be back."

And when she came back they did indeed have a time they thought was long gone. Absinthe was passed around, a luxury they had forgotten, and everyone was laughing and having a good time. Even Ichigo joined in on the fun and suddenly while looking at Gin and Gin looking at Ichi, primal urges were rearing their head making it hard to resist with each swig of the Absinthe. As the night went on Ichigo decided to move in on Gin.

"Why did you choose me? Besides the obvious." he teased, his body pressed up against Gin, a leg over Gins' lap. Gin looked at those long, lean tanned legs and smirked.

"Who wouldn't 'ave? Yer damn sexy." he said huskily, sliding his hand up those mile long legs. "I was surprised ya hadn't been snatched up earlier."

Ichigo laughed a sexy sultry laugh that went straight to Gins' groin.

"Guess I was just waiting for my knight in shining armor. "

Gin gently took Ichigos chin between his long fingers and kissed him deeply, Ichigo moaned softly and wrapped his arms around Gins' neck kissing back for all that he was worth. Cat calls could be heard from across the room and Ichigo laughed into the kiss looking to Matsumoto and Nel.

"Hey get a room if you're going to start all that!" Matsumoto exclaimed, and a bit too loudly since she was trashed.

Gin stuck out his tounge, which was quickly captured by Ichigo as he kissed him deeply, gently grinding against Gin.

"Mmm...doesn't sound like such a bad idea Gin." whispered Ichigo.

Gin chuckled and smacked Ichigos' rear, squeezing a bit. "Then lets go, ne?"

They both got up and the two women started wolf whistling making both men laugh as they dissapeared down the halway and into Gins room.

Grimm sat in his room and could hear the group in the living room having a fun time. He felt a bit bad about what happened with the orange haired kid. Okay, so maybe he was kinda acting like an asshole but it was just who he was. When something ticked him off he got angry... Grimmjow sighed and ran his hand through his hair, maybe he should go apologize. Not in front of the group...just to the kid. He stood up and left his room to go to the living room, however Ichigo wasn't there.

Frowning Grimm called out to the group "Hey, where's the kid?"

Starkk looked to him drunkedly, one eye trying to stay open.

"The berry-head? He went to Gins' room. Why?"

"Don't worry about it." he said gruffly.

He frowned. "If you're going to yell at him again-"

Grimmjow cut him off with his hand. "I wont. I just wanna talk to him that's all."

Starkk scoffed and took another sip of Absinthe. "You never want to 'just talk'."

"Well apparently this is the day when pigs fly." he said before leaving to go to Gins' room.

He walked down the hallway to knock on the door when he heard moans coming from inside. He stilled and leaned forward a bit to get a better hearing. Another loud moan could be heard and even though Grimmjow hadn't known Ichigo for that long he could recognize that it was his voice. Maybe the kid was really drunk and didn't feel good? He opened the door a bit to peek inside and stopped when he saw that it wasn't what he thought at all.

Ichigo was naked on top of Gin riding him, hard. His tan skin was flushed and a thin sheen of sweat covered his body that glistnened from the moonlight coming through the window above. His head was tossed back and the look of pure bliss and pleasure on his face...Grimmjow suddenly felt it affecting him. Every moan the berry-head would illicit went straight to Grimms' groin, the position he was in was so erotic and sensual that Grimmjow wished he was the one that Ichigo was riding. Wait...what?! Grimmjow took a step back and covered his mouth in shock. He wasn't gay...he loved Halibel. A woman, yes she was a courtesan but he never thought of her as that, just the woman he loved. He hesitantly looked back into the room and saw Ichigo had been switched onto his hands and knees.

"Spread 'em" Gin said huskily. Ichigo bit his lip and pressed his chest into the matress as his hands went to his cheeks giving Gin and Grimmjow a nice view of his abused hole. It was such a pretty pink color and Grimmjow couldn't help but want to ram into it unmercifully making the berry-head forget his name. What the hell was going on with him!?

Gin smirked and slid into Ichigo with some effort, another look of pleasure showing on Ichigos' face and his body shaking from the sexual strain of it all.

"Damn...yer so fuckin' tight!" Gin groaned, still trying to fit his entire length into the smaller man below him. Ichigo bit his lip and managed to open his eyes, panting and his eyes locked with Grimms'. Shock crossed both of their faces. Grimmjow knew he was done for and yet...he couldn't look away...apparently neither could Ichigo. After a while Grimmjow figured out that Ichigo wasn't going to tell Gin and just retained eye contact with Grimm as Gin continued to pound Ichigo deeper into the matress.

"Y-yes...Gin! More...give me more!" Ichigo moaned out, grinding back into Gins' thrusts.

"Such a needy body...i'll try mah best ta satisfy ya Ichi." he said before smacking Ichigos' plush ass.

"Ahh! Mmm...yes please..." he begged, wiggling his hips in response.

Grimmjow managed to pull himself away and closed the door silently before hurriedly going back to his room, leaning against the door frame. He then realized he himself was panting and felt an ache in his pants, he looked down and saw he was hard. Cursing, Grimm shut his eyes and tried to will it away. Seeing as how that wasn't working he growled and sat down on his bed pulling out his hardned arousal. Gripping it he stroked himself slowly, moaning at the pleasure he felt, it was like electricity was coursing through his body with each pump. Panting and sweating, he gripped himself tighter and pumped his member until he soon felt himself about to give. He was so close...so close but it didn't come. Frustrated Grimm tried harder but his release evaded him...he panted and hesitantly he brought up the image of Ichi: bent over like he was, spreading himself so submissively and...and that was it. Grimmjow moaned loudly, giving onto his hand and some managed to land on the floor. He gasped for air and looked up at the ceiling, his breathing labored and his body slowly relaxing from cumming. He closed his eyes, enjoying the high of getting off while he could. He hadn't ever done that after Halibel had died...and for a moment Grimmjow felt incredibly guilty for having been able to come from a kid he just met than the woman he grieved over for for a year. Shaking his head from the thought he grabbed one of his towels and cleaned himself up and wiped the floor, when he was done he tossed it into the laundry basket and laid down on his bed. He felt so relaxed and sleepy despite the electricity he had experienced when he was pleasuring himself. Little did Grimmjow know, this would only be the beginning of something bigger to come.