Author's Note

Wow, so it's been a year since I last updated this story and for that I want to apologize. To be honest, six months ago I did not want to finish this story; it had gotten away from me as had the Hetalia fandom. Not because you guys had done anything I was just branching out into a few other fandoms that I also greatly enjoyed. 2013 was a wild ride for my family, we went through a lot, and I think that contributed a bit to my disillusion with writing. Please accept my apology for abandoning this work. I don't know how long it will take me to finish this story, I do intend to… but I am working on a behemoth of a story right now that I hope will be published (on FFN) in June so I will try to work on this story in some spare time with that one.

Thank you for those who have read and reviewed during this past year, I read each one of your reviews, and they warmed my heart during everything that was going on. I really want to thank you for that, as well as some of my friends who when noticing I was back to reading Hetalia fanfics again, encouraged me to continue writing this story. I am at the moment re-editing the chapters already posted just to fix them up a bit and change stuff that didn't make sense or wasn't worded in a way I liked it. I hope to put up the next chapter soon entitled A Monster in Paris (at the moment anyways).

Sam King