We Will Come Together

Chapter 24: Graduation and the Beginning of Something New

The first week of June was the last week of school. It was almost over; nine months had gone by in a flash.

Nate and Natalie had spent a lot of together and so did Kyle with Erin. They decided to make it official right away. Although they spent the next day sleeping in after Prom, they managed to get some time in for each other. When finals week came, they spent the days on dates. Since only two finals took place each day, there was plenty of time after that. Their friends said that they didn't have to spend time with them. They should be allowed to be by themselves.

Darcy and Josh were now spending the time looking into apartments near the college they would attend. They agreed that each person would pay half of everything; food, rent, and what else might come up. They were excited for what the future would hold for them.

Meanwhile, the seven, Kelly, and Dave spent the last week with Star Flight. Fara's time at her job was over. Misa had given her a goodbye hug at the party that the other workers had set up for the young vixen.

The parents of the seven were sad that team would be leaving. Little did they know that their daughters would be given a grand opportunity.


"You really want to come with me and the team?" asked Nicholas as he drove himself and Fara to the ship on Tuesday. She had just told him her decision to join them.

"Yes, I'd think this is what I want to do," said the vixen. Nicholas felt extremely happy when he heard Fara's answer. Then he began to wonder; why was he feeling that way? He shrugged it off. It probably was nothing.

"Are you sure though that your parents will allow it?" he asked.

"I'm sure they will. After all, I know they like you."


The graduation ceremony took place after the last final on Friday in the late afternoon. All the family members, friends, and Star Flight, including the robots were there dressed up. All of the seniors came into the gym where it took place. As each student went to get their certificate, their parents and friends took pictures. The Star Flight team had no problem spotting the seven.

When the last student had been called up, Mr. Banner spoke into the mike. "And now this is something that you seniors have been waiting for. To see which seven will join Star Flight!" The lights went out. A projector came on revealing a short movie. The music Tank from the show Cowboy Dedop (The Star Fox versions of Cowboy Bebop) began to play. A black outline of Nicholas appeared and lit up to reveal him. They heard him say the opening words.

The audience saw as each member appeared on the short movie alone with their main ship including the robots. Some other vehicles of the team also appeared; a couple of subs and four tanks. They looked like the Landmaster and Blue-Marine that Star Fox used, only different by having green as the second color instead of blue and the team's symbol. But nobody knew that.

The seniors cheered loudly when each of the team members came on. A final picture of them came on at the end. When the song was over, the seniors let out loud cheers. The lights came back on.

"And now would the leader step up?" asked Mr. Banner. The vulpine had been sitting near the mike. He got up and when he reached it, he got a roar from the students.

"Thank you so much," he said with a smile. "Before I begin, I've got one question. Was this a memorable year for you?" The graduates let out a cheer. "Then my team and I have done well. Hopefully you'll remember this as the best of your four years.

"Now you may have been wondering why we chose to come here instead of the flight academy on this planet. The answer is that my team and I want to have the opportunity to teach others what we've learned. But we didn't know who they were going to be at first."

"We knew that we wanted seven more members. And we agreed that because we had only two females that the seven should also be females. Not only to give the two some more company, but to keep us guys from doing something stupid."

He paused as some of the audience members and seniors laughed.

"I remember when I first spoke to the school, I was keeping my eyes open. Then I spotted someone. And it's where it began."

Fara felt blush on her muzzle. Surely Nicholas wasn't about to say the thing that had passed between them now?

"I considered her to have the opportunity because I felt from the moment that I saw her that she would be perfect. The other six, we weren't so sure. Then as the year went by, we figured out who the rest would be. It is with great pleasure to announce the seven."

The room went dead silent.

"They are Fara Phoenix, Fay Spaniel, Miyu Lynx, Luna McCay, Lucy Hare, Yuki Flower, and Nami Sheika!" At first, nobody said anything. Then the noise started. The girls who had been chosen just stared at Nicholas in shock. They couldn't believe it. Fara knew she had been chosen. But she didn't expect that it would also include the other six.

"These seven are the lucky ones. They don't have to say "yes" now. We'll give them 48 hours to think about it. I look forward to working with them." He stepped away from the mike.


The group of friends met outside with their parents a little bit latter.

"You finally made it," said Nicholas to the ones who'd graduated. "Now you're life really begins."

They all went home that night and everyone was thinking over what Nicholas had said. This was an opportunity for them to get with the guys that they loved. And maybe get into adventures alone the way. Miyu wanted to go with the team to stay with her friends.

To the seven's surprise, they were allowed to go. Their parents trusted the crew and knew that they would keep their kids safe. Besides, they knew that they would still go because of the ones they loved. And Miyu's folks knew that their daughter would want to go with her friends.

The group of friends got together one last time with the parents except for Peppy (Since he's with Star Fox). It was a bitter sweet goodbye.

"Promise we'll stay in touch," said Darcy with tears in her eyes.

"Of course," said Fara, and gave her a hug. It was amazing how much stuff had happened over the school year. The girls who were going were packed and ready to board the ship. Meanwhile, the friends they were leaving behind had managed to get apartments to live in. Dave and Kelly had roommates, and the other couples shared theirs.

Fara went to bed that night. This would be the last one where she would be an ordinary vixen. Tomorrow, she would become a full fledge member of the Star Flight Team. When the morning came, all their friends and family were there to see them off. There were tears and goodbye hugs.

"With this, it's fare well," said Nicholas. "But I know we'll see each other again." The robots, Katt, Miyu, and Amanda went in the front door first. Then Bill went with Fay. Next went Dash and Yuki. Then Ben and Lucy. Finally Cody and Nami went in. Leaving only Fara, Nicholas, and Luna. Nicholas started, but stopped when he realized that Fara and Luna weren't coming.

"Is something wrong?' he asked.

"No," said Fara. "I just need to say something to Luna." The vulpine smiled and went in the ship.

"What is it?" asked the she wolf.

"I'm going to give it to you straight," said Fara. "We were both chosen. And we both have decided to go with Nicholas. There's only one of him and two of us. That means that now we're rivals for his affection."

"I know," said Luna. "I knew from the moment he said you and I could join that's what would happen. But that doesn't mean we can't help each other in times of trouble."

"I agree," said the vixen. "But I don't plan on losing to you."

"I don't either," said the she wolf. "May the best women win." The parents, Grace, and friends watched as the two girls said this and then go into the ship.

"Alright," said Nicholas said to them when the vixen and she wolf came in. "Chose a room and place your things. You can worry about decorating and setting the security code latter." The girls did so, and then followed the entire team to the door that lead to the main control and briefing room. Nicholas entered a code on a panel and the door opened.

The inside looked exactly like the one on the Great Fox; but nobody in Star Flight knew this.

"Are you seven ready?" asked Nicholas. "There's no going back now." He took a seat and pressed some buttons. The team felt the ship move as it began to transform from a house into a ship. The adults, Grace, and friends outside just watched as the vehicle slowly rose up.

The ship was back in its normal shape in about five seconds. It then began to take off, heading off the planet. Fara just looked out the window of the room. She was nervous, but excited. This was going to be one hell of a ride.

Author's notes: With that, the first part of the story is complete. It only took me less than two months to finish. Tell me what you think. I'll be taking a little break for a bit. You can expect the next part to start coming out by January which will be longer than this one. It will be called Star Flight Adventures. See you then! On a final note: You can view the opening I used on YouTube to get an idea of what Star Flight's video looked like (It's the TV size one and not the full song). The only difference from theirs and the one on YouTube is that there's no smoking.

-Co-lord 44