Here's a little story I did based off a roleplay thing I did last night.

I don't own Hetalia or any characters only this idea otherwise the Nordics would show up a lot more.

By the way this will either just be a one-shot unless it gets good reviews I might turn it into a series of one-shots featuring them but review with some ideas 'kay?

Norway poked his head out of his doorway, it was about 2am when the sound of a scream woke him up. What he saw was Denmark looking around, when Denmark saw him he asked, "Hey Norge, what's up" He grinned.

Norway walked towards him and asked, "What's with all the screaming? Was it you idiot?"

Denmark looked a little surprised "Wasn't me that's why I was out here trying to find out where it came from." Suddenly as if on cue a low sob sounded from the dark hallway escalating from Iceland's room. Denmark looked uneasily at Norway, "You wanna go talk to him, see why he's crying."

Norway looked uncertain as he said, "Me!? Why me, I'm not good at comforting people you know that!"

Denmark smirked then said, "That may be true…but you're his older brother, he needs you." Denmark then gave Norway a push towards Iceland's room and watched as he disappeared into the darkness of the night. 'Honestly, you two are amazing fighters and great friends…but when it comes to being brothers towards each other you guys are utterly hopeless.' Denmark thought to himself as he retreated back to his own room.

Norway slowly opened Iceland's door and approached him. Iceland was sitting in the middle of his bed, hugging his knees close to him, his head hidden but crying like a lost child. Norway smiled to himself, it had been a while since he had last seen his little brother like this. Iceland didn't even notice Norway walk in until he said, "Ice…you okay?" Iceland jumped obviously startled; he looked up embarrassed and flustered. His eyes were puffy and red and he still had tears flowing down his cheeks.

Iceland stuttered, "N-Norge!? Wha-? S-sorry if I woke you up." Norway chuckled to himself his brother could get so embarrassed at times, it was so cute how easily he got flustered.

Norway sat next to him and asked, "It's fine, what happened anyway?" Iceland averted his eyes from his brother to the bed sheets.

"It's nothing really! I just…uhmm…um I…i-it's nothing at all. It was just a dumb nightmare…it was nothing." Norway tilted his head a bit, it obviously wasn't nothing. Iceland was practically bawling his eyes out.

"Iceland…it obviously isn't nothing. If it's enough to make you cry your eyes out, it's a big deal. Now what happened in your dream…?" Norway leaned against the headboard staring a hole into Iceland's back. Iceland started to sniffle and he had short breaths almost like he was hyperventilating. When suddenly Iceland turned around and into Norway's arms, he started crying and wailing. At that point in time Denmark walked in worried and sat beside Norway, confused by Iceland's actions.

Iceland wailed and held onto Norway for dear life while rambling, "Big Brother! I'm so sorry! I never called you that I will from now on I promise! Please please please don't leave me all alone! I don't like being alone! I'll be a better brother I promise! Please don't hate me, I don't want you two to hate me! Please don't leave me all alone!" Norway instantly held onto Iceland comforting him. Denmark held onto him as well.

After he had calmed down a bit Denmark asked, "What makes you think we hate you. That would and never will happen."

Norway asked, "What was your dream about?"

Iceland had nestled his head in between Denmark and Norway, he then turned over so he was laying on his back looking up at them, tears still finding their way down his face, "It…y-you guys left me all alone a-and I-I had to d-defend myself…but then R-Russia came and took me away a-and you guys let him! S-saying that I w-wasn't even worth saving be-because I never showed gratitude for anything and that I was a bad brother!" When he finished he was wailing again just remembering the horrid dream. Denmark and Norway just sat there stunned; they couldn't believe that their precious little brother would believe that they didn't care for him. Norway then swiftly swept Iceland up in a bone-crushing hug, Denmark did the same. They soon sat up, Norway grabbed Iceland's shoulders forcing him to look in his eyes, "Iceland! That will absolutely never ever happen even if I have to die to prevent that! You are more precious to me than life itself! I lost you once I am never letting you go again! The three of us are a family and nothing no one will ever tear us apart!" Iceland sat on his knees shocked at how much emotion his brother put into his words, he soon looked over at Denmark to see if he was the same way,

"Norway's right Ice. You two are so special to me I wouldn't be able to bear it if I lost either one. Russia would have to pry you from our cold dead arms. We would have a battle to the death for you. Do you understand that?" Iceland numbly nodded.

Norway then said, "I'm sorry if we made you feel unwanted or unloved."

Iceland never realized how much he meant to the two nations. Iceland gave a small smile, relief washing over his entire body. Norway then shifted the three of them under the covers for a good night's rest, never once letting go of Iceland. He was nestled into Norway's chest like a child with Denmark on the other side of him. They both kissed Iceland's head in a comforting way and slept, never letting go of each other.

Hope you guys enjoyed it, I basically had a fangirlspasm while writing it. I wasn't really happy with the ending but oh well. I absolutely adore the Denmark-Iceland-Norway family relationship thing they have. Sorry if they are OOC haha but I can so see Iceland acting this way and having nightmares he is the youngest so I figure they would all comfort him and take care of him. So review and let me know what you thought.