Untitled Story

Batman/Dark Knight

Nolan Universe

**Author's note: This is my first Fanfic on here! Please R&R as I always am looking to better my writing. Thank you and enjoy! Oh! I don't own any of the characters mentioned except Bobby... hehe. :)

She walked the streets; the dark streets of Gotham. This was her home now. Selina Kyle lived in a semi decent apartment near the east end. It was well decorated with various artifacts from the different places she…made an appearance in. Never caught and never seen, Selina, dressed in an all black, skin tight suit, would scout for a fresh trail; people who had too much money, jewelry, paintings, sculptures, and so on. Using her feminine charm and athletic abilities (which included martial arts, acrobats, and gymnastic training) to steal, sneak and smuggle what ever she had her eye on.

She didn't know why she felt a connection to the dark city but it was like it called to her. A low cry, unnoticed unless one was listening carefully. Perhaps this was why the masked "Batman" was around. She had heard about him of course; tall, dark, brooding character that brought in criminals while donning a bat suit. He sounded exciting and maybe a little psychotic and this made Selina Kyle all the more intrigued; men who possed that kind of mystery made her as curious as a cat.

Finishing her nightly walk, she climbed the stairs to the fourth floor of her apartment building. Three cats welcomed her as she entered.

"Have mama's boys been good today?" she greeted them.

They glided around her, purring and meowing as if answering her question. She filled their dishes, Snow, Tabs, and Blacky.

"Hey Salina, how was your walk?" Holly shouted from the other room.

"It was rewarding." Selina replied. She had been looking for an entrance into one of the more lavish apartments around the area. A guy named Bobby Highland resided there. He was Holly's new toy buy only until she came back with bruises on her stomach; that's when Selina decided it was time to rid Bobby of some of his prized possessions.

Holly was not fond of Selina's way of handling things but not even she could stop the woman. Selina took Holly under wing, taught her everything she needed to know about self-defense and (because of Selina) was a skilled gymnast. But, Holly took to the streets in a different manner. One that Selina wished she wouldn't do, however, it did pay the bills.

"I made three-hundred tonight, Selina." She sounded chipper.

"Sounds like a successful evening." Selina shouted while changing into her home made cat suit. It was getting close to 'that time'.

"You're going out again? This is the fifth time this week."

"Well, I have business to attend to. I can hear valuables calling my name, Holly," She purred. "Plus, mama has to make a living too." A smile spread across her face as she slid her skin tight boots on.

"You aren't going to Bobby's are you?"

"Hmm… now why on earth would I make a house call to that dog?"

"Selina, it was once. He apologized and even bought me flowers." Holly was passive aggressive, Selina didn't care one bit. Selina strut over to her quickly, and got close to her face.

"Holly…I don't care. He hurt you and guys like him need a friendly reminder that they can't go bullying people around." She walked over to a window and positioned herself on the sill; ready to dive into the night. All Holly did was stand there. Although, there wasn't much she could do; Selina had a mind of her own.

It was a perfect night to go out. She leapt and ran from roof top to roof top; letting the evening breeze carry her. Selina was quick and agile and she stayed in the shadows; deadly if she chose to be.

327B was her destination. It wasn't much to look at on the outside but, the apartments were quite nice on the inside. Crouching low, night goggles on, she made her way to the side window. Peering in, she could see Bobby sleeping…but there was someone else there. Another girl. "Ass." She thought to herself. Carefully she unlatched the window, and slinked her way inside-making no noise. It was dark, but that was the atmosphere she liked best. Quikcly she found his wallet, in his pants alyed on the ground. "Four-hundred and fifty dollars…. Not bad Selina." She smirked. Tucking that into her pouch on ther slim belt, she peered around or something else.

The other four days Selina went out she was following Bobby, and found exactly what she wanted too. Bobby Highland happened to be a second-rate drug dealer. Nothing extravagant but he had made connections with dangerous men in Gotham. Not to mention he had a bit of a record himself. However, none of that was a motivation for her now, it was personal. He hurt Holly, now Selina would get revenge.

She slid into the living room, eyeing an end table against a wall. Looking in there-nothing. "Damn." Going back into his room, she noticed the drawer. Smiling to herself, she found at least ten small, clear bags of questionable items; enough to put him away for a long time in Gotham. Quietly, she took them out and placed them in various locations in the apartment. For her next plan of action to work, they needed to be visible.

Bobby stirred, but only to rest his hand on the girl's back. Selina took a lighter out of the same pouch where she put the money earlier…. But then put it away, noticing the gas stoves in the kitchen. Quickly, she glided in. Perfect. She turned the stove on high and placed some paper next to it. A small fire started. Now she really needed to move.

She grabbed his cell phone off the coffee table and waltzed out the front door.

"C'mon, where is the fire alarm?" She whispered to herself. "Aha!" Down the hall there was a fire alarm, and just beyond that was a half open window. She started off at a quiet sprint; pulling the fire alarm as she ran. A loud scream was now echoing throughout the building. Another smile ran across her lips. Selina made her way to the window, passing doors, and hearing voices on the other sides of them.

She opened the window and dropped out onto the fire escape making a thud on her side. Not her best landing. She jumped across onto the other apartment building's fire escape and climbed up. Her heart was pounding, and beads of sweat were coming down her face. This is what she lived for.

Selina could hear the sirens coming as she made it to the roof, she crouched down so that no one could see her. Taking out the phone she took, she made a call to the Gotham Police. "Hello?! There is a fire and my boyfriend and me are inside! It's apartment 327B! Please help!" Hanging up the phone, she threw it off the building with a smile. The fire department was wailing by… and soon they were inside the building. Smoke billowed from the window she went in. Then the police came. Perfect. They charged in and the next thing Selina saw, was Bobby coming out in hand-cuffs; ash all over his face. His dumb, bimbo of a girlfriend was screaming and crying, flailing her hands in the air, outraged.

This night had been very successful for her. Not only did she get revenge for what the idiot did to Holly but she made four-hundred and fifty dollars. A great night indeed.

As she made her way back, jumping from rooftop, she got the eerie sense someone was following her. Slowing her run to a jog, then a full stop. She decided to confront the stalker.

"Didn't anyone tell you that stalking women at night is a complete turn off?" Using her eyes, she grinned a little. It was him.

"Women who start fires and flee the scene?" He responded in a husky tone.

"Hmm… I suppose I did start a little bit of a commotion, didn't I?"

"Who are you?" he demanded.

"Now, why on earth would I tell you?" she snapped back.

"Just thought I would ask nicely," He growled then immediately jumped from behind her, grabbing her neck with his fore arm, locking her against his suit.

"Now, this is no way to treat a lady!" She hissed and elbowed him in the gut. This only made him double over, but her neck was now free. She quickly turned around and put the heel of her boot against his shoulder. The blade on the heel made a cut in his suit. Not flinching he stopped, struggling to bring her leg down. She sneered as her leg was forcefully brought back down as it did hurt her a little. But, he quickly backed away, staying low. The moonlight hit his head, and a silhouette of a man with sharp, pointed ears was visible.

"So, this is the Batman." She grinned.