He entered headquarters and was greeted by the newest member to their team, Bear, who held his tattered tennis ball in his mouth. Reese grasped the ball and tossed it mindful of the bookshelves that lined the room, and the dog happily chased it down. "What's up Finch, you seemed more vague than usual on the phone. I take it we have a new number." Reese said as he moved further into the room.

"New, no," Finch replied as he taped up a familiar picture, and Reese's eyes honed in on the picture of Carter in her uniform. "It seems our Detective Carter's number has come up again." He stated as the smirk that had been on Reese's lips quickly turned to a frown. "Normally it would come up and then get brushed aside, but this time however it kept popping up and when I tried to manually delete it the Machine pulled it back up again, and marked it as critical." Reese shot his eyes to the smaller man before him at hearing his word.

"What are you saying Finch. Are you telling me that Carter's number has come up before this and you deleted?" Reese asked and Finch arched his brow and regarded Reese's sudden angry demeanor.

"Yes Mr. Reese, Detective Carter's number comes up once or twice a week, sometimes more. She is after all a Homicide detective so danger is a part of her job. Usually the threat to her isn't as prevalent as another number and in that case hers is deleted from the system." Finch could see that Reese was getting more and more agitated by his words. "Come now Mr. Reese, can you imagine how many numbers pop up every day, and that's just the numbers here in New York. It's not feasible to expect you to handle every one of them, not possible even. So I tweaked the Machine so it calculates the probabilities of all the numbers that come up to determine which one has the highest probability of a death occurring. I refer to this as the Violence Probability Index, if its high those are numbers the Machine takes a closer look at. With Detective Carter her index is always high due to, as I said before, her profession, so the Machine ignores her unless her VPI reaches urgent or critical."

"And which is it Finch, Urgent or Critical?" Reese asked his glaring eyes hardening by the second.

"Critical, which is why I called you here,"

"Fine," Reese spat out as he turned to head back out.

"Where are you going?" Finch called out after him.

"I'm going to go have lunch with Carter and let her know what's going on." Reese replied and then paused just at the exit and looked over his shoulder at Finch. "Whenever her number comes up I want to know and I don't care if it's high, urgent, or critical, I want to know Finch."

"Understood Mr. Reese," Finch concurred as he bowed his head a bit and averted his eyes to the floor. "I assume you'd like to know about Det. Fusco as well? His number comes up often too." Finch said as he stared at Reese with arched brows. Reese didn't reply as he disappeared around the corner.

Lyric's Diner

When he had called her to ask her to meet him at the usual place he could hear through the phone that she was distracted. Now as she made her way through the lunch crowd of the diner he could see that there was something off about her.

"So what's up?" She asked in greeting as she took the seat across from him in the back booth.

"You tell me," Reese replied as he watched her as she watched the people inside and outside the diner.

"Look John I don't have time to play our normal games, not today. So just tell me who do you want me to gather intel on." Carter said around a heavy sigh as she settled her tired eyes onto him.

"Ok, Detective Carter," He responded and she sat a moment waiting for a name not realizing he had just given it to her.

"What?" She said as she rolled her neck a bit in irritation.

"That's who I want intel on, Det. Jocelyn Carter. Her number came up but judging by the way you're acting, looking over your shoulders every few seconds I figure you already know that there's some threat surrounding you."

"I don't have time for this," Carter huffed out as she began to slide from the booth. Reese shot out his hand and gripped her hand to still her.

"Jos, just tell me what going on." He could see her falter and her resolve gave way just a bit before her eyes hardened and her drooping shoulders squared, and then she pulled her hand from his grasp.

"There's nothing going on except I have unsolved cases piling up on my desk that I can't ever seem to get to because I'm constantly helping you play Mr. Vigilante. Look if there isn't some number you need my help with I gotta get back to doing my job."

"I'm not going away, Jos and you know that whatever it is I'm going to find out about it." Reese said in a determined tone.

"Don't, please just let it go, I know what the danger is and I'll handle it. Please John just stay out of it, ok?" Carter pleaded and the tears that formed in her eyes stunned Reese for he was not use to see her so vulnerable, and it made him even more determined to save her from whatever danger there was. Reese remained silent and didn't try to stop Carter as she stood and left the diner. As he watched her cross the street and walk away a familiar buzz filled his ear and he reached up and tapped his ear piece.

"Finch," Reese spoke out as he continued watching Carter until she melted in with the busy bodies that hurried about the sidewalk.

"I think I found something on Det. Carter's case." Finch replied and then got silent, after a few seconds Reese spoke again.

"Care to share?"

"I think it would be best if you 'see' what I've found."

She hadn't been lying about the cases that were piling on her desk that needed her attention even still she called out for the rest of the day and hurried home. She sighed a breath of relief as she rested her back against her closed, locked door. "Taylor," She called out as she moved from the door and unlatched her gun holster.

"In the kitchen," She heard her son's voice. She sat her gun and holster on the table near the door and walked into the kitchen where she found her teenager seat at the granite counter eating cereal.

"Well I'm glad you've fixed yourself dinner, so I don't have to cook." She playfully tossed out around a smile. Usually she'd chastise him about eating sugary breakfast food for dinner but tonight she was just too tired to care.

"You got a letter from your friend," Taylor said casually to his mother who had moved to the refrigerator and had her face buried in it looking for something to eat.

"Friend, what friend?" She asked as she closed the fridge door and pulled back with a small jug of orange juice. Taylor just shrugged in reply as he moved to the sink and began rinsing out his bowl.

"I don't know some guy who was waiting outside the building when I got home. He asked if you lived here and I told him you did and you were my mom. He said you and he were friend back in high school. He said his name was….was Ron…Rob…"

"Reggie," Carter supplied for him as her heart rapidly beat against her chest.

"Yeah that's it, Reggie. Anyway he said he just got back into town and was hoping to meet up with you, he left you this." Taylor handed his mother the letter and then noticed that she suddenly looked sick. "You ok mom?"

"Yeah I'm fine but I need you to go upstairs and pack some clothes, you're going to go spend some time with Aunt Priscilla." Carter announced as she stared down at the envelope in her hand.

"Aunt Priscilla? You're sending me to North Carolina, why. Mom what's going on?" Taylor asked nervously, he had learned over the years that the only time he visited Aunt Priscilla was when his mom felt that there was danger and she didn't want him around it.

"Taylor, please just do like I say, please." Carter spoke in a defeated tone and it made Taylor resist his further interrogations, and with a nod he headed up to do as she had told him.


"It took some deep digging but I think I found something, or I should say someone." Finch stated but seemed hesitant to pull the info up on the screen.

"Well are you going to tell me Finch or am I supposed to guess." Reese asked still slightly irritated with the smaller man before him.

"His name is Reggie Johnson," Finch pulled up a picture of the man. The picture was a mug shot of a burly black man who looked to be in his 50's. "He was just release yesterday from the Lincoln Correctional Facility where he had been serving a 35 year sentence for kidnapping, rape, sodomy, and false imprisonment."

"They let that piece of shit out?" Reese asked as he nearly snarled as the picture on the screen.

"Yes after serving 15 years they let him out on good behavior."

"So what does this have to do with Carter, was she the one who put him away?"

"Yes and no Mr. Reese. He wasn't a bust because Det. Carter didn't apply to the Police academy until 2004, after her stint in the military. She…" Finch hesitated not knowing how to say the words and fearful of Reese's reaction. "She was Mr. Johnson's victim and it was her testimony that got him convicted." Reese locked wide eyes onto Finch at his words. Finch then pulled up newspaper clippings and crime scene photos. "Carter was just 25 and she had just graduated from law school when she was attacked by Mr. Johnson. Apparently she had gone out with friends to celebrate and Mr. Johnson abducted her from the parking lot. He held her captive for four days before she managed to crawl out of a small window in his basement and get help. I'll spare you the details of what he did to her, out of respect for Det. Carter. But I believe that he is the reason Carter's number came up as critical and the camera you insisted I install outside her brownstone capture video of Mr. Johnson visiting Carter's home this afternoon. I also know for a fact that Carter was notified on the day Mr. Johnson was released." Reese turned and began to stalk from the room. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to Find Mr. Johnson and put a bullet in his head." Reese tossed out as he exited.

Sometime Later

The house was dark which was unusual given that it was just 6 o'clock. He instinctively pulled his gun as soon as he picked the locked door.

"Carter?" Reese called out into the darkness and instantly the room became illuminated.

"You do have a death wish, don't you?" Carter asked as she clicked on the lamp from her spot in a chair that sat in the corner of the room. Reese saw that it had been strategically placed to allow her a view of every entrance into the room. On the table beside her sat a half empty bottle of bourbon and two full clips, and on her lap sat her gun.

"Waiting for someone?" He asked as he put his gun away and moved further into the room.

"Nope, just sitting in my home having a nightcap," She replied as she sipped from the glass of Bourbon.

"In the dark with your gun and ammo?" Reese questioned.

"There's no law against that, there is however a law against breaking and entering." She tossed back.

"I was worried about you. I know you had an unexpected and unwanted visitor this afternoon." He stated and then watched as her defenses went up. "I know about Reggie Johnson, Jos, I know what he did to you."

"You don't know a goddamn thing Mr. Reese." Carter spat out venomously.

"I know that 15 years ago he kidnapped you,"

"And," She threw out so that he would go on, but Reese wasn't going to dredge us such painful memories for her.

"And you don't have to worry about him because I…"

"No!" Carter leaped from her seat and stepped to where Reese stood, she jabbed her finger into his chest as she spoke. "You're not going to do anything. I didn't ask for your help and I sure as hell don't need it." Reese recognized the cold gleam in her eyes. He had had that same gleam after he found out what Jessica's husband had done to her.

"You don't want me to touch him because you plan on taking him out yourself, is that it?" Reese questioned and Carter answered him by silently moving past him and going into her kitchen. "That's not who you are Carter, you're not a killer." Carter tossed a laugh over her shoulder to the man who was following her trek into the kitchen.

"I have killed before John, I'm capable."

"Killing in self-defense, or in the line of duty is different than killing in cold blood. You know that Jos."

"Yes I do and believe me it would be self-defense."

"So you're sitting in here in the dark lying in wait," Reese said more as a statement than an question.

"He was here earlier, he approached Taylor. That fucker made contact with 'my' baby, he's mine, 'my' son and I won't let Reggie Johnson infect my son with his sickness, but I know he's going to try. He'll be back and he'll try to force the issue and when he does," She formed her right hand into the shape of a gun and then made a shooting sound. Reese's mind began piecing together fragments from the news clippings about Carter's attack and from what she had said, more importantly how she had said it, until something finally clicked.

"You got pregnant," He said almost in a whisper, but Carter heard him and her tears instantly fell. "Reggie Johnson is Taylor's biological father."

"No, no Reggie Johnson is a sperm donor. Granted I didn't ask him to donate his sperm but I'm not sorry either, because I have Taylor and Taylor is mine. Michael Carter was Taylor's father and my husband, and I don't want Taylor to ever know otherwise."

"Where is Taylor?" Reese asked as he let his eyes drift down the hallway.

"I put him on a plane out of town until I take care of this situation." She answered. "Now thanks to you it will probably take longer, because I'm sure Reggie was outside watching and waiting and now he's not going to stop by and say hello."

"No he wasn't," Reese stated casually and Carter cast suspicious eyes upon him.

"How do you know?" She asked and Reese simply stared at her without saying a word. "What did you do, what the fuck did you do?" Carter demanded as she stepped right up to him.

"What I had to do to make sure that you and Taylor…" His words were cut off by the stinging slap that Carter placed across his face.

"You had no right, he was my problem to deal with, my boogieman to vanquish." Carter cried out as she struck her fisted hands against Reese's chest. "I wanted to kill him, I've waited 15 years for that bastard and you took it from me." She openly cried as she hit his chest again before allowing her forehead to rest against it. "Why did you take it from me?" She continued to sob as her shoulder shook. Reese Gently wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes as he swallowed down his swelling anguish.

"I didn't want you to have to ever face that monster again Jos, and the second I found out what he had done to you I knew your number hadn't come up because 'you' were in danger from Reggie Johnson, but that he was in danger from you. You were going to murder him and I know you think you're capable of that, but I also know you wouldn't have been able to live with yourself. I'm sorry if you feel cheated Jos, but I'm not sorry I spared you that guilt." After a moment Carter's sobs quieted down but her grip on him didn't lessen nor did his arms loosen their hold around her.

"I didn't want anyone else getting their hands dirty over that son-of-a-bitch." Carter said. "That's why I felt I had to do it. I wanted him dead and…wait he is dead right? I mean you didn't send him off to some Mexican prison did you?" She asked as she leaned back a bit to stare up at Reese, but then realized what she was saying and quickly closed her eyes and dropped her head back against Reese's chest. "God that sounds horrible, like I'm condoning you murdering someone."

"He's dead but I didn't kill him." Reese said and again Carter looked up at him in disbelief. "Oh I sought him out with the intent to kill him, I even chased him until he ran out into traffic and got hit. I stayed long enough for the paramedics to pronounce him dead on the scene." Carter pushed out a heavy sigh as she closed her eyes and again rested her head upon Reese's chest. He could tell by the way her weight shifted more heavily onto his body that Carter was exhausted and dead on her feet. He moved his arms down and easily scooped Carter up into his arms, and she gave no signs of protest. He moved down the hall to her bedroom. He entered the bedroom and laid her gently on the bed. As soon as her head hit the pillow Carter curled up onto her side and instantly closed her eyes. Reese removed her shoes and pulled the blanket folded across the foot of her bed up over her. "Rest easy Jos and know that the boogeyman won't be coming back." With that Reese placed a soft kiss to her temple and then moved back into the living room and seated himself in the chair Carter had been occupying. He knew she didn't need him to watch over her, he knew that she was safe for the time being, but something in him needed him to stay. What that 'something' was he wasn't ready to try and figure out, at least not tonight.