A/N: I had an idea for an "epilogue" of sorts… it's basically just a lemon. Sorry not sorry?


3 Years Later…


I was having a bad week.

Work had been unreasonably stressful, I'd gotten into an argument with Shinji because he could not fathom why I was sick of hearing him complain about break up number two with Nnoitra, and Grimmjow had been distant because he had a big out of town trip for work coming up that he was trying to plan.

I sighed and leaned heavily on the bathroom sink, staring at my mess of hair in the mirror and trying to collect myself. I checked my watch, noting that it was after 10 and Grimm still wasn't home, and sighed again. Shaking my head, I look at myself in the mirror, trying to decide if it was stress of actual aging that were creating the dark lines and shadows across my face.

Generally speaking, I tried not to let the regular stresses of life get in my way, but here I was. It was probably the compiling of so many different things, and Grimmjow being stressed at the same time. Usually at least one of us was in a calmer state, and was able to help the other balance the stress of work and beyond. This past week or two, Grimm had actually been stuck in his office for 12 or more hours at a time, and he'd frequently been up before me and home much later than usual.

He swore it was a short term issue, and also constantly reminded me that, if I'd ever agreed to be his secretary, I'd be at work with him during these long weeks, but somehow that never really made me feel better.

Instead I found myself, on nights like tonight, remembering how hard I'd fought for this life, and wondering what I needed to do to make it work.

I slipped into my favorite pair of satin boxers to sleep in, and trudged into the kitchen to filler my water bottle that I kept at my bedside. If tonight was like the rest of this week, I'd just be crawling into bed to read a few chapters of my latest book when Grimm came home.

I was just about to leave the kitchen when I heard the front door close. I paused, somewhere between eager and resigned, and popped a hip against the kitchen counter to wait for Grimmjow to make his entrance.

It was a small satisfaction that he looked bedraggled. His hair, always unruly, looked unkept in a way that told me he'd spent more time running his hands through his hair today than not. He saw me and smiled and, even if it wasn't the grin I wanted, it still sent a pleasant warmth through my body.

"Heya, Ichi." He seemed to glide across the floor, and had wrapped me in his arms before I could respond. The comfort of being in his arms was indescribable, but it was the weight with which he collapsed into my arms that made me speak.

"I miss you Grimm." He knew that the long days were tough, and though I hadn't spoken of much of my own work stress because we hadn't had time, I knew he'd sensed it over the last few days.

"Me too, kitten, me too." Normally I bristle at being called 'kitten', and he knew that, but the exhaustion in his voice forced me to shelve that annoyance for a later time.

"Come to bed?"

"I need a shower first, but I'll join ya."

Grimm let me go reluctantly as I pulled away, but I led him to the bedroom by one arm. He paused to take off his clothes at the closet, and I sat on the bed up against the headboard to watch my favorite view. Though tension filled his body, it was as beautiful as it had ever been to me. I sighed, and Grimm heard me and turned around as he slipped off his pants.

"I'm heading out of town Saturday mornin', but I'll be back Friday night." He sounded resigned, and the heated mood of watching him undress was undone in that moment.

"Weren't you going to leave Sunday?" I tried not to sound petulant.

"They want to do dry run of the openin' a day earlier, and I need to be there."

"You know that my product launch is Saturday night, so I can't go with you, and you're going to miss it." I didn't even bother phrasing it as a question, because he knew, and would have done everything in his power to make it all work.

Grimm was down to his boxer briefs, and came up to the bed. Leaning forward, he planted a gentle kiss on my lips, lingering for a long moment before pulling away.

"We need to plan a vacation." He was as resigned to this past and future few weeks as I was, but at least he was trying to see the light at the other end of the tunnel.

I nodded sadly, and he twisted his lips into a smile as he turned to walk to go take a shower.

After a long day, I was asleep before he got into bed, and he was gone when I woke up.


It was Thursday, and I was determined to come up with some sort of surprise for Grimmjow when he got home. My product launch had been successful, and even though Shinji was still having a hard time trying to decide if he should forgive Nnoitra, I knew that Grimm's new restaurant in San Francisco had opened with success.

I hated that I hadn't been there, and I hated that for the last month or more we'd been so distant. As good as we had become at communicating with each other, it was the physical bond we had that had always sealed out relationship, and it had become hard to fit that into our lives lately.

In my early twenties, it was unfathomable that sex would fall to the wayside of other things, but here we were, and it had.

Our chemistry had never died, but our time for it had, and I was sick of putting my personal life on the back burner. As we'd both approached 30, it was obvious we'd become caught up in our careers in a way we hadn't before. The drive that had been attractive to my in Grimm since we'd reconnected, and the drive I knew he liked about me, was starting to become a problem in our relationship.

I contemplated a few options, knowing that I was going to pick him up from the Tokyo airport and would have time to put something together at home before he got here, and developed a plan.


"Ichigo, I'm so tired." Grimmjow groaned, melting into the front seat as I pulled onto the last road home.

"Yes, Grimm, you've only said that like 10 times since I picked you up." I rolled my eyes, but I still smiled, happy to have him home.

"Did ya miss me?" He asked, ignoring my pointed harassment.

"You know I always miss you when you're gone."

"I feel like we've been circlin' each other for weeks, I've missed holding ya while we sleep, and havin' nothing to do in the morning than lounge in bed with ya."

"Well at least we both have this weekend to relax." I noted, turning into our parking garage.

"Yeah, which would be great except I bet jet lag is going to keep me awake and put me down at fuckin' terrible times." Grimmjow grumbled, sitting up in his seat as he registered that we'd arrived home.

"When did you become such a cry baby?" I asked, grinning at this version of my lover. I'd likely have been a lot more annoyed, except my plan.

"Probably when I realized we haven't had sex in weeks, which came to me at the most inopportune time in San Francisco three days ago when ya were half the world away." Grimmjow grumbled, unbuckling his seatbelt and climbing out of the car as soon as I'd pulled into park. Before I'd gotten out of the car he'd already grabbed his one rolling bag out of the trunk and was headed to the elevator.

"Leaving me behind? And here I thought you missed me." I was teasing him, obviously better rested and more generous with my amusement than he was after his 10 hours of flying.

"I'll make it up to ya tomorrow." He held the elevator door and gestured with his head, "Come on, slowpoke, I want to hit the sheets."

As usual, Grimm and I managed to take the ride up to the penthouse alone. I slid up next to him as soon as I entered, and nuzzled into his neck.

"Can I ask you to do something for me?"

"Depends what it is." Grimm replied, an octave lower than his usual tone, and much gruffer as his fatigue was starting to settle in.

"Will you let me put a blind fold on you? I have a surprise." I knew I was taking a chance that he was feeling amenable today, but I'd never steered away from a challenge. I watching his face twitch as he considered, and then he nodded.

"Just for you, Ichi." That was the tone of voice that always did it for me, the acquiescing but commanding tone that seemed to simultaneously make it clear that you were his, but also that he was yours.

I slipped up onto my tip toes, pulling the blindfold out of my back pocket, and slid my body across his chest as I met his gaze and reached up to tie the strip of fabric over his face. I nibbled at his lip in reward, before slipping back to my feet and taking his suitcase from his hand just as we arrived at the penthouse.

"Let's go, lover boy." I laughed, pulling him with one hand and his suitcase with the other as we entered the apartment.

Normally, someone blindfolded might have seemed hesitant, nervous even, but Grimmjow either trusted himself or me so implicitly that he moved smoothly through the apartment as I led him to the bedroom.

"I'm going to have you sit back against the headboard, okay?" I was just giving him the heads up, but I knew he's do as I asked, though curiosity was killing him.

"Do I even bother asking what surprise ya could have for me in bed?" Grimmjow was grinning again as I guided him to sit back against the headboard. He was confident now that he was going to get something he'd enjoy out of this, and I rolled my eyes.

"You can ask, but why not wait and see." I smiled, putting his suitcase in the closet before coming back to him. I managed to distract him with one hand caressing his thigh, getting high right hand locked into a handcuff I'd set up on the poster of the bed earlier in the day.

"Ichigo." Grimmjow growled, and I almost purred back at him, watching his muscles flex as he tested the cuff. His left hand flew up to remove the mask, and my hand caught his. Straddling his legs, I leaned forward a brushed my lips against his.

"Let me play, I've missed you, and I think a deserve it." His growl was the only response I got, but I was able to coerce his left arm out and locked it into the cuff on the other side.

"Ye'll regret this tomorrow, Ichigo." Grimmjow groaned, and I noticed that the sleepiness was starting to leave his voice as arousal entered it.

"I don't know, what better what to help you fight jet lag?" I laughed, pleased with myself, and stripped down to nothing before crawling back onto the bed. Grimmjow groaned when he felt my naked thigh touch his clothed one, and I straddled his upper legs, leaning forward for a moment to let my hardness rub against his where it was still enclosed in fabric. His grunt of approval stirred me on.

"We need to make time for each other, Grimmjow." I purred, unbuttoning his shirt, "We can't let so many weeks pass where we're just moving around each other." I couldn't push the button up off his shoulders since I had him bound, but the open shirt gave me access to muscles and nipples I was eager to torment. The sounds he made stirred me on, trailing one hand to the button of his pants.

"Yer right Ichigo, of course you are." He groaned, my hand slipping under the pants by his hips and sliding them and his boxer briefs down his legs slowly. I resisted looked at his erection until I'd stripped him of everything but that open button up shirt, and couldn't stop the inhale. Grimmjow laughed darkly, "Even bound, I still have power over ya."

"Of course you do, Grimmjow, you're my drug remember?" When I took him into my mouth, I had to pin his legs down beneath me to prevent him from taking control. Grimmjow always led, was always empowered in the bedroom because I'd always been so easily seduced, but I wanted this experience for me to give to him, to taunt him.

I licked, I sucked, and I tormented him to the edge twice before his grunts and twitching thighs finally forced me to take pity on him. Gripping the base of him firmly, I leaned forward and pulled the blindfold off of hid face as I kissed him for the first time that night. He tried to take control, as always, and I pulled away with a grin.

"No, Grimm, tonight is for me." I slipped back down to his erection, hand still gripping the base and I ran my tongue from base to tip, making eye contact for the first time since he could see. I let go of the base to take him full in my mouth, and swallowed.

Grimmjow didn't have a prayer tonight.


Once I'd wrung him to exhaustion, I'd let him go, and between jet lag and being spent, he crashed. I didn't regret not getting myself off before he crashed, he was usually extremely thoughtful but I'd really dragged his own orgasm out him when he was already half asleep, and I knew he'd been too tired to coninute. I'd ended up going to the bathroom and finishing off after he'd gotten comfortable unbound, but I don't think he was even awake to notice anymore.

I slept until 10am, easily the latest I'd slept in months, and as I moved to stretch I realized that it was very obvious what had woken me up.

Grimmjow had my half-hard shaft in his mouth, teasing it and swallowing around it in a way that was very hard to do on an erection at full mast. Literally just seeing him there, half asleep as I was, was enough to finish the job that he had started and get me fully erect. He let go with an audible 'pop', and slid up my body to my mouth, hovering over me in a dominant position that gave me goosebumps.

"You, are a devil." He growled, assessing my face for a moment before leaning down and licking my lower lip. "I intend to punish you."

"Technically." I breathed, "You shouldn't need to punish me! I took great care of you."

"True, as always." Grimmjow's grin held unhealthy fire, "Except that karma is a bitch."


A/N: Okay that's really it, I need to explore new stories. This will probably always be my favorite though 3