~fanfiction inspired by personal experience with my own serial heart breaker~




Chapter Five

The first experience

Cloud had never felt more self conscious and embarrassed in his entire life.

The two of them made their journey through the silent woods; Zack leading the way as the blonde trailed nervously behind.

It certainly wasn't made easy by the man's lack of effort all together, refusing to make conversation and seeming eager to make the situation as awkward as possible. Cloud couldn't be certain, but he was sure Zack was intentionally being difficult, enjoying the position it put him in. The man knew he was already dominating him, practically sensing the fear in the air as they neared closer to their unknown destination.

Cloud couldn't decide whether he regretted this, or whether it was simply the nerves screwing with his head.

He was definitely taken aback though, gawping ahead at the man, unable to comprehend just how gorgeous he was. Everything about him was perfection, and Cloud couldn't believe he had the opportunity to be in the presence of such a man. It scared the shit out of him, though; he felt intimated, useless, doubtful.

The blonde wasn't a nervous character and never struggled to start conversation. But every sentence that appeared in his mind was quickly dismissed before he had the chance to utter it. He was over analyzing everything; worried in case Zack found him immature or dull, finding it impossible to simply be himself.

But the silence was definitely more awkward than small talk though, no matter how embarrassed it would make him.

Cloud finally found the confidence to speak. "Everyone seems to know you around here," he practically choked, his voice physically trembling as he spoke.

"Is that so?" Zack replied coolly, not at all fazed by the compliment.

"Apparently a lot of people find you attractive," he found himself saying, cringing at every word he uttered. "My friend said you're a real hit with everyone."

The man didn't even reply to the blonde, snorting at the comment before returning to silence.

Cloud mentally cursed at himself, turning a bright shade of red as he forced himself to stop talking. He couldn't tell whether that had sounded creepy or pathetic. The response he had been hoping for was a little laugh or some sign of amusement. Cloud had WANTED it to sound casual and funny. But it had ended up making him sound like a desperate fan girl, declaring to the man just how popular and desired he was... especially by him.

He couldn't tell whether Zack was modest or arrogant in response to the compliment. Was he amused or unconvinced? Surely he knew just how many people wanted him sexually; how many friends and admirers he had without even needing to try. Zack was practically the most known member of the company bar Sephiroth.

The obvious thing to bring up was their encounter on the bus; something Cloud had been dying to ask about since he'd walked home that night. Now he was in his company he couldn't even force himself to mention it; afraid of what the answer might be. He felt embarrassed even thinking about what had happened.

If he couldn't even picture the man touching his leg without blushing ... how would he survive whatever ordeal was coming his way?

Cloud was struggling to come to terms with the fact that Jordan was almost definitely right; something was going to happen here. The blonde had followed Zack blindly into the woods and thought 'fuck it,' to the consequences. He didn't know whether he wanted anything to happen, the thought of a kiss alone terrified him.

It didn't matter either way though; Cloud would have come with him regardless. He already felt infatuated and a little obsessive, desperate to be in the mans company whether it frightened him or not. Regretting not seeing him would have been worse than this current moment... right?

The thought of saying no to him made him feel a little sick and anxious. Cloud was intimidated by him and utterly compelled at the same time. There was no way to describe this feeling; whether it was a shallow attraction or something else. Zack had completely over taken his sense.

He could barely recognise himself in that moment...

Cloud's heart began quickly hammering; watching as the man's backpack slowly collided with the ground, thudding against a patch of leaves. Something was about to happen, the blonde could tell, they were both preparing themselves... Zack staring coldly down at him.

"Guess how many people I've slept with," Cloud blurted out sheepishly.

He didn't want Zack to make any assumptions about him; the blonde felt the need to warn him in advance, whatever happened. Cloud's virginity wasn't something he'd ever been ashamed of... until now. Then again, he'd never expected himself to be in this kind of situation for a long, long time.

What was he even doing?

"I have no idea, six?" Zack guessed, inching closer and closer to him.

Cloud had not a single drop of moisture in his mouth. "Lower."

"I have no idea then," the man said, clearly not one for patience. "What does it matter anyway?"

The blonde practically whispered it at him. "... I'm a virgin."

He expected the world to collapse around him, for the man to laugh cruelly and walk away... but he seemed unfazed by the revelation.

Although perhaps a little shocked in a good sort of way. "It doesn't matter," he shrugged, stood before him.

... "Now shut up."

The blonde swallowed loudly, his entire mouth dry from the fear and anxiety. Zack was smirking confidently, not once faltering; reeling in the fact he could control and dominate him. Cloud was entirely at his will, anything he wanted, he'd get.

The Soldier licked his lips hungrily, teasing him, taunting him... Cloud itched to reach out and claim them, but his lack of confidence stopped him.

Zack was grinning wider now, his crystal blue orbs staring into Cloud's, staring into his soul. The blonde was shaking, and Zack could see it, never before been in the presence of such a man, let alone the breathing space. Cloud wanted him so much, he desired him so much... but he just couldn't display that.

"You're nervous."

Those words hit through him like sharp shards of glass.

Zack growled them at him, the sentence rolling from his mouth as if it were music to his ears. The blonde stiffened at that, swallowing loudly, unable to simply defend himself.

"You're vain is pulsing," he snickered. "In your head."

Cloud whined at that, wishing he could be swallowed up by the ground.

The man found that all the more endearing, leaning forward so that their lips came into contact. They didn't kiss though, not immediately, for that would have been too rushed, too sudden. Zack brushed together their impatient lips, mouths opening enough to tease, but not enough to explore. They were froze in that position, like a passionate embrace, almost seizing up, yet in control enough to contain their urges. As his lips moved against Cloud's, so did his mouth, and that familiar smirk returned to him. He knew he was teasing him, destroying him, taunting him. They both knew who was in control here.

When it finally ended, his hands clutched at Cloud's hips and drew him in, as the blonde felt his entire body shudder against him. Zack lips wrapped around his, firmly pressing them together, grunting into his clumsy mouth. The blonde drew his fingers into the man's hair, grinding them against his locks, pushing their faces tightly together. The passion overtook the fear, and before he knew it, they were furiously kissing.

Zack's lips were soft, unalike the rough ones he had endured in the past.

There was a slight squeal as he brushed the blondes crotch, Cloud screaming into the kiss in complete and utter surprise.

... This was terrifying.

He didn't know how to react; still too nervous to follow suit and explore his body. His tongue had slid inside Cloud' mouth and completely taken over his train of thought. It glided skilfully against the roof of his mouth; clashing angrily against Cloud's own as they breathlessly continued to kiss.

Zack kept his hand between the blondes legs, his movement slowly becoming angrier, more impatient, more himself.

The other gripped at Cloud's free hand, temporarily stunning him, guiding it towards a very, very dangerous area indeed.

The blonde pushed him unsurely and Zack complied; his back slamming against the tree behind him. They both knew what this was leading to, oh god, did they know.

Zack's hand gripped once more at his, stopping him mid actions, pushing it from the outside of the material and inside the boxers. Cloud let out a stifle, his hand finally resting upon the actual organ itself. He could feel it, and it both frightened and compelled him.

"I'm nervous," he told him.

"Don't be," Zack simply replied.

They both knew that wasn't enough though, and it certainly didn't come as a surprise as Zack's hands rested on the blondes shoulders and pushed his body down. Cloud awkwardly did as he was forced to, knees slamming against the mud. This was setting the scene, no turning back now, no regrets.

The blonde stared up at him in doubt, then back down again, slowly pulling down the clothing. Zack quickly stopped him, shaking his head, snatching his hands away as he reached past his knees.

"Don't pull them all the day down," he ordered.

This was it.

His length was finally rolled out, right before the blonde, right within his grasp.

Cloud stared up at him, uncertain, the fear practically flashing from his eyes. The man gave him a smirk in return, yet another stroke of the hair, and a forceful push back in the right direction. The blonde swallowed nervously, face directly positioned in front of the enormous length. There was a spasm, a twitch in his fingers, his grip tightening against my hair before weakening.

"I'm so nervous," the blonde repeated, eyes resting on the alien sight.

Zack was ramming his head forward, so painfully that the blonde spluttered against him, which only worked him up all the more. "You'll be fine," he muttered, but he could tell he wasn't in it; it was only impatience that drove his sentence.

"I'm so sorry," Cloud whispered, hand wrapping around the huge organ. "I'm so sorry if I'm bad."

The blonde felt his train of thought completely leave him; pushing back the thoughts that threatened to surface as he allowed his mouth to do the work.

He had no idea why he was doing this or whether this is what he wanted, but he seemed unable to simply go against Zack's orders. Cloud had expected something, something frightening, but not this...

Little did he know how much this moment would dominate in the months to come.

Little did he realize just how much he was being used.

... Cloud was dealing with a monster.

Yes filthy and a little sudden, but this is how it happened with me!

We all do silly things when we're infatuated, right? I want Zack to be a complex character, not just a nice guy as usual...

Please review! :(