~fanfiction inspired by personal experience with my own serial heart breaker~

Zack is a serial heart-breaker, and Cloud is his biggest victim yet. Will he win the players heart, or will his own get crushed?

Yaoi ~ Sexual ~ Humour

Set in Crisis Core.

Chapter One

The first meeting

Cloud shift in his seat uncomfortably, feeling every bump and twist of the bus as his body throbbed. He couldn't get comfortable, his hand fiddled awkwardly and his tongue nervously licked at his lips. His legs were crossed, any attempt to hide himself, as the feeling of being self conscious hit him… hard.

It was all his fault.

The bus took a quick swerve, his body throwing forward and his hand clutching at the rail. It forced him to look up, straight into those preying eyes, straight onto that expressionless face.

... Was he really being checked out by a stranger?

The bus journey had been slow and tedious beforehand, but now it just felt like an everlasting ride of pain. Cloud had been fine before, but now his heart was hammering against his chest and his bulge against his crotch. There had been a mysterious stranger that had got on the bus, who had typically sat opposite and typically began staring at him. It wouldn't have mattered if it had been an old woman, or an unattractive middle aged man, but no, this guy was different, in every way possible.

... He was the face of perfection.

There was no other way to put it, and as much as Cloud tried to look away, he couldn't, staring back into that face with bright red cheeks, gawping at him as if he were a greasy meal. Never before had he been so attracted to another human being, as ridiculous and childish as that sounded.

Cloud didn't scream gay, but he definitely didn't hide it either. He had a feminine face, ridiculous hair, the tendency to blush at anything and the tightest clothes you could buy. But he wasn't notorious, he wasn't flirty, he wasn't confident - he simply was gay.

He threw his hand into his pocket and shakily pulled out his ipod. In his state, it took at least a minute for the earpieces to be placed, and the play button to be hit. Cloud began blasting loud music, anything to drown out the thought of the man opposite him. But it didn't work, of course it didn't, especially when he watched the stranger get up and move towards him.

It all got worse in an instant, Cloud clenching his fists as the spare seat next to him suddenly became occupied, and the personal space he had been oh-so-thankful for had been stolen away. He glanced at the stranger through the corner of his eye, who was now staring ahead of him, still blank, eyes empty and lost.

Cloud went to open his mouth to say something, anything, but was stopped at the sight of the stranger following suit, pulling out his own ipod, quickly putting in the headphones to avoid conversation. He felt stupid, pathetic, like a sixteen year old virgin desperate to seek a potential boyfriend.

"I want you to bite me."

His head was making up sentences he had never even thought about before, let alone wanted to say. Cloud turned his face towards the glass, meeting the strangers reflection, who stared back into him, neither bothering to turn their gaze.

The bus began to jolt again, throwing the two of them into each other, the stranger never changing expression, with the blonde next to him, reacting completely insane, clutching desperately at the seat.

He felt a hand brush near his thigh, not touching, but close enough.

But when the bus jolted again, the driving screaming at the traffic in front, he heard himself scream too, as that same hand flew into his thigh and gripped tightly. Cloud stared down at the intrusion, mentally begging him to let go, with no luck. The stranger was smirking now, snickering to himself, playing with him, working him up. It was certainly working, and Cloud quickly went to cover his bulge with his own hands, before being stopped by a stronger pair.

The gloved fingers began sliding up towards his groin, towards his crotch, towards the tented trousers. Cloud could only watch, biting his lips, letting out the weakest squeals. The stranger had clearly not been playing music in the first place, as the blonde watched his eyes flash at the noise.

But it all ended, just as it had stared, the hand disappeared and they continued staring into the window.

Cloud looked around the bus, pretty much abandoned, no one giving a damn what they were doing and who they were. He wanted to make conversation, talk to this guy, make sense of what was going on. Was this the norm in Midgar? Cloud had only been there for a day, and already he had got more action in five minutes than he had his whole life.

Why was it impossible to talk, when they'd already broken the sexual barrier?

The stranger shifted beside him, turning to face Cloud, his face was angled upwards, leaning over him, hand outstretched to open the window. But it was cold, freezing actually, there was no point in opening the window.

Cloud hissed at the cold air, but more from the feel of the strangers lips against his neck, coincidentally brushing against him. He felt a soft blow of air touch the skin, and send goose bumps up his entire body. His eyes rolled into the back of his head. Oh god, he was weak, too weak, he was just letting this happen, and clearly this man was loving every moment of the dominance.

The stranger sat back down again, the smirk quickly fading. Cloud went to wonder why, but stopped himself as the man pulled out a notepad, tearing a piece and bringing a biro to it. Was this what he thought it was?

He shamelessly watched the man scribble on the note, and his heart began skipping at the possibility. The bus came to a stop, the black-haired beauty getting up to leave, before handing the note to Cloud, turning away from him, no wink, no smile, no connection.

It didn't matter though, now that Cloud had his number.

Cloud had his…

"Nervousness will get you nowhere."

He gawped down at the paper, his eyes bulging out strongly enough to brush the note. It wasn't a number, or a love note, or an address. Was this a message? An order? Cloud folded up the piece of paper and thought about the note. Was the man trying to flirt in an unusual way? Give him advice?

Cloud put it into his pocket and breathed out a sigh of relief.

Would he see him again? The man with no name. He hoped so, with every bone of his body.

But for the man with the name, Soldier 1st Class Zack Fair, the bus rolled past and he allowed himself to watch the excited blonde stare down at the note. He felt a sadistic happiness, but didn't smile, hands into his pockets as he walked down the road. What would he get from that. Hope? Confidence? Whatever it was, it meant only one thing: Zack had made an effect on the stranger, and that's all he needed.

It was all just a game to him.

It had meant nothing.

Inspired by my own story, the plot changed, the meeting altered, but I wanted to write about something I have experienced.

Who knows if this chapter is any good, if anyone, someone, could review with feedback, I'll know whether to continue?