I went out to the mailbox of my small cabin out in the Linphean forest and check to see what was inside, there was a small fragile envelope addressed to me lying in the dark space. I went inside and lay down on my soft flower bed before opening the letter.

My dear Flora,

I cannot wait until we are reunited with one another. Your laugh echoes through my mind when it is silent and the sun hasn't shone as bright since we've parted. On Monday I hope to see you at the school opening ceremony.

Yours only,


I re-read the letter over and over until it hurt to read it. Helia, I really missed him but I don't want him to see me as I am. I just know that he will renounce the love he has for me as soon as his gorgeous deep blue eyes land on me. I looked into my full body mirror and examined my appearance. I looked at the black tank top and red skirt I had on with a pair of black sandals. My long light brown hair was pulled back into a high pony tail, and the faint scar lines from the cuts I'd been giving myself over the past few months were just barely visible to the naked eye. I know that Helia will never look at me the same way ever again. I can just hear his soft husky voice now.

"My Flora, what has happened to you?"

Tears began to build up in my eyes and I couldn't look at myself any longer. The people in the outside world, even in the sanctuary of my home planet, were telling me that I needed to do something right with my life for once.

My parents had passed over the summer and I was living with my foster parents who had made me transfer from Alfea, the college my best friends attend, and the closest one to my dear Helia, to Beta, the college on the other side of Red Fountain, way out past the misty mountains. I'd begged them to let me stay at Alfea but they thought that my change of attitude since my parent's death would be more welcome at Beta. How was I going to be welcome? Everyone at Beta despises me and my friends because we sent there poster child, Chimera, and her mother, Countess Cassandra of Solaria, to the Solarian prison for trying to take over the kingdom by putting the king under a spell.

"Flora pack your bags were leaving first thing in the morning." My foster sister, Daisy, sneered at me from behind my closed bedroom door.

"Alright Daisy, I'll be ready." I called back and snapped my fingers, watching as my bags packed themselves up nice and neatly.

I went straight to bed after we had dinner and slept with a fear of how this year was going to happen.


In the morning I woke to find Daisy standing over me glaring at me like I'd committed a crime. Her gold eyes were angry and her blonde hair was falling into her face as she glared down at me.

"Get up and get dressed!" She snapped and left the room slamming my door shut.

I sighed and got up and walked to my closet. I grabbed my tank top with the one spaghetti strap on one side and then the long sleeve on the other, it rose up slightly over my abdomen and revealed my navel piercing, the dangling rose gleamed in the early morning light shining through my window. I pulled on a pair of red skinny jeans with rips on the front thighs and then my black pumps. I brushed my hair and put it into a fishtail braid. I did my make-up and walked out into the living room to fins Daisy standing by a freshly opened portal.

I stepped forward grabbing my two rolling bags and followed her through the portal. We appeared in front of a pair of large gates that read, BETA ACADEMY. I shuttered at the feeling that this place was giving me and sighed attempting to adjust. Daisy led me to our room and I un-packed my things before following her into the dining hall.

The head mistress Galatatia gave the welcome to school speech and only one single aspect of it hit me hard like a ton of bricks. We will be attending the opening ceremony at Red Fountain with Alfea to celebrate the survival of the magic's dimension.

I froze and only came to when Daisy had told me to come on. We went back to our room to find that my bags were gone. The head mistress had left a note saying that they had been transported to Alfea and that I was to transfer back to finish my senior year there.

I kind of went into a panic when I read the note because the girls would see me as my new self. I reached into my pocket feeling around to see if it was still in there. My hands came into contact with the small folded object and I walked into the bathroom. I pulled it out and opened the knife so I could run it across my wrist causing blood to rise up out of the wound and I had put just enough pressure so that it would cause me just a little bit of pain.

When I walked out I saw that Daisy was waiting for me with a big happy grin on her face, I walked with her out and to the ships that were to take us to Red Fountain.


I paced back and forth along the space on the second row of stadium bleachers waiting for my beautiful Flora to arrive so that I may bask in the sweet floral scent that always wafted up to greet my nose when we were near each other.

"Helia!" A female voice called to me from behind.
I turned and saw all of the other Winx girls accept for my dear Flora.

"Where is Flora?" I asked them.

They looked upset to hear that question. "We were hoping to see her with you she didn't show up for orientation." Bloom, the fiery red headed girl sighed.

I looked around hoping that my dear sweet flower was alright.


I looked around the large stadium and saw my group of friends and their boyfriends down a few sections in front of me. I saw a very handsome young man with long midnight hair that cascaded down his back in a hair tie, his deep blue eyes were searching the stadium; for me. I kept my gaze on him and sighed when he gave up looking extremely sad.

My heart clenched as his expression shifted and he attempted to distract himself I knew that it was my fault I was feeling this way and felt the urge to do more damage to my wrist but knew I'd get caught in such a public place such as this.

Daisy and her group of stuck up friends came over by me and began to pull on my clothes and ask why I made the cuts on my wrist.

"Enough!" I snapped at the getting up and walking away like the adult I needed to be.

The just sat with their mouths hanging open in awe as I walked away from them and their judgments.


I felt so bad for Helia, I knew how he felt, flora's my best friend and roommate. When I walked in to find the room empty and void of the tangling vines and plants that I was so accustomed to seeing. I just wished she was here. Riven and I were in another fight and I needed her comforting words. I kept staring off into space until I heard something shatter and looked up to see Timmy; the orange haired specialist my friend Tecna adored; had dropped his glass. I looked up at him and his face was covered in shock and disbelief.

"I'll go get something to clean up the glass with." I said before running off toward the concessions.