Shadowwolf:  I don't own Zoids or the Zoids characters.  I do own the plot.  These are the credits for the sad story thingy.  First of all, I'm sorry if I didn't include anyone, I really am.  I'm also sorry, Brad.  I hope things with you and Naomi are back to normal.

Brad:  *looking at Naomi* I told you it was a big misunderstanding.  Thanks Shadowwolf.

Naomi:  Sorry I got mad at you guys.

Shadowwolf:  That's okay.  Where are the others?

Bit, Leena, Leon, Doc & Jamie:  We're here!

Shadowwolf:  Great, now I can start.  Let the credits roll!!!


Naomi Hunter-For being an inspiration in every story I write, and reviewing a lot.  *cheers*

All reviewers-For reviewing!  I couldn't have done it without you! *cheers*

Dr.Layon-For creating that monster of a machine that killed Brad! *silence, cough*

Shadow Fox X-For killing Brad! *silence*

Naomi-For suffering without Brad in your life! *cheers, whistle from Brad*

Bit, Leena, Jaime, Doc, and Leon!-For moving the story along! *cheers*

The doctors-For trying to save Brad! *cheers*

Anyone I didn't put down-Sorry!  Hope you enjoyed, and thanks! *cheers*

And finally, Brad!-For dying, and making us cry.  Thanks for putting up with me hugging you after some chapters and being cute. ^_- *cheers* *death look from Naomi*


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~