Author's Note: As Stiles would say, Oh My God...last epilogue, last time I'll be uploading anything for this - feeling very weird about that right now! I woke up this morning and saw that this story has had 100,000 (and counting!) views since I uploaded it which has completly blown my tiny little mind! I love all of you so much for reading it and leaving comments, it's made it so worth while. Thank yous are at the end of the chapter.
And because I think I'm J. or some shit, here's the last epilogue - twenty years into the future. It's not a proper structured chapter, just little snippets of where everyone is up to. And yes, of course it's fluffy as hell! Hope you all enjoy this last chapter and thanks for being along for the ride with this! xx

P.S. I'll start posting the ficlets that go along with the epilogues over the next few weeks, so keep an eye out! PM me on here or hit me up on tumblr ( .com) if you want to ask me anything about them or request a particular one over another!

Epilogue the Third: (+20 years)

Stiles still feels smug on a regular basis when he can say to people that he's still with the guy he fell in love with in high school.

He's still drifting from job to job, getting bored with most things after a year or two, but as they don't really need the money, it doesn't seem to matter all that much; he's currently working at the local paper and thinks he might just stick this out.

He loves that Derek's grown a proper beard and isn't at all jealous that he can't seem to do the same.

His favourite days are lazy Sundays when the kids are still in bed, or even better, when they've been able to pack them off to Scott and Allison's for the day and it's just him and Derek in the house; they inevitably spend these mornings in bed, either curled around each other and talking quietly about nothing or having the lazy, easy sex that he knows Derek loves.

He's still slightly scared by how much he loves their children and still has wobbly moments every so often where he's convinced that he's too immature and irresponsible to be a father. Sometimes he'll catch Derek just staring happily at him, across the kitchen table or over Remy and Oliver's heads, with this look on his face like he still can't quite believe this is their life now.

He's got a tattoo on the inside of his left bicep of an anchor and likes to tell people who don't know about Derek's true nature that it's because he wanted to run away to be a sailor; only the pack know it's because that's what he is to Derek.

He's concerned that Oliver's starting to show signs of having ADHD, although Derek thinks he's worrying over nothing and reminds him that his 'favourite person in the entire world has ADHD' and it doesn't bother him; he still occasionally finds it weird when Derek is overly soppy and romantic, mostly because, well, he still looks like Derek.

He adores the way Derek calls Oliver "Ollie bug" and still gets down on the floor to play with him, blowing raspberries on his stomach and turning him upside whenever Oliver demands it.

He's slightly worried by Remy telling him that Callie is her "favourite grown up" and that she wants to be just like when she is a grown up; he privately hopes she doesn't turn out anything like Callie, who is one of the most terrifying teenagers he's ever met, and he went to school with Lydia Martin.

Sex with Derek is still awesome, despite any snide comments Erica makes about how he wouldn't really know, having never slept with anyone else; he's never had any desire to sleep with anyone other than Derek and just laughs off her comments.

He doesn't think he'll ever get tired of watching Derek playing with the kids.

He's still got a list, just in case.

. o o o .

Derek still has days where he's convinced he's either in a coma and imaging all this, or if not, died at some point and no one told him and he's in heaven. He's never voiced this particular concern to Stiles in case it makes everything go away.

He loves quiet week day mornings when Stiles has taken Remy to school and is off at work and it's just him and Oliver in the house together; he's not looking forward to when Oliver starts kindergarten and he can't have his son all to himself anymore.

He likes their new house, but still misses the old one, the first place he and Stiles shared together.

He finally agreed to have the house in the woods pulled down six years ago after Peter passed away and there was no one left to argue with him over his decision; the house was well beyond the point of repair and the remainder of the roof had already come down a few years earlier but he still couldn't bring himself to watch. The pack, his pack, had all done their best to help him get through the few days it took for the house to come down; Erica had taken Remy for the duration to give him and Stiles some privacy. Stiles had been mostly quiet, there when he needed his arms around him for comfort, or giving him space when he needed it without question.

He had an evasive and circuitous dispute last week with Remy about why they couldn't get a dog which culminated in her shouting "ugh, daddy, just admit it's because you're just a stupid werewolf and it would argue with you!" down the stairs at him; he pretended he couldn't hear Stiles laughing at him from the lounge.

They told Remy when she was six that he's a werewolf, when she started asking questions about Alfie and why he didn't go to kindergarten like she did; he thinks they'll probably wait until Oliver is a little older before they tell him.

He still doesn't really work; his family were always rich before the fire and life insurance policies for eleven people go a long way if you're careful.

He takes Remy for hikes in the woods, leaving Oliver at home with Stiles, and shows her all the places he used to play with Laura when he was little, the place where Joseph built a rope swing for them when he was Remy's age, the place where he once lived. Remy holds his hand and nods solemnly before asking for more stories about 'Auntie Laura'. He knows Laura would have loved Remy and Oliver, and would have undoubtedly spoilt them rotten and told them about all of the stupid things he did when he was a kid.

His favourite mornings are peaceful summer mornings when he can wake up and just watch Stiles, enjoying his unhurried transition from sleep to wakefulness and the slow, sleepy smile he gives him when he finally opens his eyes.

Beacon Hills has been quiet, properly quiet, with no rogue hunters or encroaching packs for five years now and is showing no signs of reverting to the way it used to be.

He loves the pack, even though they all still drive him mad; they're slightly unconventional, and he's pleased that his family name means there is generally no incursions on their territory as a result, as many of the more traditional packs would not approve of the way in which he manages his. With the exception of Boyd, they all live within a six block radius of each other, and Boyd's distance from the rest of the pack makes him no less involved. In fact, if you asked him, he'd tell you that Boyd's his second, and always has been.

He wishes Stiles would occasionally wear underwear that isn't covered in cartoon characters.

There's still lots of sketchbooks in the house and drawing his children is one of his favourite pastimes.

He's still got a list too, and he's still not telling Stiles who is on it.

. o o o .

Scott is still happily married to Allison.

They own a house two blocks away from Stiles and Derek and take advantage this on a regular basis as Derek is always happy to babysit; last time Derek watched Alfie, he came home and announced that he wanted to marry Remy. He immediately phoned Stiles to tell him this and gets a seriously dramatic eye roll and sigh from Allison; he doesn't care and figures that considering their plan for their parents to get married to each fell through, he and Stiles can at least settle for their children getting married.

He occasionally has times when he argues that Derek isn't really his alpha and that he could "totally be an alpha if he wanted to".

He wants more children, but Allison isn't keen; Stiles offers to let him borrow Remy and Oliver, although he's not sure if this was an attempt to change his mind or Allison's.

He studied animal sciences at Chico and works as a vet tech at a clinic in the town where Boyd lives. He argues with Isaac regularly about who has the more important job out of the two of them.

He and Stiles, along with Isaac and occasionally Boyd, meet up at least once a month for boys' night and go to the bar with a sneaky stash of herbs so Stiles isn't the only one getting drunk. They tend to get up to much stupider antics when Boyd's not there to be the voice of reason as Stiles still knows he can persuade them into ridiculous, and occasionally arrestable situations.

His mom comes round for dinner with them once a week and dotes on the boys; she also babysits on a regular basis so he and Allison can go out for date nights.

He hasn't seen his father since the day before his wedding and is quite happy with this arrangement.

. o o o .

Erica finally called things off for good with Boyd when Callie was ten and they broke off their second engagement; she's happy being single and still talks to Boyd on a regular basis, mostly about how their daughter has grown up to be an unholy terror.

She's been going to Chico State for the last two years, having decided she wants to be a social worker; her timetable is arranged so she can drive over two days a week as there was no way she was moving away from Beacon Hills.

She and Callie argue regularly over Callie refusing to attend pack meetings, whether Callie should be allowed to tell her current boyfriend that she's a werewolf, whether Callie should be allowed to have her tongue pierced; Erica is adamant she was never this bad when she was a teenager. Derek doesn't agree.

She's got a good group of friends from her classes at college and drives out to Chico to spend time with them on weekends when Callie is with Boyd. None of them know she's a werewolf.

Going out with Stiles and thinking up new ways to wind Derek up is one of her favourite pastimes, mostly because they both instantly revert to behaving like they're seventeen again and she can forget about having to deal with a bratty teenager when she gets home, or paying her bills or doing all the other grown up stuff she still can't stand.

. o o o .

Boyd moved to the next town over from Beacon Hills with his fiancée, Kelly, five years ago. They've had a son together, Anthony, and Kelly is in on the whole werewolf thing.

He meets up regularly with Derek to go to the bar and drink expensive whiskey that doesn't affect either of them.

He's working in aerospace engineering now, and despite having explained his job to the rest of the pack on several occasions, none of them really understand what he does.

Despite all the arguments he had with Erica in high school, he ended up attending the University of Washington instead of Columbia, which made things slightly easier when she had Callie and he needed to come back to Beacon Hills regularly.

He enjoys going out for drinks with Stiles, Scott and Isaac but privately thinks the three of them are still a little immature.

. o o o .

Isaac will probably never settle down properly.

He's had a series of semi-serious relationships since leaving college and has a daughter in San Francisco who he only gets to see a few times a year after he fell out with her mother; she's called Camden and thankfully isn't a werewolf, because that would have been too weird to explain.

He claims he's happy with this lifestyle, but admitted to Derek once in a moment of vulnerability that he hadn't shown in years that he's envious of Derek and Stiles' relationship and wishes that he had something like that.

He had an ill-advised week long fling with Lydia shortly after she and Jackson parted ways for good; they're something approaching friends now and neither one ever mentions the fact that they a) slept together and were b) caught in the act by Stiles and Scott.

Everyone is convinced that he's also slept with Allison's stepsister, Bethany, but Isaac's saying nothing on that subject.

He's suggested to Erica several times that they should get married if they're both still single when they're 40 but she's turned him down each time.

He moved into Stiles and Derek's old house when they moved to their new place a few years ago because it was easier than having to deal with realtors and landlords when he moved out of his apartment.

He went to Chico State with Scott and really enjoyed being out of Beacon Hills for four years; he qualified as a nurse and currently works at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital.

. o o o .

Allison went to Portland State for college and qualified as a teacher.

She works at Beacon Hills elementary now, partly so she can keep an eye on Alfie. She insisted on homeschooling him until he was seven and could control his shift.

She's been much happier since her father re-married and gave up hunting once and for all.

She visits with Lydia during school vacations, usually flying up to Montreal, as Lydia isn't keen on coming back to Beacon Hills these days.

She gets on well with her stepmother Marla and her stepsister Bethany, although she sometimes still misses the closeness she once had with Kate, before everything.

Even though she and her father haven't hunted for years, their name still commands respect from other hunters and they're part of the reason Beacon Hills is so quiet these days.

She loves that none of her colleagues at school know about the supernatural or her family's history, pleased that she has a place where she can just be 'normal'. She's been teaching Charlie archery for the last eight months and is thrilled that he's showing a real talent for it.

. o o o .

Jackson went to Cornell after graduating, and never really came back after to Beacon Hills after finishing his degree.

He lives just outside Ithaca now with Hannah, a girl he met in college.

He keeps in touch with Derek and Lydia and joined a small pack near Ithaca, eventually becoming their alpha some ten years ago. The previous alpha was some distant, many times removed relative of Derek's and was pleased that Jackson was there to take over when she passed away.

He's happy these days and he and Hannah are considering adopting a child at some point in the near future, because although they could have children naturally, he likes the idea of adopting, having finally made peace with his own history.

. o o o .

Lydia went away to Princeton for college, where she studied molecular biology and met Gabriel, her now husband.

They moved up to Montreal, where Gabriel is originally from two years ago as part of her 15 year plan, which involved weddings, locations for houses, postdoctoral research plans for both her and Gabriel and a schedule for when she intended to have a child.

They have one son, Etienne, named for Gabriel's father, and she's adamant that she will not be having any more children. Etienne is six now and speaks both French and English; he's grown bored of kindergarten already and keeps asking why they don't read grown up books there.

She still keeps in contact with Jackson and has been to Ithaca a few times to visit him; she's met Hannah and thinks she's "nice enough", although admitted to Allison in confidence that she thinks Hannah isn't really good enough for Jackson.

. o o o .

John is thrilled to be a grandfather and spends a lot of time with Remy and Oliver since he retired three years ago.

He likes to remind Stiles on a regular basis that his eight year old daughter is more mature than him, although he couldn't be prouder with the man Stiles has grown up to be.

He still goes to the bar with Derek every so often because Stiles still has no interest in college football; John isn't entirely sure that Derek does either, but they've been doing this for so long now that he doesn't question it.

Thankies and love! (for the epilogues and last chapter!)

KevinChris - Glad you like the epilogues - hope you liked this one too!

PrincezzShell101 - ^_^ thank you sweetie! You're awesome for sticking with this all the way along and leaving lovely reviews and I love you for it! xx

random-nasha - You're the awesomest ever! Hope you like this epilogue too, even though they're not being forever young! Much love! xx

guest (wish you'd left a name!) - Thank you for the lovely, lovely comment on the epilogues - a lot of those are inspired by myself, particularly the packing thing and the sock thing! Hope you like this last chapter C: xx

xxSterekfan6xx - Derek's a butthole, that's why he doesn't understand AT! ;) There'll be a ficlet to go with the not married prompt so I'm not giving anything away here :P Thank you for all your lovely reviews xx

xxSterekfan6xx (again!) - The "pillow fort" ficlet might be the first one I upload, not sure yet as I've got a few written already, but I like "pillow fort" a lot! xx

banhan - Thank you sweetie! C: xx

random-nasha (again!) - Glad you liked the format, I know not everyone (both on here and AO3) liked the way I didn't put it in chronological order! Little ficlets will be up soon C: xx

NCIS FTW - Not sure what you mean by separate? Do you mean in chronological order?

dominicson12 - Glad you like their daughter's name! :D Glad you liked the story and the epilogues & thanks for all the reviews C: xx

Name's Nick - Aww, thank you! Not much drama in the last two epilogues because goddamnit, I want Derek to be happy because apparently Jeff Davis isn't willing to let him be! Thanks for all the lovely reviews you left xx

Duli (guest) - I'm planning on writing more, that's for sure! Whether it's great or not is up to everyone who reads it! xx

Shemaya - Thank you C: xx

Muzic-iz-Life - Thank you lovely! I've written the short fic to go with the pillow fort "prompt", might upload that one first! I love the idea of Derek just quietly watching Stiles and their children and being happy! Thank you for all the lovely reviews C: xx

RandomJayJay - Sorry it was confusing! I probably should have explained it better in the intro! Stiles would totally be into finger painting I think! Thank you for all the lovely reviews you left C: xx

twinner29er - Neither can I! :C I'm posting this last chapter and watching the end of Pirate of the Caribbean 2 with the sad music and I'm nearly crying, goddamnit!

Lilac Alyssa Halliwell - What a sweet comment, thank you so much C: xx

Sterek-Lover-4ever - I'm sorry for diabeetusing you with my story! :D (not sorry!) thank you for all the awesomesauce reviews you left! xx

For anyone I've missed - Thank you all so, so, so much for the reviews - I love that you take the time to say nice things about my story and I hope you all like this last epilogue as much as everything else. All the love in the world, misfortune teller. xxxx