Okay, so this story was started before season 7 aired and so now I'm trying to tweak it to fit the actual storyline from the show. I am going to pick the trail up just after the Doctor throws his sonic to Amy so she can go get Rory in the cellar but my story will insert itself before the next occurrence in the show which is the Doctor reading the chapter titles and finding "Amelia's Final Farewell". Got it? Okay, good. Onwards.

After Amy left the doorway, sonic in hand, the Doctor and River heard a groan as Grayle started coming to. He eased himself up to sitting and took in his surroundings. When he saw River he shouted "You! What have you done? I thought you could help me you traitorous b***!" While yelling his hand fumbled under his jacket and pulled out a small caliber gun.

River let her training kick in and pulled her own gun, brought it up and fired before he had a chance to get a shot off. She could hear the word "no" resonating the air around her but it was too late. She had already pulled the trigger. A second later the smoke cleared and the whole miserable tableau was laid out in front of her.

Somehow Rory was the one lying in a crumpled heap on the floor, blood oozing from a chest wound. Amy had indeed found her husband in the cellar moments before the baby angels had pounced and brought him back upstairs. He had walked through the door at the worst moment possible with Amy trailing just a split second behind. Amy had dropped to her knees and was holding her husband's head as she attempted to put pressure on the patch of red blooming to encompass his entire chest. Grayle jumped up and scurried away as soon as he realized he had not been shot.

Amy couldn't believe her eyes. He couldn't die on her again. She didn't know how she could fix it this time. She did the only thing that came to her when she hit an impenetrable wall. She looked up at her Raggedy Man and begged. "Doctor, please help. What do I do?" only to find shock and disbelief staring back at her out of those ancient eyes. She retuned then to Rory and his condition. "Stay with me Rory. Don't leave me. I need you". She watched as Rory's eyes began to glass over and he whispered "I'll love you forever" with his last breath.

"No, Rory, no. Stay please, please" She started shaking uncontrollably, her body giving over to the emotional shock.

The Doctor, for one of the few times in his life, had been rendered speechless as the scene played out in front of him like some sort of horror movie. He stood frozen with his hands in his hair, grabbing on to the strands as if they were the last life-preserver on a capsized ship. Just as he began to regain some motor skills the final blow came down upon him like a hammer.

He had been watching Amy and Rory so intently he had not noticed the approach of the baby weeping angel that had followed the Ponds up from the cellar and who was lurking just outside the door. When the Doctor turned his head to look in shock at River as she turned to him with a mirror image on her face the angel saw its chance and reached out to touch Amy's back as she bent over her husband's lifeless body. By the time the Doctor turned back to his companion she was gone along with the lifeless body of her husband. In their place was a grinning cherub.

The Time Lord's brain immediately processed what had happened and the rage that overtook him at that moment was complete. He grabbed the nearest blunt object and strode over to the statue, never blinking once. With a feral growl and every last once of strength he had he smashed the rock down onto the cherub and watched with maniacal glee as it shattered into a million pieces and even that was not enough to quell the storm. He smashed those million pieces into smaller ones again and again until he was drenched in sweat and unable to stand straight.

Finally, he looked back at River and for the first time he saw fear lurking around the edges of her eyes. Fear of him.

"I'm not going to hurt you River" he panted out as he stumbled over to her. "I just don't understand what happened. Do you? Can you explain it to me because I can't seem to figure it all out?" He was adrift and looked at her with the most lost expression she had ever seen. He shook his head then as if to reset himself and she saw his eyes focus again, the mask had been reapplied.

"Right, I have to get you out of her clutches, can't just leave you here can I." He inspected her wrist again.

"I know, you have to break it. Let's just do it quickly please"

He looked at her with steel eyes and said "No, we break her wrist. Just keep watch for a minute, I'll be right back"

He returned a moment later with a hammer and a chisel. He proceeded to chip away at the statue's wrist until finally it broke off and River could pull her hand down. As she did the stone hand released its grip and fell to the floor.

"Let's go. We've got to get out of here now" They made it to the doorway of the room and walked over the pile of dust he had created towards the TARDIS. River ran ahead and opened the door for him.

Once inside the Doctor began the prep work for take-off. This would be a difficult one for the TARDIS having to maneuver through the temporal minefield that was New York City, 1938.

"Hold on River, this is going to be a tough one!" When he got no response he whirled around to find an empty control room. "River?" There was no response except for the whirring of the motor. She had used her vortex manipulator to chart her own course out of this disaster. In the space of five minutes he had gone from cocky savior to lonely old man.

He felt the TARDIS land hard after some of the scariest moments of flight he had ever attempted. The Doctor slowly pushed himself up from the floor to assess his new reality. Numbly he walked to the door and opened it vainly hoping his beloved ship had somehow been able to lock on to Amy and Rory so he could find them, correction, her, with Rory's body.

He was greeted with the most bucolic scene he thought he had ever come across. It was Central Park and he was fairly certain it was the same day as his picnic in the park with the Ponds. The last moments he got to spend with them. He had to take one last look at that happy time before succumbing to the horror and loss that had just unfolded before his eyes.

As he came up to a small rise just a little distance from their cozy threesome he noticed something was off. There was a middle-aged man in a black trench coat and an expandable folder file tucked under his arm. The odd thing about him was that he seemed to be waiting patiently for someone, the Doctor in fact.