Mousse has always been a master of weapons and hidden tactics, but no matter how hard he tries, he can never win his beloved Shampoo from Ranma Saotome. Things for Mousse seemed hopeless until Armageddon came to Furinkan. Soon, everything about Mousse will change…forever.

RANMA 1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan/Fuji TV/Kitty

MORTAL KOMBAT © Ed Boon & John Tobias/NetherRealm Studios

It was a typical day in Furinkan as anyone would see it. A bunch of onlookers managed to see another martial arts battle come to a predictable end. Ranma Saotome managed to once again defeat Mousse with no effort. The Chinese assassin can only hear Shampoo glomp onto Ranma playfully as Akane watches in rage before he fell unconscious from his wounds.

After recovering from battle, Mousse returns to the Cat Café later that night moping about his constant losing streak against Ranma.

"This is so unfair," Mousse cried to himself. "Shampoo is my one true love! How can that thief Ranma Saotome steal my Shampoo away from me like that?!"

Mousse contemplated about giving up on getting Shampoo and returning back to China, but his love for Shampoo was too strong to ignore. For now, Mousse decided to call it a night and try again tomorrow.

Back at the Tendo Dojo, Ranma and Akane were having their usual quarrel. Soun and Genma endured the arguement as Nabiki looked on, fed up as usual, while Kasumi continued her cooking.

"I can't believe you, Ranma!" Akane growled. "Shampoo was just practically all over you, and with me watching!"

"Me?! All I did was kick Mousse's butt again!" Ranma retorted. "I don't know why you're upset at the whole thing!"

"She was GRINDING on you like a kogal!" Akane roared back. "You are such a pervert!"

"Now, now, children," Soun said, trying to calm down Ranma and Akane. "I'm sure there's an explanation for all this. Why don't we set up a date to clear this matter up?"

"You cannot be serious!" Akane objected.

"As if!" Ranma agreed. "Like I would agree to that!"

"Then it's settled!" Genma stated. "Tomorrow, Ranma and Akane will go on a date!"

Ranma and Akane simply shrugged off in anger and left the table.

The next day, Mousse was wandering the streets of Furinkan trying to think of a way to defeat Ranma Saotome and claim Shampoo for his own. His glasses began to fog up and soon found himself out of Furinkan and Nerima Ward altogether.

"Wait a minute," Mousse said, readjusting his glasses. "This isn't Furinkan. Where am I?"

Mousse managed to wander into Shinjuku Ward by mistake. Mousse knew that his direction sense is better than Ryoga's, but his glasses got in the way which were the reason got him lost. As if Mousse hadn't had enough trouble, he's being followed.

"Who's there?!" he called out. "Is that you, Ranma?"

Mousse was suddenly shocked when four masked men dressed in red surrounded him, armed to the teeth, and thirsty for blood.

"Stranger, you'd be wise to surrender to the Red Dragon Clan," one of the masked warriors ordered.

"Red Dragons?" Mousse wondered. "I never heard of you before…"

Before Mousse could finish, one of the Red Dragons knocked him down with a swift punch. Mousse was looking up as the four Red Dragons began to attack him.

"Kill this pathetic weakling!" ordered one the Red Dragons.

As the Red Dragons proceeded to assault Mousse, every blow he takes reminded him on how Ranma does this to him every time. Suddenly without warning, a strange aura filled the air propelling the Red Dragons a few feet away.

"Sir, what was that?" one of the Red Dragons asked.

"I don't know," the commander replied, "but if we leave him alone, he'll grow too strong to control! Kill him!"

However, Mousse didn't look like a bumbling fool who has become Ranma's human punching bag. Mousse looked more like a man possessed. Even though his glasses are on, his eyes were filled with rage.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Mousse yells, as his weapons began to fly out of his clothes, surprising the Red Dragons. Before the commander began to attack, his three underlings were speared by chained kunai knives. Before he can react, Mousse unleashed smoke bombs to blind his path. With the Red Dragon commander blind, Mousse slashes him with a ninja claw.

"What…are you…?" groaned the Red Dragon commander in pain.

"The wrong man to mess with!" Mousse snarled as he whipped a thin but strong chain around the commander's throat. With a quick pull of the chain, the Red Dragon commander is dead, alongside his three subordinates. Mousse was laughing maniacally with rage and bloodlust looking over at the fallen Red Dragons.

"I don't know what's happening to me," Mousse growled, "but when I return to Furinkan, Ranma Saotome's blood will be on my hands!"

Mousse then headed off out of Shinjuku Ward before authorities can arrive. However, what Mousse didn't know is that his brutal murder of the Red Dragons was observed.

Back in Furinkan, Ranma and Akane were walking down the streets as usual, still having the discussion about the situation with Shampoo yesterday.

"Don't think this 'date' will resolve anything between us, Ranma," grumbled Akane.

"Like I give a damn about this, Akane!" Ranma added. "I want this to be over as much as you do!"

"Well, let's agree to do this so we can go on with both our lives!" Akane retorted.

Before Ranma and Akane can continue down the street, out comes Shampoo on her bicycle heading towards Ranma at full speed. She leaps off her bicycle and into Ranma, pinning him to the ground and in front of Akane.

"Nihao, Ranma!" Shampoo chimed. "You miss Shampoo so much? Shampoo miss you many times!"

Ranma tried to tell Shampoo off while trying to explain things to Akane, who is staring a hole into him. Then, suddenly, a familiar voice comes echoing out of nowhere.

"Ranma Saotome, your life has come to an end!"

Ranma, Akane and Shampoo look up to where the voice is, and they instantly recognize who it is.

"Is that…Mousse?" Akane wondered.

"What silly Mousse doing? He ruining Shampoo's date!" Shampoo pouted.

Mousse then leapt towards the three as they started to move out of the way.

"Well, looks like this day is already looking up," smiled Ranma. "I can use some stress relief."

"Soon you shall perish, Ranma Saotome!" Mousse said in a foreboding manner.

"I've heard it all before, duck boy!" Ranma laughed cockily. "So bring it on!"

Akane and Shampoo watch as Ranma and Mousse battle again, but Akane is concerned with how Mousse looked.

"Not that it's my business, and I don't give a damn," Akane said to Shampoo, "but does Mousse look a little more stranger than usual?"

"Shampoo always see Mousse like she always see Mousse," Shampoo replied, "and that he still stupid."

"Yeah, but I seem to notice some stains on his robes," Akane pointed out. "They're all reddish like he's been in a fight."

"Probably some food stains," Shampoo spoke. "Mousse very messy eater."

However, as the battle progressed, Ranma does some of his best moves on Mousse, but strangely enough, Mousse managed to block every move. And surprisingly, Mousse managed to knock Ranma down.

Shampoo and Akane were shocked to see Ranma on the losing end of his battle with Mousse.

"RANMA!" shouted Akane. "What's going on?!"

"AI-YAH!" shouted Shampoo. "What's wrong, Ranma?"

As Ranma slowly tried to get up, Mousse swiftly kicks him down. With Ranma down, Mousse slowly unravels his long chain, the same chain he used to kill the Red Dragon commander.

Shampoo, sensing that Mousse might actually win, thought she could trick Mousse like she always does, so Ranma would win instead.

"Mousse! Use this!" Shampoo called out, throwing a booby-trapped pole towards him. However, to Shampoo's surprise, Mousse diverted it towards Ranma so that it blew up in his face instead of Mousse.

"Ai-Yah! He knew! But how?!" Shampoo cried, shocked to see her plan backfire.

As Mousse closed in on a burned-up Ranma, Shampoo tries to distract Mousse the best way she knows how…with herself.

"Come now, Mousse," Shampoo said flirtatiously, trying to throw Mousse off-guard. "You know you love Shampoo, don't you?"

However, before Shampoo can try a sneak attack, Mousse grabbed her by the throat, trying to crush it. Shampoo was scared out of her mind as she looked into Mousse's eyes and saw he wasn't the same at all.

"Don't try to interfere!" Mousse barked. "Stay out of my way or you will die!"

Shampoo never saw Mousse this possessed about defeating Ranma. Before she can react, Mousse chokeslammed her into the ground, leaving a large Shampoo-shaped crater in the streets. With Shampoo temporarily stunned, Mousse pulls out a zhua, a large metal pole with a claw-like hand at the tip and repeatedly bashed Ranma with it, beating him to near unconsciousness.

"RANMA! GET UP, YOU JERK! GET UP!" cried Akane heavily, concerned for Ranma's life.

As Ranma laid on the sidewalk bleeding, Mousse prepares to move in for the kill.

"No…You mustn't…" Shampoo cried, still weakened from Mousse's attack. "Shampoo…never forgive Mousse…if he hurt…Ranma…"

"Like I want your forgiveness!" Mousse looked back. "You've caused nothing but distain and contempt! After I kill Ranma Saotome, I'll kill YOU next!"

Before Mousse could make good on his threat, a large group of ninjas surrounded Mousse, trying to survey the damage.

"What?" Mousse growled. "More Red Dragons? I thought I killed all of you!"

However, the ninjas were not Red Dragons. All the ninjas wore blue and black uniforms. One of the ninjas had a crystal scepter and fired it at Mousse, freezing him slowly, but completely. Akane was frozen with fear of all the carnage that Mousse caused to both Ranma and Shampoo.

"We have him, Sir," one of the ninjas reported. "He's ready to go."

"Excellent work," commented the ninja commander. "We'll take him back to the Lin Kuei Palace immediately."

With that said, all the Lin Kuei ninjas vanished with Mousse encased in ice. Akane, overcome with fear, ran to Ranma's side, crying herself on top of him.


Elsewhere in Shinjuku Ward, the Red Dragons' bodies were shipped to the coroner's office. When the news of the Red Dragons came on the air, it got the attention of one blond bombshell with a bad attitude.

"Jax, this is Sonya," she spoke on her communicator. "News of the Red Dragons have just aired. And it looks like they were taken out completely."

"Well, could it be the Black Dragons?" Jax questioned. "We all know their intense beef with each other."

"I don't think so," Sonya deduced. "The Black Dragons are complete sociopaths, but I don't think this is their style. It looks like a ninja done this."

"Last I heard, the Lin Kuei was still on our side," Jax added. "I'll try to contact Sub-Zero to see if there are any rogue ninja within the Lin Kuei. Why don't you head for Japan to gather information about this ninja?"

"That I'll do," replied Sonya, "and when I find him, I'll see what side he's on."

Signing off, Sonya prepared for a flight from Washington to Tokyo to begin her investigation into why the Red Dragons were even in Japan to begin with. Meanwhile, Mousse, who killed the Red Dragons, is in his home country of China, trapped in ice and locked inside the Lin Kuei Palace as hundreds of ninjas decide what to do with the possessed assassin.