This is another take on the song. Right after I posted this the bus ep was on Soap Network, and I couldn't help but wonder how sad it could have turned out.

It was three AM when you woke me up
And we jumped in the car and drove as far as we could go
Just to get away

The knock on her door and pulled her from her slumber and forced her from her warm safe bed. As her bare feet stumbled along the cold floor she muttered insults at whoever was knocking on her door this late.

"You better have a damn good reason-" Veronica swung the door open stopping when she saw who was standing under the ugly yellow light. "Logan? What's wrong?"

"Hey Ronnie." He smiled down at his girlfriend. He had left her apartment hours ago after what had been a long day in the court room. His trail over Felix's murder was coming to an end and his nerves were shot. "Sorry, I didn't even think about the time." He sighed running his hand through his hair. "I'll come back tomorrow."

"No, Logan." Veronica stopped him from leaving, reaching out for his hand. "What's going on?"

"I just-I need-" Logan didn't know how to put it, how to say it without making her think he was guilty. "I just need to get away."

"Get away?" Veronica asked, looking back inside the apartment, reading the clock. It was nearly three in the morning, where did he want to get away to?

"Yeah, I just, I need a break. I feel like I can't go anywhere without people looking at me like I'm guilty, like I did it."

"But you didn't do it." Veronica soothed, cupping his cheek. "Let me put some clothes on, and we can drive all the way up the PCH if you want."

"Thanks." Logan smiled down at her.

We talked about our lives
Until the sun came up
And now I'm thinking about
How I wish I could go back
Just for one more day
One more day with you

"Do you miss her?" Logan asked as he buried his feet in the sand.

Veronica pulled the sweatshirt tight around her, breathing in Logan's clean scent. She wasn't sure how to answer his question. Most of their talking wasn't serious, not this serious at least. "Yeah, a lot." She finally answered.

"She'd be 19 in a few hours." Logan told her.

Veronica laughed softly and leaned over into her boyfriend, feeling his arm warp around her shoulder, holding her to him. It made her feel safe. There were a lot of nights, when she remembered what happened, when she could smell gasoline, that she didn't feel safe. "She would have loved being 19. Her last year as a teenager. I can almost hear her telling me about it now."

"Where do you think she would have ended up?"

"I'm not sure, Vasser, maybe Cornell." Veronica sighed. "She never really put much thought into college, just that she wouldn't go where Celeste went or wanted her to go."

"What about you?" Logan asked. "Where will you end up?" talking about the future, their lives, that was a new level for them.

"Stanford." Veronica said without thought. "If I can get the Kane scholarship, and I get in. It's always been my dream, you know that."

"You won't have any problem getting in." Logan laughed.

"What about you, where will you end up?" She didn't like to talk about their future, because she knew there were a group of people that could so easily take it from him with a simple word of guilty. She didn't want to think about how that would change their futures.

"I don't really know yet. I guess I'm like Lilly that way. I never put a lot of thought into it." Logan sighed, looking up towards the night sky.

It was easy to talk about the many different direction their lives could take. How interesting it would be if they moved back east, if Logan became a doctor, or if Veronica went into the FBI. They chatted about all the different possibilities until the sun started to rise, turning the sky different sahdes of orange and pink.

Everytime I see your face
Everytime you look my way
It's like it all falls into place
Everything feels right
Ever since you walked away
You left my life in disarray
All I want is one more day
It's all I need is one more day with you

His life was truly falling apart that summer. His father was in jail, for murdering his girlfriend, and attempting to murder another girlfriend of his. He was on trial for a murder that he was almost certain he didn't commit, and he could feel himself losing it. The only thing that was holding him together was her, and his hate for the PCHers.

He hated going to summer school, it seemed like a waste of his time, time he could have spent sleeping, or surfing, or with Veronica. He looked forward to lunch everyday, knowing that she would be outside waiting for him with something to eat.

Everytime he saw her blue eyes everything seemed to make sense. All his worried washed away. He didn't think about Aaron, Felix, judges, lawyers, homework, when he saw her all he could think about was how happy he was.

"There are my gorgeous baby blues." Logan smiled pulling her to him and spinning her around.

"Fun morning in classes?" Veronica laughed when her feet settled back under her.

"But, but you certainly made my afternoon," Logan kissed her forehead. "And I'm sure if that's pizza boxes I see, you've made Dick's as well."

"Ronnie always makes my afternoon." Dick laughed making a B line to the table with the food.

Logan wasn't paying attention to those around him, he was focused on the blond in his arms. He pushed her hair back, tucking it behind her ear. "Have I told you how beautiful you are today?" it was easy to forget the rest of the world when he saw her.

"Are you feeling okay?" Veronica laughed reaching up to rest the back of her hand on his forehead. "You didn't bump your head when you were surfing this morning, did you?"

"No-" Logan started with a slight laugh. "I just want you to know how much you mean to me." He knew the serious stuff made her fidgety, she didn't like to get to serious. "You make me forget all the other stuff going on."

When the car broke down
We just kept walkin along
Til we hit this town
There was nothing there at all
But that was all okay
We spent all our money on stupid things
But if I looked back now, I'd probably give it all away
Just for one more day
One more day with you

The pier was the perfect place to celebrate, and the perfect place to escape the eyes of Neptune. Veronica could feel the tension in the air, she could see the changes on her boyfriends face. Just because he was found not guilty didn't mean he felt any less guilty, or that everyone else saw him as not being guilty.

"I've got $20 more, what else should we get?" Logan laughed as the strolled down the pier, looking at the different tent shops.

"Logan you started today with over $200, you can't spend anymore!" veronica told him sternly. They hadn't bought anything useful at all. It had been tee shirts, post cards, food, and other little items.

"I can, and I will." Logan stated looking down at her before pressing his lips to hers quickly. "If you're not carefully I'll pull out the credit card."

"Wow me with your limitless card." Veronica rolled her eyes.

"Here, this will be useful." He said pulling her towards a photo booth. "You can pin the pictures of us up in your room and stare at my handsome face every night."

Veronica laughed as he pulled her into his lap, and hugged the large bear he had won her tightly, feeling the fur on her cheek, and Logan's lips on the other. She couldn't help but smile brightly right before the flash.

"This might not be pointless, but everything else is." Veronica said looking down at the little hula girl he had bought. "What am I going to do with this? What are you doing to do with this?"

"Give it to Dick, I don't know. It doesn't really matter Veronica." Logan kissed her.

Everytime I see your face
Everytime you look my way
It's like it all falls into place
Everything feels right
But ever since you walked away
You left my life in disarray
All I want is one more day
It's all I need: one more day with you

When school started again and Logan did finally start showing up it was hard. It was hard to see Veronica so happy without him. It was hard to see her in class with his ex best friend. It was hard to think about how quickly he had been replaced.

He had avoided the first few days, hoping that it would make it easier, that sex with Kendall would distract him. But it didn't. It didn't make it hurt any less to see her walking hand in hand with Duncan when he did finally show up.

How he wished he could go back, take back all those things he had done that summer that had driven them apart. He wouldn't have lit the public pool on fire if he knew it would cause him to lose her. He wouldn't have gone out nights he wasn't with her looking for fights with the PCHers if it meant he could have kept her. He never would have listened to Dick and Lucky if he could still be holding her hand. God he missed her.

Now I'm sittin here, like we used to do
I think about my life and how now there's nothing I won't do
Just for one more day
One more day with you

It broke his heart to lose her, even more to think about his life without her now.

He sat next to the gravestone, feeling empty and lost.

Before, even though they weren't together, he still had this picture in his head, this picture of a perfect life with her. They would go to college together, study in the library, wear matching Halloween costumes, and spend holidays together. His picture even had her in a white dress someday. She would look stunning in all white, with her hair done up. No, he liked her hair down, curled and loose, so he could run his fingers through it.

But all those pictures, all his dreams, they were gone now. She was gone now.

"Why Lilly?" Logan whispered through his tears. "Why does everyone leave me?"

Everytime I see your face
Everytime you look my way
It's like it all falls into place
Everything feels right (Everything feels right)
Everytime I hear your name
Everytime I feel the same
It's like it all falls into place
Everything feels right

He stood on the side of the road, looking down in the rough water below him. The blue water quickly turned white as it hit the cliff side and the rocks below. There was no way anyone could have survived. He glanced over at the many pictures of his fellow classmates, the ones that had lost their lives so many months ago at this very spot. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that she was taken from him.

Logan could still remember the last time he had seen her. The way her eyes seemed to break as he spoke so rudely to Duncan. His words to her that day had been so fitting. He had told her that he would miss her, and he had done nothing but miss her since then, and he knew that he always would. His Veronica was gone. She laid somewhere in that blue white water that thrashed below.

The hot tears mixed with the salt that seemed to travel up from below and he could feel them roll down his face. His Nancy Drew, blond pixie, best friend, and love was gone. There wasn't anything in the world he wouldn't give to see her one more time, to say something different to her before she got on the bus. Hell he would even give everything to have been on that bus with her, so he could hold her while they fell into the water.

You walked away
Just one more day
It's all I need, just one more day with you