School was the last thing on Peter's mind, even as he sat drumming a pencil on his desktop in English. No, more important than school was the odd fight from the night before, Gwen (always), and his upcoming visit to Stark's tower. English hardly felt important after that list of concerns, but he did somehow manage to respond appropriately each time he was called on.

Those three primary concerns had been rotating through his consciousness all day. He was still kicking himself (figuratively, of course, that'd look awkward) for not taking the time to find out what was wrong with the man from the fight. At first he had pegged it down to drugs, or roid rage or something, but the more he thought about it, the more it bothered him. Even hyped up on some kind of performance drug shouldn't have made the guy that strong.

But there wasn't much he could do about it now.

Then of course there was this internship thing, which felt fishier than… well, it was fishy. He really should have asked more questions, but it had been late and he had been caught off guard. Shouldn't an internship that Connors recommended him for be for Oscorp? It seemed like he'd be obligated as an employee to keep prospective talent close to home, not recommend them to random scientists working for Tony Stark. Which, Peter did grant, he didn't know for sure, but working in that tower was certainly suspicious.

And that was all without mentioning his worry about getting too close to a known member of the Avengers. As a fledgling superhero (thinking that phrase made him feel funny) he looked up to them, sure, but they were big league, and he didn't really want to be on their radar. After all, the cops still wanted him arrested for ties to Captain Stacy's death, and the Bugle was painting him as a menace.

These were his primary swirl of thoughts; lather, rinse, repeat. Same thoughts, different time and phrasing.

And then Gwen.

She wasn't really on his mind in the same way the other two topics were. It was more of a "monkey-see, monkey-can't-get-her-out-of-thoughts" thing. Like now.

The Scarlet Letter was their topic du jour, and Miss Ritter was busy gathering input from her students, but Peter, having missed a week, was so far behind that he didn't really pay attention. Besides, Gwen was sitting directly in front of him, and that was distracting.

So distracting that he didn't hear Miss Ritter call out orders to turn to a neighbor and discuss a question, so he was startled when his classmates began moving and Gwen turned around in her seat to face him.

There was an awkward stare-down before she arched an eyebrow. "You haven't been reading, have you?" The 'have you' may have been tacked on as a question, but it said as a statement, and the look on her face brooked no arguments or contradictions.

Peter held his breath, glanced this way and that for some inspiration then let his breath out in a hiss with a shrug. "Ah, yeah, I haven't." Finally he mustered up the nerve to look at her, smiling awkwardly. "I…" He almost attempted the 'I've been busy' excuse, but caught her look again. Right, brook no arguments. Plus, she probably already knew.

Her expression was a complicated mixture of concern, irritation, and what Peter liked to think was a touch of amusement, but that might have just been him being hopeful. After a moment she heaved a sigh and leaned forward. "I know it's not my business anymore, but what do you plan on doing? After high school, for a living."

Peter winced and began scanning the room for a distraction. "I'll figure something out…" Considering all the things he had to worry about, he hadn't had much of a chance to think beyond the immediate. He had, however, put in some consideration into the topic. He had absolutely no clue what he was going to do. He didn't like thinking about it.

Gwen shook her head, frowning. "You've still got to focus on your grades, Peter. You're a teenager. I know why you thought you had to deal with…" She paused, seeming to struggle with a thought before continuing. "With him, but you don't have to do that anymore. There are people whose job is to take care of those things. Be a teenager, Peter." She sighed again a shrugged a bit dramatically. "Do your homework, Pete."

He groaned, hearing an echo of his aunt in the scolding (did no one understand that he knew it needed to get done?), and set his forehead against the laminate surface of his desk. He tried to remember anything he had heard about the book, but couldn't come up with anything before Gwen spoke up again.

"I can help, you know."

Peter kept his head firmly planted on the desk, but turned just until he could peer up at her with a single skeptical eye.

She caught the look and crossed her arms, looking flustered. "You need to catch up. I can help. I've tutored before." She shrugged and rolled her eyes dismissively. "It's not like I'm asking you to… I don't know." She paused and dropped her gaze to the notebook in which she was scribbling. "Unless, of course, you promised to never get any help of any kind."

Peter sat up, jaw set firmly. Finally he nodded slightly, a hint of a smirk edging into an otherwise carefully neutral expression. "Yeah… I guess that sounds… okay."

Gwen looked up a bit too quickly, looking a bit too happy. "After school, then?"

Her poorly concealed enthusiasm was distressing (she made it seem like they could just pick up where they left off, but that didn't seem like something they should do) and Peter blanched. "Uh, I- I actually have something… after school, already."

Gwen smiled and seemed to gain control of herself. She nodded briskly, "That's okay. Whenever's good. Before the test, of course." The bell interrupted and their classmates evacuated their seats, but she didn't miss a beat. "You'll be in trouble if you don't get your work done by then." Here she finally piled her things together and slid out of her seat. "Any classes you need help with, too. Not just English." She offered another smile as he vacated his seat in a much more reserved manner. "See you tomorrow."

Peter watched her leave, realized he had another class to go to, and left as well. He wasn't completely sure what to think, or how to feel. On one hand, he really did love her, and he hated the idea of never being able to talk to her, or hang out with her, etcetera, etcetera. On the other, he still felt that obnoxious sense of obligation to keep his promise and keep away from her for her safety.

It wasn't until the final bell was about to ring when he finally realized what a ridiculous concept that was. Stay away to keep her safe? If he had stayed away, she would have died when Connors had attacked (omission of guilt at causing Connors' rampage was voluntary in this case). He was the person best suited to keeping her safe. No one knew who he was – that was why he wore a mask, right?

Pleasantly reassured, Peter spent the remainder of the class cycling through the same thoughts as before: last fight, internship, Gwen (with the added bonus of renewed bubbly feelings). By the time the end of day announcements had finished echoing through the P.A. and the bell rang he was working on a drum solo against his desk with a pair of pencils. He rocketed out of his seat perhaps a touch too quickly and was almost to the door by the time the bell was done chiming, where he consciously slowed to a more moderate pace.

He wove between his classmates through the hall and headed for his locker, where he picked up his board and his unopened copy of The Scarlet Letter, then jogged out of the school. Off of school property, he hopped onto his skateboard and coasted down the sidewalk, weaving between pedestrians to the nearest subway entrance. Subways made him paranoid ever since his first trip to the Oscorp Tower, but it was the quickest way to the other end of town and Stark Tower.

Thinking about the two, as he stood near the doors to the train, he suddenly wondered why on earth Connors would have recommended him for an internship outside of the company he worked for, but he rationalized it as scientists knowing no loyalty but to science. Or something. Honestly, he couldn't rationalize it, but a solution wasn't forthcoming and the matter wasn't too pressing. He could always ask later.

By the time he emerged from the underground he had developed a nervous fidget. He slowed down a bit and walked the rest of the way, flexing his hands as he eyed the tower looming above. In some ways it was just like any one of the myriad constructions in the city, but there was something that made it more ominous. Maybe the fact that they had neglected to repair the four massive letters that had been destroyed in the alien invasion the year before lent to an uncomfortable reminder. He cast a quick glance towards the remaining thirty-foot A before stepping into the lobby.

It was empty. Of people, that is. There were the generic decorations that hinted at some kind of business, and even a receptionist's desk, but there were no people doing business and no one acting as receptionist. He was about to start searching when a voice emanated through an intercom.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Parker. Doctor Banner is waiting for you on the twenty-third floor."

Peter was glad there was no one around, because he felt himself jump reflexively, and he spun around just to double check that no one had materialized behind him. He just as quickly calmed himself down – well of course somewhere like Stark Tower, run by an elitist with a God-complex and too much free time, would have everything beyond up-to-date. Why bother with staff?

Unsure whether he was supposed to respond to the bodiless voice, Peter flailed about for a moment then gave up and headed for the elevator.

It was the fastest elevator he'd experienced, and when it stopped he was positive his feet almost left the ground.

Or he was just so anxious he was imagining things.

Why on earth was he so anxious?

Apparently the elevator had announced it's arrival, because as he stepped out Dr. Banner seemed to be finishing something as he shot glances over his shoulder. "Ah, Peter! Come on in!"

There was no hallway – the door opened directly onto an open-layout floor filled with what strongly resembled a set of high school chemistry tables. Counter after counter of them. Further back there seemed to be cubicles of some sort, and Peter couldn't help but think that it made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

He glanced back into the elevator nervously (what the hell was he so paranoid about?) before moving further into room, hand outstretched and a polite smile plastered on his face. "Doctor Banner…" He spotted Clint from the visit sitting at a further counter doing nothing but casually reading a newspaper. The man didn't look up, so Peter decided to reciprocate the lack of attention.

They shook before Banner leaned against the counter. "Nice to see you came, Peter. Last night was a bit short notice and inconvenient, but I'd like to take the chance to get to know you a little bit now. If you don't mind."

Peter nodded and followed suit, leaning against another counter. "I don't really know what you want to know…" He paused, remembered a thought from earlier, and tilted his head to the side. "Actually I was wondering something – why would the doc recommend me outside of Oscorp? I figured maybe he'd be better off with me there or something."

Banner seemed surprised by the question, but he smoothly passed over it. "That's a good point. I'm not sure, but he already had an intern, didn't he?"

Lips pursed, Peter nodded after a pause. "Yeah, he did."

"But you were working with him a little, as well. What did you guys work on?"

Peter stiffened and his thoughts raced, trying to think of some kind of answer without incriminating himself in the whole Lizard issue. There really wasn't a way not to, so he favored a vague answer. "Eh, he worked with cross-species genetics, and…" He paused, debating how vague was too vague and how much information was too much. "My dad… My dad used to work in the same sort of field, so we were looking into troubleshooting genetic rejection with some help from his old notes."

He frowned, wondering if that had been nonspecific enough. It felt pretty specific.

He didn't really have long to feel uncomfortable about it, though, as the elevator chimed through the room, announcing a new arrival. A flash of irritation overshadowed Banner's surprise before his expression was one wholly of surprise. Peter swiveled in his seat to stare at the gleaming steel doors just in time for them to slide open, and his stomach dropped (why on earth was he feeling so freaking paranoid?!) as none other than Tony Stark sauntered out, holding a small tumbler of something suspiciously alcoholic-looking.

"Ah, Brucey, is this the little budding genius of yours?"

As surprised as he was by the appearance of the man, Peter was more unnerved than anything, and he couldn't pin down exactly why. It wasn't helped by the intensely scrutinizing look that he was receiving. That in particular made him want to melt into his seat.

Banner didn't seem particularly pleased, either. "Tony, now's not a good time."

Stark waved the concern away with his glass as he leaned against a counter. "Nah, my tower, always a good time." His attention hadn't left Peter, but somehow his attention towards the teen was heightened. "Parker, right? I know what our beloved Doctor Banner researches, but what are you in for? Chemistry, biology, physics?"

Peter hesitated, trying not to squirm in his seat. "Uh, bio-chemistry, but it's all interesting…"

Stark nodded and finished off his beverage, before suddenly looking back and forth between Banner and Peter. "Oh, did I actually interrupt something? Please, ignore me and continue." At the continued silence he waved a hand. "Pretend I'm not here. Seriously."

With a sigh and a reluctant smile, Banner turned back to Peter. "Sorry. I expected him to leave us be, since he's usually such a busy man," he said (with sarcasm-laden emphasis). "So you and Doctor Connors were both emphasizing your studies on a molecular level, then?"

Peter sacrificed another second of sizing Stark up (oh god, he was staring and being a creeper) before shuffling his focus back to Banner. "Uh, yeah. Molecular engineering. I haven't actually had a lot of time lately to focus my studies, honestly, but the last thing we looked into was the decay rate of artificial or foreign RNA being introduced to an existing biological cell. If it decays before it can synchronize, it fails, and if it doesn't decay enough it can't attach correctly, so it fails, too."

Banner seemed genuinely interested, and it was encouraging enough that Peter felt ever so slightly more comfortable. "That was more the doc's research, though, the cross-species aspect. I personally like looking into existing genome modulation to prevent existing defects or modify and strengthen potentially positive sequences."

He probably would have continued if not for the sudden and hard-to-ignore alarm ringing through his head. He would have liked to think about why he had some kind of warning piercing through his skull, but before he could, he was moving reflexively to spin and catch something heavy and glass which seemed to be aimed at the back of his head.

With time momentarily paused, Peter vaguely recognized the crystal tumbler as the one Stark had been so recently using. Simultaneously (and probably far too late) he realized how completely abnormal his reaction had been, how unlikely the catch was, and he immediately let go of the glass, at which point time resumed a more normal pace.

The glass toppled to the ground, where it promptly shattered. Loudly.

Peter flinched, Banner seemed a bit surprised (though at what was unclear), Stark looked irritatingly smug, and no one moved.

Finally, Clint spoke up. "Yeah, that was subtle, Tony."

The anxiety from before increased, settling in Peter's stomach like a cold weight, and he suddenly recognized it. He had delivered himself right into a trap and had conveniently ignored every single instinct that had screamed at him to get away.

AN/ OMG, I am SO sorry this took so long ;_; I promise I'll try to be better, but finals are coming up so it may be another stretch.

I cannot express my gratitude for all of your wonderful reviews and your favs/follows. Thank you so much! I promise I won't let you down and abandon this!