Hello, LBD fans. I discovered this little fandom not long ago… now I just have Dary/Lizzy pouring out me. *HIDES* Don't be too harsh.

A Weak Moment

She watched him closely. He was talking to GiGi about something or other. He smiled and she couldn't help but wish he would smile more. Over the past few days she had seen a complete change in him. He was easy, kind and almost warm. He looked up and their eyes met. She instantly looked at something else but she could still feel his steel blue eyes on her. She nervously flicked her eyes back to his. He gave her a teasing smirk.


Good God! Who was this man and what had he done with William Darcy? Why was he being this way with her? Surely he still didn't have feelings for her. He would have to be some sort of masochist. She hadn't exactly been easy on him. She gave him an uncertain smile before finding some abstract painting to distract herself with on the wall. Apparently Caroline had noticed this little interchange because she immediately started talking to Darcy.

Lizzie took the welcome distraction to slip out of the room.

She walked out onto the large terrace. The view was spectacular from here. Here she could be alone with these confusing thoughts and feelings that she was having. She couldn't figure them out. One minute she hated him and the next she had intense images of him kissing every inch of her skin. It was infuriating.

"May I join you?" Darcy inquired softly.

She nodded, but did not dare make eye contact with him. "How did you sneak away from Caroline?" When he did not answer she continued. "Thanks for inviting me, Darcy. Everything has been so nice."

"You've enjoyed yourself then?"

"Yes," she replied.

There was silence for a moment and she wondered what he was thinking. "GiGi really enjoys having you here."

"And you?" She had asked the question before she could even stop herself.

He chuckled and her heart warmed curiously. "I do not oppose your presence."

This time she looked up at him. She had not realized he was standing so close to her. On top of it, he was smiling again and it was doing strange things to her brain.

"Do you always talk that way?" She finally replied.

"Of course, I am a robot after all."

Was Darcy making a joke? She felt her breath hitch in her throat. He was being so vulnerable with her. Maybe there was something in him that was still soft towards her. Despite her cruel words that day.

"Darcy," she started nervously. Was she really going to do this? Apologize to someone who she once had loathed with every fiber of her being? But over the past few days she had begun to feel something other than hatred for the man. He seemed to be having other thoughts as he began to close the gap between their lips. The oddest thing was that she wasn't fighting, in fact….

She wanted him to kiss her.

It was at that moment that someone cleared their throat.

"Darcy?" Bing interrupted.

Darcy gave a sigh of disappointment as he turned to his best friend who was watching them with a smirk.

"Did I interrupt something?"

Lizzie shook her head and took the opportunity to get as far away from the confusing man as possible. Once she was out of sight, she ran at full force and she didn't stop until she had locked the door behind her.

"What the hell was that?" She reprimanded herself as she sunk against the door with a resigned sigh.
